An unexpected Encounter on a Bumpy road

The Bumpy Road - An Unexpected Encounter - Part 4

I must admit I was rather distracted while working Friday. Work on commissioning a solar system my company had recently installed had me busy enough, but thoughts about my chance encounter with Gina kept pulling at me, especially considering tomorrow’s 3 PM appointment. Yes, I had agreed, but it was under the spell of such a hot sexy woman and the promise of a likely very erotic encounter with her. I had to concentrate and keep busy with the work at hand, or fantasies would creep into my mind, and I would begin getting an erection. Tasks managed, and the workday done, I began a relaxing evening with a pizza delivery and a tall bourbon on ice. Relaxed, my thoughts turned again to tomorrow’s encounter with Gina, undressing her in my mind and fantasizing about what we might get up to. I couldn’t resist and went online to see if I could find a hot picture of a woman who looked like her. I found one that I thought was pretty close, This of course initiated the necessity of relieving my now hard cock and active imagination.

Saturday morning was the usual coffee and chores and before I knew it, it was time to clean up and go over to the remote cabin Gina and rented. I showered and washed thoroughly, as who knew where the afternoon might take us. Just to be safe, I administered a quick enema using a large bulb, and couldn’t avoid thinking of how much better it would be if Gina was administering it, working to will my erection to subside. So all cleaned up and ready to go, I jumped in my Jeep and headed out.

A half-hour later, after a sequence of dirt roads, I arrived at the cabin, 5 minutes early. Striding up on the porch to the door, I had barely opened the screen door when Gina opened the door to greet me. I tried to not look too surprised as Gina welcomed me dressed in tight vinyl pants with high heels and a red corset top that barely contained her buxom breasts. (like this: )

“On time Art, that’s a very good thing..,” she said turning and sashaying towards the middle of the room, her bottom looking quite delicious. She picked up a black paddle for the table and she went by it, “Any lateness from someone I hire is a pet peeve of mine, not tolerated, and there ARE consequences, one’s you might not like”, turning to catch my eye and slapping the paddle in her open palm, with a sly grin.

In an attempt to sound relaxed, humorous, and nonchalant, given my nerves and the unusual welcome, I asked, “So is this the standard writer’s outfit? Lovely…”

“It’s just part of the job. I have to submit some new packaging copy for the box, and It’s easier to get into the frame of mind by trying it on. I have 4 others to do. They also want cross-links to other products that might accessorize the outfit. I thought getting a male perspective might be helpful, and possibly inspiring for material I might use. By the way, this one comes with the paddle…!” She said adopting the most insouciant of poses, hand on one cocked hip with a pouty-lipped expression.

‘So Art, you ARE on the clock, I need a male reaction and comments…. Something less safely vanilla than, lovely, which I seriously doubt is actually what you were thinking. So let me help you, what do you want to do to the woman dressed like this? And what do you want her to do to you?”

At this point, I was a bit of a deer in the headlights, hers! Initially tongue-tied and frantically searching for a reply…, She picked up the paddle and slapped it against her thigh…. saying, “Come on Art, you have to lose the filter, It’s not like you are going to shock me.”

Walking towards me, closing the distance between us…, she got right in my face looking me straight in the eyes, unblinkingly, and said, “Ever been spanked art, or want to spank someone?” punctuating the question with a swift slap of the paddle to my ass!

“The outfit looks rather sexy Dom, and I might let the woman dressed this way explore my private desires… but…” she cut me off saying, “Ahh you are able of expression, that’s what I’m looking for and will need more of. Relax Art we can have fun during our work, it doesn’t have to hurt…(another quick smack to my ass.. her tongue licking her lips..) ..or at least not too much.” She giggled, backing away a little… “BUT? But what Art? Come on what were you going to say…?” A small pause ensued, and she insisted, “Art inhibitions need to go out the window for this work if you are up for it… and I thought I had noticed several indications when we met that you were, Up for IT ,,, that is. No?

“The outfit made me also want to spank that naughty woman’s vinyl-clad bottom.” Not being used to being free with my private thoughts, I sheepishly wondered If I had crossed a line admitting this.

“Mummm.. now were are beginning to maybe make some progress Art. You must roleplay a bit to create the ideas to generate good copy, after all these outfits are all about roleplay. So, I’m going to help get you into the spirit. I’ll give you a choice, over your knees, or I’ll bend over this table, and I want you to spank my naughty ass with this paddle (handing it in my direction and reach…) six swats! So which will it be..?

“Table.” I say taking hold of the paddle.

Gina, seductively laid the top of her body on the table exposing her waiting bottom, and looking back at me commented, “OK Art… not ready for the closeness of over your knees…?”

Getting into the spirit and looking for a bit of revenge over her last challenging comment, I raised the paddle and gave her ass a brisk swat, commenting. “Remembering something? Did your daddy put you over his knees? Or was it your lover after reading “50 Shade of Grey”?, and administered another swat to her buxom bottom.

“Maybe it was both, sometimes I get so very naughty. You are so gentle.” She giggled wiggling her butt and looking back at me.

Smack, SMACK, SMACK, three in a row administered progressively harder. I wasn’t going to be characterized as having no male toughness. I’m polite, but not a “pussy”.

“Oh Art, you are getting into the spirit of things, that’s so good.” She said getting up, sitting on the edge of the table, and giving a knowing look to the mounting bulge in my trousers.

“You gave me some good ideas and male perspective I can use in writing the copy for this outfit, but there is more work to be done, so I’m going to change into a new outfit, and you are going to pour us a couple of glasses of wine.”

Gina disappeared into a bedroom, and I uncorked the bottle of Pino Grigio on the table, still cold from the fridge.