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Views: 1742 Created: 2021.07.12 Updated: 2021.07.16

College Clinic

Knock Knock

Right at 8:30 the next morning, Ozzy knocked on Sophie's dorm room door and she opened it, ready to go in her nicest light blue jeans, her favorite black band tee, her Chuck Taylor's, and a small backpack filled with essentials for a potential road trip or outdoor adventure.

“Do you have your wallet?” Ozzy asked, knowing she'd be required to show her insurance and ID at the clinic.

“Sure do,” Sophie replied, wondering if she'd be responsible for the driving.

“That should be all you need then," Ozzy said, smiling and putting his arm around Sophie, leading her out the door and down the hallway.

Twenty minutes later, after Ozzy and Sophie had walked across campus, talking and joking as Sophie incessantly guessed what her surprise could be, they finally arrived at the campus clinic.

“Well, here we are," Ozzy said, as he pointed Sophie toward the clinic door.

“What are we doing here?” Sophie asked, her eyebrows shrinking together.

“Well. . . I know we've been talking about our first time, so I thought I'd make you an appointment to make sure we're prepared. I want it to be special," Ozzy confessed.

“Oh, Ozzy," Sophie sighed. “That's some surprise.”

Sophie thought it was sweet for Ozzy to think of her like this, but she was also anxious about the appointment and wished he had given her more forewarning to mentally prepare herself.

“So, are you ready?” Ozzy asked. “If everything goes well, maybe next weekend I can plan a nighttime surprise,” he remarked.

“Okay, I guess I should get it over with,” Sophie shrugged her shoulders and walked into the clinic door, holding it behind her for Ozzy to follow.

After checking in with the receptionist, Sophie and Ozzy sat next to each other in the waiting room, their legs swinging back and forth underneath the plastic chairs lined up against the wall. Sophie was sitting on her hands, as she tended to do when she was nervous, and Ozzy rested one of his hands gently on Sophie's thigh, showing his support.

“Sophie?” a nurse wearing blue scrubs called, and Sophie jumped, surprised to hear her name so fast.

“You're coming back with me, right?” Sophie asked Ozzy in a hushed voice, desperately hoping he would follow her.

“Of course,” Ozzy replied, secretly overjoyed at the prospect of seeing his girlfriend poked and prodded by the doctor, but trying to come across calm and collected.

Sophie and Ozzy both walked up to the nurse and followed her down the hallway into a little nook where there was a scale, a table and chair, and a countertop with some medical equipment.

“Have a seat, Sophie, and I'll get your vitals.”

The nurse started with the blood pressure cuff, motioning for Sophie to raise up her arm. She wrapped the cuff around Sophie's thin arm and inflated it, using her stethoscope to listen in the crook of Sophie's elbow.

“Alright,” the nurse said, “let's just pop this under your tongue,” as she took a thin metal thermometer off of its holder on the while, the spring-like cord stretching as it reached into Sophie's mouth. Sophie held the thermometer as the nurse grabbed a blood oxygen reader. “And this on your finger,” the nurse said, slipping the device on, and stepping back to wait for the two readings to finish.

After both readings were finished and recorded as normal, the nurse had Sophie stand up and step on the scale. She weighed 125 pounds and was 5'4" tall. Sophie carried most of her weight in her thighs and ass, which Ozzy enjoyed looking at as she stood with her back to him on the scale in her tight jeans.

As Sophie was calmly going through these preliminary checks, Ozzy wondered whether Sophie realized what was in store for her during this exam. She didn't know that he had mentioned her issues climaxing in the notes, and she was surely going to find out sooner rather than later.

“Alright, follow me into the exam room and I'll get you set up for the doctor,” the nurse said. The room had two chairs by the door, a giant countertop with a computer, sink, and medical supplies and in the middle of the room was a tan examination table with fresh white paper and blue folded square laying on top.

“Just undress and put on the vest, open to the front, and the drape over your legs,” the nurse said. “The doctor will be in shortly," and she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Sophie's calm demeanor dissipated as she realized what was about to occur, that she would have to be naked under a gown for this exam, and that the doctor was going to be in contact with her most intimate body parts. Even with the nerves, Sophie quietly accepted her fate and started to undress.

First, she removed her top and bra, revealing her soft, round breasts. Then, she untied her shoes and slipped off her jeans and panties, revealing her tightly trimmed pubic area and thick thighs.

As she perched on the exam table covered with the paper vest and paper drape, Ozzy felt his dick perk up instantly. Before he had time to think about how to make his erection go down or whether he even wanted to, there was a knock at the door.

“Sophie?" they heard a male voice speak. “It's Dr. Long,” the man spoke as he pushed open the door and revealed his young, bearded face, long white lab coat and stuck out his square, manly hand for a greeting.


WendellGardner777 3 years ago  
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