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Part 4

Beth asked if she might be included in some future play dates. “Fine by me,” I responded. Jackie agreed and noted it was definitely her turn to be the recipient and suggested the two women think of a scene where they would get punished together. Beth clapped her hands together gleefully and almost squealed with delight. The next week was busy and I was preoccupied with work so somewhat surprised when I got a text from Jackie on Wednesday morning asking if I was available that evening. I had no other plans and asked what scene I should prepare. Jackie’s response was that I was a strict teacher and to expect two naughty school girls, that I had caught cheating on an essay, to visit my office. I texted back ‘Great idea. What time?’ Jackie’s answer was simply ‘7’.

I got home and found the implements I had been thinking about all day - a two-foot, hardwood ruler - not the flimsy junk of modern wooden rulers but a tough, almost unbreakable slat of maple. It was a perfect tool for an educator to use to warm the bottom of a misbehaving student. I set it on my desk along with a paddle that I made, meant to reflect the larger tools I saw principal’s actually use in my youth. While I had avoided ever being the recipient of such a monster, they were legendary among all grade school students. I had made this one myself - four inches wide and twenty inches long of half-inch oak. Maybe a bit thinner and lighter than some educator’s tools but quite effective nevertheless. I had bored a matrix of half-inch holes in the contact zone. There was always debate amongst users and recipients alike about whether holes added severity. I thought they just looked menacing.

The two women arrived on time and I was taken aback by the authenticity of their outfits. Each was wearing a white button-down shirt over a rather short plaid skirt. I was eager to see the panties underneath the skirts and whether they tended towards juvenile or veered into something more risqué. I led them back to my home office, “Ladies follow me.” When we arrived I motioned them to sit in the two chairs I had placed in front of my desk. I sat behind the desk and continued, “This is the last time you’ll be sitting comfortably for a while. I take the honor code very seriously and violating it has equally serious consequences.” I tapped the ruler and paddle on my desk. Beth was looking at me with a sly smile while Jackie warily eyed the implements that would soon be applied forcefully to her bottom. “Do you two have anything to say for yourselves before I administer your punishments?”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Jackie replied.

“Please don’t spank me, it won’t happen again,” Beth added.”

“I appreciate you’re sorry, particularly as you face corporal discipline but bad behavior, particularly cheating, requires me to act. Contrition about your deeds not is not sufficient to avoid your punishment.”

“Yes, sir,” Beth responded.

I stood and instructed them to rise, as well. “I want you to stand beside each other there,” I said pointing to a spot that would give a close-up vantage point to witness their compatriot’s spanking. For me at least, closely observing a spanking, both the visually and audible aspects, were almost as delicious as being immediately the directly giving or receiving. I turned a chair away from the desk and picked up the ruler. They stood expectantly as I sat in the chair and then beckoned Beth, “You’re first, young lady.” She approached my right side and I guided her over my lap. I flipped up her skirt to find “Hello, Kitty” panties that I brusquely pulled down to bare her wonderful round cheeks. I set to work with the ruler - no warm-up - and soon her bottom was glowing a red. As the heat grew, she began to grunt, wriggle and kick. I paused and allow us each to catch our breath, then prompted her to rise.

Her panties had been kicked free and she retrieved them and was about to step into them. “Leave those off, for now,” I instructed and crooked my finger at Beth. I tugged her Minnie Mouse panties down to expose another amazing bottom. Quickly her bottom resembled her friend’s in color and heat. I had them stand beside each other and Beth started to rub her seared bottom, “Hands on your head,” I ordered and moved behind and tucked the hems of their skirts into their waistbands so their cheeks would remain exposed during the next phase. I cleared away the chairs, picked up the paddle and instructed Jackie, “Stand with your toes against the desk, forearms on the desk top, elbows at the edge.” It was an intentional posture that pushed their bottom out with their cheeks quite taut. “If you stray from this position, that swat does not count,” I added. “Do you understand?”

Jacki replied, “Yes, sir.” I glanced at Beth who nodded, while eager to watch her friend’s bottom get paddled.

I tapped the oak tool against Jackie’s very sore bottom and gave her a solid swat. She moaned but remained in-place. Eight slowly paced strikes left her sit spots nicely bruised and then it was Beth’s turn. She vocalized more than Jackie and almost earned and extra swat when her hands left the desk top before she caught herself. The women were rubbing their very sore bottoms and I advised, “You can lower your skirts and pull-up your panties.”

“Nah,” Jackie replied. “I’m gonna let my ass cool a bit and even walk home ‘Miami style’.” I took that to mean sans panties.

Beth eyes the conspicuous bulge in my pants, “If a student gave her teacher a handjob, would that earn her a gold star or another spanking.” I shrugged as if to suggest, ‘Go ahead and let’s see how it pans-out.’


dr2strict 2 years ago  
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