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The Caretaker- A Prompt Reply

A Prompt Reply

Part One

Tim finished up the dinner dishes and poured himself a coffee. Nothing like a good steak he thought. A rib-eye, mashed potatoes and fresh beans from the garden made for an easy dinner. He picked up the card he had received from Jenn earlier that day and took a seat on the couch.

He read through the letter a second time. He smiled when he read that Mrs. G thought his secret observation of Jenn being spanked was funny. What male wouldn't? Exactly he thought. He read with great interest Jenn telling of her embarrassment of being seen by him. And her excitement. She swooned? Like southern belles! Well, I do declare he thought.

Jenn and Mrs. G talked about him getting erections. Really? But then, would it be so surprising? No probably not.

Tim continued reading and pictured Jenn in the shower. Getting off. Now there is something else he would like to see. He thought of her bare ass, then her tightly trimmed bush. He had that fleeting glimpse as Mrs. G had pulled his pants down. And then she masturbated again, naked in bed. Tim imagined the scene finding he was becoming aroused.

Reading on, she wants to have a discussion regarding my behavior. I embarrassed her. I made her fell naughty. I made her swoon? A discussion taking place over her knee is in order? She is playing with you he thought with a smile. She knows damn well what this will do to me. It already is. Looking below his waist it came to mind, "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

Tim went to a drawer for paper and pen. I think Jenn needs an appropriate response. If she can get me hot and bothered I think I can do the same.

Let's see, how to begin?