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Views: 993 Created: 9 months ago Updated: 9 months ago

Embarrassing Max

What’s your fantasy?

Max had already been an exchange student for a couple of weeks. He was new to the city, London had been great, even as early autumn turned into a rainy and grey October. His new classmates were fun to hang out with, and he was very much looking forward to the party he had been invited for this Saturday.Max was 22, still young, considering that he had already finished a law degree at home.

Living in London was his first time on his own. He had grown up in vibrant Berlin, and had seen no reason to leave his parents house for his undergraduate law degree at Berlins Free University.His appearance was even a bit younger than 22. He did a lot of sports, mainly running, and like many runners was rather slim. He had not (yet) developed a lot of facial hair.

Most notably, he was still wearing a set of fixed orthodontic braces. Admittedly, he had started his orthodontic journey at 16, later than other kids, but his was a rather severe case. And after a relapse a few month ago, Max found himself fitted with a new set of fixed braces, just in time for his master in international law in London. He was very self conscious about his braces, tried hide his insecurities from his new classmates.

The party was at Lauren's place. The host had rented a small apartment in Islington. Lauren was a 29 year old American, and had worked for a few years as an attorney in big law firm in New York before deciding to go back to university for a master in international law. Lauren was 5’7” brown hair at shoulder length, brown eyes, a cyclist, well toned. She dressed casually, jeans and tight sporty tops, not a lot of jewellery other than a pair of diamond earrings and a vintage Rolex explorer on her wrist, which she had purchased from her first big law salary.

It had been a great party so far, a group of people were playing poker in one corner, and another group, among them Max and Lauren had gathered in the kitchen. Max had good fun, but when he smiled, he tried to hide his braces. Lauren had stocked her kitchen with gin & tonics and her favourite red wine. People enjoyed their drinks.

It was past midnight in the kitchen when, seemingly out of the blue, Paula, one Max and Lauren’s classmates asked the group: “What’s your hottest sexual fantasy?” There was a moment of awkward silence, but the alcohol helped, and after Paula and another guest had volunteered their rather ordinary fantasies of sex at a beach or a lonely mountain resort, it was Lauren’s turn.

She took a large sip from her glass of red wine, took a pause, maybe reconsidering, maybe gathering the courage. Then she said: “I have always been excited by medical exams. These can be hot, don’t you think? Just think about a rectal temperature or a gyn chair, particularly with a hot guy in it…” Lauren blushed. Paula grinned smirkingly, and just before the silence would have become awkward again, the group burst out in laughter.

Then Paula said: “Max, you are next. What’s your fantasy?"