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Views: 537 Created: 2020.11.16 Updated: 2021.04.18

The Mule

The Mule - Chapter 7

The dream was so real. Tomas had her on the ground and was kicking her all over, including her head. He kept asking where the missing capsule of drugs was. “I didn't take it! Leave me alone!” she cried.

“Marissa, wake up!” Something was holding her down. She couldn't move. Opening her eyes, she saw Braxton kneeling on the bed, pinning her down by the wrist on her good hand and just past the makeshift cast on the other one. Realizing that the beating was just a dream and she was safe, she felt her body go limp. He released his hold on her. “You were thrashing around like the dickens. I was afraid you were going to do further harm to that wrist.”

“Oh, my god”, she said, half under her breath. “I'm sorry that I woke you.”

“That's not a problem. But what were you dreaming about?”

“I-I don't remember”, she lied. She was not about to try explaining the dream to him.

“It's not important right now. Go back to sleep.” He straightened the blankets that she had kicked off and pulled them back over her. “Do you want me to stay for a bit?”

“No, it's okay, I'll be fine.” She wasn't fine. It took her well over an hour to finally nod off.

In the morning, Braxton made coffee before he went to work. “It's probably best not to have any after 9:00”, he told Marissa. “Just in case Ryan gets you in for early afternoon. I talked to my neighbour, Gail. She's a nurse and off today. She's going to come over and help you shower and get dressed. I've written down her number, you can call her when you are ready.”

“I can't shower, not without a chair.”

“I know. Gail is bringing a shower chair over for you to use. Her husband needs one and they have an extra. Don't worry, she's going to wipe it down with a disinfecting solution. I will call you as soon as I hear from Ryan. Have you thought about the biopsy? Will you allow it to be done today?”

“I don't want Dr Maynard hassling you, so yes, I will.”

“I'd rather you do it because you want it, not to get Gideon off my back. But I will take it anyway. The important thing is that you get it done.”

Once Braxton had left for work, Marissa fell back asleep. When she woke up, she looked at the clock. Just after 10am. She called Brian. “I'm sorry I haven't been able to call sooner, I haven't had any alone time until now.” She told him about the previous evening's events and of needing surgery on her wrist. “I'm sorry, Brian”, she concluded. “I can't get out of it. I don't even know where I am if I wanted you to come get me!”

“Don't worry about the surgery. That is not your fault. Do you want me to come get you?”

“I don't know! I just want this to be over!”

“I know, June. And it will be. I am concerned about something slipping about us, though.”

“Brian, I would never...”

“I know, June. Not deliberately. But when people come out of anesthesia, they sometimes say things.”

“Surely other workers have had surgery?”

“Yes, and to my knowledge, there's never been a problem. But, to be honest, you worry me. I know you are only working for us because they threatened your family – and that you come from a large, close family. This goes no further, but it's my opinion that they should not have 'obtained' you. It's one reason why I've tried to keep an eye out for you and a big reason why I've allowed your new friendship. I just hope that the anesthesia drugs do not affect you that way.”

“Brian, even if they did, the doctors and nurses cannot talk to anyone about what patients say. It would violate HIPPA.”

“I know, June. I worry unnecessarily sometimes. You concentrate on getting better. Do not worry about going on trips. We can't send you anywhere anyway, not with a cast on your arm. It would arouse suspicion at the border.” People had been known to smuggle drugs inside casts. “If you need anything, you call me. Are you comfortable being with your friend?”

“Oh, yes. I just don't like to impose.”

“Do not worry about that. That is what friends are for. You let him or her take care of you. Just be careful what you say.”

“Of course I will, Brian.”

Braxton called a bit later to tell her the surgery was scheduled for 3:00pm. “Gideon is going to do the biopsy while you are under. Nothing to drink after 11:00, okay? I will be home soon. Has Gail come over yet?”

“No, I haven't called her. I went back to sleep after you left.”

“Call her now. I'll do some paperwork here at the office to let you have your privacy.”

Gail arrived a few minutes after Marissa called her. She helped her get out of her nightgown and with bathing. “Goodness, what happened to you?” she asked when she saw the bruising on her torso and back. “Did your boyfriend do this to you?”

“No”, Marissa replied. “Someone who thinks I took something from him.”

“Well, I hope they find him and prosecute him.” Marissa didn't tell her she hadn't called the police. That would only lead to questions she was not prepared to answer.

Braxton arrived home just as Gail was getting ready to leave. “Are you coming back here after they let you out of the hospital?” she asked Marissa.

“That is the plan”, Braxton replied for her.

“If you need more help, let me know.”

“We need to get going”, he said to Marissa after Gail had left. “I don't know if Ryan is planning on keeping you overnight, so take a bag just in case.”

