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Views: 279 Created: 6 months ago Updated: 6 months ago

Quick & Dirty

The Suitcase

They had been looking forward to their summer vacation all year long. A week at the beach full of sun, relaxing, and pleasure seeking. There was just something about being in foreign country and staying in a hotel that turned up the frisky. They each packed a suitcase, and like usual she claimed the larger one. She said she had more outfits, more accessories, and this year she would pack all the naughty items they would need. He raised his eyebrows and smiled when she told him this. He liked it when she took the initiative in the bedroom. She had been planning this for months, and was confident in her secret packing list.

He carried their two suitcases out to the driveway and set them on the ground at the back of the taxi. While the driver got out to load the bags into the back, she checked her purse one more time to make sure she had both of their passports. He got into the backseat of the cab while she watched the driver put her suitcase into the trunk. Then she silently got the driver’s attention. She held one finger to her lips to signal silence, and handed him some folded cash. She pointed to the smaller suitcase and then to her own car parked in the driveway. The driver picked up the smaller suitcase and quietly put it into the woman’s car. She smiled, mouthed the words “thank you”, and then got into the taxi.

With the afternoon traffic it would be about an hour drive to the airport. The driver pulled the taxi out of the driveway and headed on their way. The two of them sitting in the backseat smiled at each other. She took his hand and squeezed it affectionately. The vacation had finally begun. They could feel the stress beginning to float away. For the next hour he would be happily imagining a wonderful week at the ocean, filled with eating & drinking, wandering along the seaside village shops, and romantic evenings turning into sexy nights. She was happily imagining a week of him wearing embarrassingly skimpy outfits, being stuck in humiliating situations, and him catering to her every request in order to avoid the next predicament she put in front of him. When they got to the airport she knew she would have to tell him about the suitcase being left behind, but for now it was still her little secret to enjoy. When they got to the airport she would very sternly explain that she would be making all the decisions for the week, she had planned for and packed in her suitcase everything he could possibly need, and that he was not to worry about a thing. There would be nothing he could do but obediently follow her instructions. This was going to be a very memorable vacation.


Hookajoe 5 months ago 1  
cdrpat 5 months ago 1