Matt's Exam

The Beginning

Matt was an early 20 something guy, very tall, brunette hair,and athletic. He had accepted a volunteer research assistant position through his university, told after the fact he would be in a human sexuality lab, assuming he would be assisting with performing research… not the other way around. He was told to present to the facility at 7am on a Monday and told not to eat breakfast. Odd, he thought, but maybe the lab would provide breakfast for his first day. Oh was he wrong.

When he arrived to the facility, he walked in to find a waiting room with a young secretary at the desk. He walked up to it, “Um, I'm Matt, I'm supposed to be here for the research assistant position through the university job network.” He said, somewhat awkwardly.

“Oh perfect,” She smiled, “You can just take a seat and the medical assistant will be right out for you.”

Matt was confused by her response, “Medical assistant?” He asked.

“Yes, she'll be the one getting you ready for your exam.”

“So I have to take a test to work here?” He asked.

“Oh sir, I think you're severely mistaken. You won't be working here, you'll be receiving a preliminary physical examination to further qualify you to participate in our research.”

Matt just sat down, taking everything in and knowing that he needed this program to graduate. His professor in his human sexuality course had gotten him this opportunity and offered to bump his grade up to passing if he participated, so the way he saw it, he had no other choice.

After waiting a while, the medical assistant called his name. She introduced herself as Mallory. Once they got to the room, Matt answered a series of normal questions one would expect to answer at the doctor's office, however once Mallory got to the sexual history portion of her line of questioning, it was much more involved that Matt was used to. He was asked about his sexual preferences, down to his use of sex toys, favorite positions, his turn ons, the length to reach and usual length of orgasm, if he had ever orgasmed anally, and more. Matt was very embarrassed by the end of Mallory's questionnaire. Talking about that stuff in general was embarrassing to him, let alone with an attractive woman his age who was a virtual stranger to him.

After the line of questioning had concluded, Mallory stepped out to allow Matt to put a gown on. Due to his height however, his cock and balls were partially visible under the too short gown. He tried to hide it as best as he could when Mallory came back in. She got his height and weight, then took his vitals, “Your pulse and blood pressure are both elevated. Is that normal for you?" She asked.

“Not really, but truthfully, I'm nervous. After that line of questioning I'm also embarassed.” Matt said sheepishly, his hand staying firmly in place at his crotch, preventing his dick from being totally on display.

“It'll be alright.” Mallory said comfortingly, “Now then,” She said after a moment, “the last thing I'll need is your temperature. It is our policy to take it rectally for these kinds of exams,” She said while snapping on purple exam gloves, “so please turn with your bottom facing me and lean over the exam table."

Matt did not move, “Is that really necessary?” He asked while she began to lubricate the rectal thermometer and her finger.

“I'm afraid so, Matt, so come on, get up and turn around.” She said more firmly.

Matt reluctantly got up and assumed the position, tucking his dick and balls under his stomach to prevent them from hanging between his legs. Matt could feel the cold air of the exam room on his anus.

“Alright, just my finger first to lubricate you.” She said, setting one hand on his back and first teasing his asshole after gently pressing on it a few times, she applied more pressure, popping it into his rectum, sweeping her finger around.

Matt was mortified, standing there, totally exposed with Mallory's finger buried deep in his ass. He has always been curious about ass play, but had never asked any of his girlfriends about it for fear they'd think he was gay. This is not how Matt imagined the first time a woman having her finger in his ass would go. The sensation was uncomfortable and he felt stretched and very full. She quickly removed her finger and replaced it with the thermometer, “Now we'll just give that a moment.” The nurse remarked, removing her gloves.


bignate 2 years ago  
blckMskLvr 2 years ago  
nanio 2 years ago  
Gary1951 2 years ago  
biman2 2 years ago