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Views: 756 Created: 2022.04.13 Updated: 2022.04.13


The Bait

On Thursday, which was the day before my scheduled examination, I worked the 7 pm to 7 am shift. For the most part, my shift was relatively quiet so I was able to get some sleep. On my way home, I called Monica and told her that I was going to stop by a local lake and do a little bit of bass fishing. Monica did not object; but, reminded me about our appointment with Amy later today. Monica said that she wanted to leave for Amy’s house as soon as she got home from work, which is usually around 5 pm. In addition, she told me that Amy contacted the insurance company and there were a few “odds and ends” I needed to do before going for my exam. She didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask. She stated that she left me a note on the kitchen counter. Monica told me that it would be wise for me to get home around 3 o’clock since that would give plenty of time to get ready. She then terminated the call since she was running late for work.

After a successful morning of fishing, I stopped at the local diner and had a late lunch of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I got home a little after 3 o’clock and walked into our apartment. As Monica informed me earlier, there was a note on the counter; but, there was also a Fleet Enema box next to it. I picked up the note and began to read it. The note stated that I needed to give myself the Fleet Enema and to shave off all of my pubic hair. I picked up the phone and called Monica at work. I told her that I just read her note and questioned the need for the enema and the removal of my pubic hair. She immediately exploded and told me that she only was conveying to me what Amy told her the day before. Monica said, ‘If you don’t like it, than call the insurance carrier’s physician and make an appointment there. I’m sure that you will still have to shave your pubic hair and have an enema since Amy was only following their guidelines.” I hated to admit it; but, she was probably right.

After trying to neutralize Monica’s anger, I hung up the phone and picked up the Fleet Enema box and went into the bathroom. I got undressed and knelt on the floor in the classic knee-chest position. I took the enema out of the box, removed the protective cover and inserted the tip into my anus. I squeezed the bottle and felt the solution entering my rectum. A short time later, I began to cramp and felt the familiar burning sensation that is common when one uses a Fleet Enema. When I knew that I could no longer hold the solution, I got up and expelled the contents of my rectum into the toilet.

I stepped into the shower and picked up my can of shaving cream and spread its contents onto my pubic hair. I never ‘defoliated my forest’ before so I began to gingerly shave around my penis. The constant tugging on my penis and testicles to ensure that I removed all of my hair was becoming pleasurable. Additionally, the shaved areas became super sensitive from the water that was flowing from the shower head onto them. After about 20 minutes, I was clean shaven and sporting a massive erection.

While I was taking my shower, Monica must have got home. As I stepped out of the shower, the bathroom door opened and Monica entered the room. From her demeanor, I could tell that she was still mad about our earlier phone conversation. As I continued to dry myself, she bent down and picked up the spent Fleet Enema bottle, the protective cap and the box that was still on the bathroom floor. She inspected the bottle and said, “How long were you able to hold it?” I was now extremely mortified. Here was my girlfriend holding an enema bottle and questioning me about its usage while I still had an erection from shaving off my pubic hair. I quietly mumbled that I probably held the enema for five minutes before releasing it.

After discarding the three items in the trash can, she walked over to the closed toilet seat and sat down. She ordered me to bring my razor and to stand in front of her since she wanted to check my shaving skills. She manipulated my penis and testicles and determined that I did a good job. She told me to walk over to the bathroom sink and to bend over it while spreading my ass cheeks. She walked behind me and stated that I missed a few hairs around my anus. She took the razor and made a couple of strokes around my asshole. When she pronounced that she was done, the only thing I could think to say was thank you. Monica left the bathroom and I quickly got dressed.

The journey to Amy’s house seemed to take forever. Twice, I tried to start a conversation only to be met with deafening silence. As we pulled up to Amy’s house, there was a black Mercedes coupe sitting in the driveway. I thought that the car must have belonged to Amy and that she was doing better financially then I was originally led to believe. We got out of our car and walked up to the big oak front door. After ringing the door bell, I once again heard a door open and close just before the front door opened. As the door opened, I could see Amy was standing in the doorway. She was again dressed in a pair of scrubs and cordially invited us into the courtyard area. She ushered us towards the living room door of the main house and opened it. As we entered the living room, I saw two things that were quite different from our last visit. First, there were two vinyl straight back chairs sitting in front of and facing the sofa. These chairs looked like the same ones that were in the exam room last week. Second, and more importantly, there was a woman, who appeared to be in her mid fifties, sitting on the sofa wearing a white pull-over top and a black leather skirt with her legs crossed. She stood up and introduced herself as Stephanie.

As I shook her hand, I noticed that she had black hair, blue eyes and was very petite. Although she was twice my age, I found her to be sexually desirable. She had aura of sophistication about her. Because Monica was still mad at me, I did my best not to show my attraction towards Stephanie even though I was totally consumed by her beauty.

Amy broke my spell by telling Monica and Stephanie that she was going into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of wine that they could share while she conducting my exam. The two ladies sat down and I just stood there knowing I would soon be heading to Amy’s exam room. Amy came back into the living room and poured Monica and Stephanie each a glass of wine. As she put the bottle down on an end table, she turned to Monica and said, “Did you give Mike his enema before coming over?” Monica replied, “No. I was busy and could not leave work early. Besides, he always turns me down every time I offer to give him an enema. He says that it’s too embarrassing for him. I just don’t understand. Most guys would drop their drawers even at the hint of receiving an enema.”

My mind started to spin. Here was Monica discussing my phobia about her giving me an enema to two women including one whom I just met. Amy then directed the conversation to me by asking me if I had an enema before coming over. I meekly told her that I did. Amy then asked if I complied with her shaving instructions. Monica quickly volunteered that she checked my genitals and I did a decent job. Unfortunately, she also had to add that when she checked my anus, she found that I missed some hairs and she had to complete the job.

By now, I was totally humiliated. I looked over at Stephanie, who seemed to be fascinated by the conversation. I couldn’t believe that a goddess like her would find my examination prep to be so interesting. As I was trying to grasp what was happening, once again, Amy brought me back to reality by asking me if I was ready to go to her exam room. At this point, I would have gone anywhere just to escape my surroundings. Amy told Monica and Stephanie that they should make themselves at home and we, Amy and I, would be back shortly.

Amy opened the living room door and we walked out into the courtyard. Amy told me in an assuring tone that the exam should not take too long. She also said that there was no need for me to be nervous. Although I didn’t say anything, I was more uncomfortable about what just transpired in her living room rather then what was going to happen in the exam room. With a big smile on her face, Amy opened the door to the exam room and we strolled in.

A cursory look revealed that the room looked the same as last week except for a small cubicle in a corner which was created by the curtain dividers. Amy told me to go into the cubicle and to remove all my clothing, including any jewelry that I might be wearing. She said after I was undressed, I should just hand her my clothes and jewelry over the top of the cubicle since there was no place to put them except on the floor.

As I walked behind the curtain, I got the shock of my life! Sitting directly in front of me, on a vinyl chair, was an older naked man. If this was a trap, someone used the wrong bait!


wetandwild09 2 years ago  
Gary1951 2 years ago