“I don't want to stay overnight.”

“Nobody does, but sometimes it's necessary. I'll stay with you as long as I can. Do you need help getting some things together? Ryan said to be there by 1:00 so they can do some bloodwork before your procedures.”

They were on their way to the hospital when Marissa sighed.

“What's wrong?” Braxton asked.

“I don't know if I want to do the biopsy.”

“Why not?” Marissa didn't answer. “What are you afraid of, Marissa?” He asked in a soft voice. “The results?” She nodded. It wasn't a lie, she was afraid of the results. If the biopsy was negative, there went her ticket out of the Cartel. “Isn't it better to know? That way you can deal with it. According to Gideon, if it is cancer, it's a simple cure – removal of the kidney.” When she didn't say anything, he asked “Or would you refuse that?” He knew the answer to that, but he wanted to hear it from her.

“Refuse what?”

“To have it removed.” Once again, she was silent. “Why?” She turned her head to look out the side window. “Marissa, why would you refuse a life saving operation? Talk to me.”

“I'm not your patient!” she exclaimed, turning to face him.

“You've made a point of telling me that, over and over.”

“When will it sink in?”

“Can I not try to help you as a friend? Or, if you prefer, I can give you the names of some good therapists if you aren't comfortable talking to me, even as a friend.”

“I do not need a therapist.”

“I'm not so sure of that. What I am sure of is that you do need a friend.”

“I can't have a friend.”

“Why not?”

“It is discouraged.”

“By whom?”

“My boss.”

“It's none of your boss's business what you do on your off time, Marissa. Here we are. I'll let you off at the door and then I will go park the car. Wait for me.” He got her wheelchair out of the back seat and helped her into it.

“I need my crutch.”

“No, you do not. It will stay in the car until you are released. You do not need it in the hospital.”

“Yes, I will need it to do things like go to the bathroom.”

“The hospital has crutches. You are much less likely to take off if you don't have it.” Braxton pushed her into the waiting area and said he'd be back as soon as he parked the car.

Twenty minutes later, they were in the same day admissions unit. A personal care attendant helped Marissa get undressed and into a hospital gown. Once she was settled in bed, a nurse came in and took her vitals.

While she waited for her surgery time, Braxton chatted with her. He refused to leave, even though she said he could. He kept it light hearted – he didn't want to stress her out and risk her leaving. He was sure that she would leave if she really wanted to, even without that crutch.

After a while, Ryan Duncan came to her bed with consent forms for her to sign. He gave her a rundown on what he planned to do, and of the possible risks of the surgery. She was unable to sign the form as her dominant hand was immobile, so he had her mark an X with her other hand and Braxton signed as a witness.

After Ryan left to go get scrubbed, Braxton asked Marissa if she would go through with the biopsy. She sighed. “I know you are afraid of the results, but you need to do it. I will tell you right now, if you don't, Gideon Maynard will have you sent up to the psych ward after your surgery – and it's a locked ward. You will not be able to just walk away.” He almost felt guilty at the reaction that caused in her. She looked terrified. But, if it got her to consent, it was worth it. “You don't have to decide on treatment right away.”

“Dr Maynard will have me committed if I don't.”

“I will keep him off your back. You need time to recover from your broken wrist. Not too much time, because if your tumour is cancer, it can spread. But, at least a couple weeks or so – until your pain is gone or almost gone.”

“You will do that? Get him to leave me alone?”

“Yes. I promise.”

“Okay.” She figured that she'd be back home before then and if the biopsy results were not favourable, she could call Brian and tell him she needed to disappear – meaning new apartment, new identity and new phone numbers. She knew he would do it for her if she told him her friendship with Braxton was getting too close. She would never identify him to the Cartel, though. She did not want any harm to come to him.

When Dr Maynard stopped by, she signed the consent with an X, like she'd done with Ryan. Once again, Braxton witnessed it. After it was signed, he asked “Gideon, can I have a moment with you?”


“Marissa, you stay here. I am going to ask the nurses to keep an eye on you. If you get out of that bed, I will come down on you like you wouldn't believe.” Her mouth opened in astonishment and she looked like she was about to cry. His voice softened. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, just impress upon you that you cannot leave.”

Braxton and Gideon went to a private consultation room. “Is it your practice to accompany patients to the hospital?” the oncologist asked him when they had sat down.

“Marissa isn't my patient.”

“I referred her to you, remember?”

“Yes, but she refused my services. Said she doesn't want or need a therapist. I'm here as a friend.”


“Because she needs a friend. She's not from here and she doesn't have anyone here. Besides, I feel she does need therapy and not just for the issue of the tumour. There's something going on with her that she won't tell me. I am going to try and get it out of her and get her to see someone else for therapy. But first, she needs to deal with the broken arm.”

