An Unrelated Incident

Chapter 13


Mostly, I laid still and waited for them to come back. That was the only thing to do. So far, I had had no need for the diaper but if they didn't let me up to use the toilet, nature would eventually force my hand. That soda at lunch was not helping. Fizzy drinks went right through me.

I heard the doorknob turn and looked in that direction. Zoey and Trisha entered the room. I didn't consider it my room. It was my prison cell. Zoey took a seat at the desk and eagerly looked at Trisha. I was still trying to work out if she was part of this or had been turned into a zombie. Was that my fate? Our fate?

“Lana, I want to show you something. Watch Zoey,” said Trisha as she fiddled with her phone.

Zoey wobbled and caught herself with the arms of the chair. Trisha took a reflex hammer and tapped Zoey's knee. The woman had no reflex but I saw her walk in. Then Trisha swiped on her phone and repeated the reflex test with a normal response. I'm sure my eyes were wide.

“How can she fake no reflexes?” I thought to myself, unbelieving.

“Amazing, isn't it? She was in a wheelchair when we met. I fixed her. Second, you have the same technology in your body and I will show you I have control. Finally, you are a baby girl. My baby girl,” said Trisha.

Trisha was again on her phone when everything below my chest stopped moving, I'm sure Trisha saw it in my eyes. I couldn't move my legs. I could feel the cuffs on my ankles still but I couldn't wiggle my toes, no matter how hard I tried.”

“Baby, I turned off 80% of your body. You can move your hands but nothing else,” said Trisha, “Do you believe I have that control?”

I shook my head, confirming that I believed she could do what she said. I suspected she had more capabilities but that was enough to convince me that struggling now was not the fight I wanted to have right now. I would have to find out what she was doing and if it had vulnerabilities I could exploit.

“Yes, I do and who am I to you?” prodded Trisha, “I'm your mommy. That's right, baby girl. I'm your new mommy. Now, since you are a new baby, you came into this world with no skills or hair. Hold still for Zoey or I won't turn your body back on, OK, Sweety?”

Zoey approached me and tears formed in my eyes but I nodded my understanding. Tears formed in my eyes as Zoey shaved my blond locks into the towel and kissed my forehead. She emptied the hair into the bathroom trash and put her clippers away. I was bald!

“Now, get some rest, baby. Your insides are going to get a workout,” said Trisha as she made my body work again. It was the strangest feeling to be paralyzed. I could feel everything, possibly more so since I could not move.

My bladder was aching. Why did I drink so much soda? I feared that was the least of my worries as the cramps in my belly built. I could hear the growling. Unless I'm going to be sick, I never hear that sound. I prayed it would not happen.