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Victorian mentoring for wayward girls

A painful sedative injection

Eleanor watched in fear as Dr Woods opened the silver case and removed the necessary parts of his syringe set. He took hold of the large glass barrel and united it with the waxed linen plunger before carefully selecting a long hollow needle which he screwed securely to the device. He then took a small brown bottle from the shelf and filled the syringe with liquid from it.

"Right then Miss Kelly, over my knee again. I'm going to give you an injection of Morphia into the muscle of your bottom. "

Eleanor stood rooted to the spot, wide eyed with terror. She fearfully shook her head, refusing to submit to the injection. As a child she had previously been held down by her mother whilst the doctor both bled and blistered her for various ailments and she was certain getting an injection wasn't going to feel any better. She remembered all too well how much all of those treatments had hurt. No, he could spank her if he wanted but there was no way he was going to stick that needle in her bottom!

Dr Woods however, wasn't taking no for an answer. Without batting an eyelid he had firmly taken hold of her wrist and before she even had time to draw breath, he had her back over his knee and pinned in position, ready to accept another spanking.

Eleanor bucked and howled whilst the doctor applied the paddle for the second time that day. It seemed she was destined to learn her lesson through her bottom which by now of course was already very sore and swollen.

Oh how she wished she hadn't taken the bottle of scent as she counted out the twelve swots the doctor had prescribed as treatment for her bad attitude and poor decision making.

"One; ouch! Two; ouch! Three; owwww...."

Every swot felt like fire igniting her poor abused flesh. Eventually, when the spanking was over and after some time sobbing against his chest and the completion of corner time, she reluctantly positioned herself over his lap and the doctor prepared to administer the injection.

With one hand resting on her chafed and freshly spanked bottom and the other firmly gripping the barrel of the syringe, the doctor placed his thumb through the ring of the plunger and steadied the needle against her skin.

Then, with a steady hand, he began to slowly apply pressure, watching as the needle formed an indentation as her skin recoiled against the metal invader, before it slowly broke through the protective membrane until it was deeply embedded into her muscle.

There was a renewal of sobbing from Eleanor as the needle bore into her flesh and she took several sharp intakes of breath whilst tears rolled down her cheeks. The plunger jammed inside the barrel momentarily and this caused more discomfort as the doctor had to use some considerable force on the syringe in order to administer it's contents.

All of a sudden, the fiery liquid, a blend of Morphia and Sherry, shot into her stinging, aching bottom with speed and then congregated in a painful burning collection deep within her muscle so that the doctor had to firmly kneed her flesh to help it disperse whilst she cried loudly and dramatically.

It wasn't long however, before Eleanor began to feel the effects of the medicine working and she was only slightly aware of the doctor carrying her over to an examination table. He placed her feet in raised stirrups so that her legs were wide open and he had easy access to all of her most feminine secrets....