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An Unrelated Incident

Chapter 38


After three months and three more non-punishment release days, Brandi seemed to accept and enjoy her new life. She ate all of her food and seemed to no longer notice the state of her diaper. I hadn't had to turn her limbs off or even pacify her for her potty mouth since the escape attempt. I firmly believe the first release day and the realization that I was solely in charge made all the difference.

Lana, on the other hand, still was very inquisitive. I caught her questioning Zoey about events and items. She seemed harmless enough with the safeguards I had in place but I remained aware of her still passive-aggressive actions. She played along but wasn't broken yet.

I caught Lana looking at and touching Brandi's diaper lock. After five hard whacks on her naked bottom, that put an end to her curiosity about how the diaper locks worked. I hated to make her cry but the good books says, spare the rod and spoil the child.

Then, there is my dearest Zoey. After three months with the twins, she was still ecstatic. She was the big sister to the two cutest baby girl twins. She couldn't wait until their hair was long enough to put in braids and pigtails like hers.

The household was in a good place, a toddler and two babies to take care of was a full-time job. Things were running smooth and I was living my best life, fulfilled as a mother to my darlings.

At the six-month mark, Zoey and I decided to let the twins also become toddlers. We started them on more solid food and they really seemed to enjoy being able to chew again. I fixed their dental guards to show the two front upper and lower teeth. They were so cute! I took a picture of all the babies and placed them over the living room couch.

I gave them high-fiber crackers to gum between meals for snacks. Both babies had put on a few pounds, rounding them out nicely. They still got a bottle for each meal but also a bowl of baby cereal with it. Between more solid food and the high fiber crackers, their bowel movements were larger and firmer. They were beyond caring by then. Babies use diapers and that's all there was to it.