“How did she break it?”

“She was beat up. Which brings me to why I wanted to talk to you. Don't be surprised when you see her in the OR. There are bruises all over her torso and back. I just wanted you to know beforehand.”

“Who did this to her – and why?”

“I don't know. She won't tell me.”

“And they broke her wrist as well.”

“Yes, two bones, and a deep laceration on the underside, as well as one on her knee. Some incompetent boob she calls Mike stitched it up. Some of the stitches on her arm have come out, but that was partly her fault as she was using her hand to walk. Ryan is going to deal with that, too, while she's under. So please give her some space after this biopsy. She needs to heal from the beating.”

“I can give her some time, but not too long if it's cancer. It's too much of a risk that it could spread. If it's benign, it still has to come out as it will just keep growing – but she may not lose the kidney. She'd also have more leeway to schedule the operation for a better time.”

“Gideon, please go easy on her. Be gentle. If you are gruff, you may scare her away.”

“Were they gruff with her when she took off from the ER?”

“No, but she was scared of being found out. She almost bailed on me yesterday when the car was in motion at a fairly high speed. And she would have had I not locked the doors with my controls.”

“Braxton, it does sound like she could benefit from some therapy. I agree, though, she needs to get these issues taken care of first. At least she has agreed to the biopsy. We will then know what we are dealing with. How did you get her to do it?”

“I finally got her to admit to being June Rivers. Then, I told her that getting it would get you off my back. I guess she felt sorry for me.”

Gideon laughed. “It worked, which is the important thing. Let's go see if our friend is still here or if she's taken off.”

They were pleased to see that Marissa had not taken off. She was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Braxton could see that she had been crying. An IV had been placed in her right hand.

“I have to get upstairs, but I'll see you up there”, Gideon said to Braxton.

“Will they let me go up?”

“You can go to pre-op with her, I'll pop in to see how she's doing. There's a waiting room up there for family and friends while the patient is in the OR.”

“Okay, I will see you up there.”

Gideon left and a nurse came in with Marissa's bag. “Are you staying until she's out of surgery?” she asked Braxton.

“I am.”

“Here's her bag”, she said, handing it to him. “Her clothes are in there.”

“Why do you have it?”

“She tried to get dressed.”

“Oh, geez”, he said, running his hand over his face.

“We took them and the bag so she wouldn't try again. Dr Duncan also ordered a mild sedative.”

“I can imagine how fun that was getting it into her.”

“She wasn't happy about it, that's for sure.”

“I'm sorry she gave you a hard time. She's scared, that's why she's acting out.”

“I know”, the nurse said with compassion. “It looks like she's been through the wringer.”

Braxton pulled the chair in the bay over to where he could sit facing the bed. He sat down and gently slid his hand under hers, giving it a slight squeeze. She squeezed back and opened her eyes. “I'm sorry, Braxton”, she said tearfully. “I-I panicked.”

“It's okay, I know you are scared.” He put his free hand over her fingers. “But it will be over in a few hours. For now, anyways. Gideon has agreed to let you recover a bit and not hassle you about treating the tumour.”

“He has?”

“Yes, he knows you need some space. I told him about all the bruising.” Seeing the look on her face, he added “He was going to see it anyway, I just didn't want him to be shocked. He's not a bad person, Marissa. He cares, that's why he has been on my back so much. He's worried about you.”

“He can give me all the space he wants, but I am not having any more surgery.”

“You will need to, regardless of the biopsy results.”

“What do you mean?”

“If it's cancer, you have to have the kidney out.” She shook her head no. “Yes, you do. Would you rather have chemo? You can avoid that by letting them take the kidney out.”

“No, I won't have that either.”

Braxton sighed. “I'm not going to push you right now. You need to heal – both physically and mentally – from what happened.” He was referring to the beating. “But, even if the tumour is benign, it will have to come out – though Gideon says you might be able to keep your kidney.”

“Why would it have to come out?”

“Because it will continue to grow until it takes over your whole insides. Eventually, it would kill you.”

“Really?” Braxton could swear she looked happy about the prospect. He hoped he was wrong.

A couple orderlies came in to take her up to the surgical floor. Braxton walked beside the stretcher, holding the fingers on her good hand through the rails. When they got to the pre-op holding area, she said she had to go to the bathroom, so a nurse got a bedpan for her. They would not allow her to get up to go. Braxton left the room to give her privacy. She was grateful for that.

She was there longer than she thought she'd be. Eventually, Ryan came in and told her the surgery before her was taking longer than expected, but they were almost finished. Then they would have to clean the room before hers could begin.

Dr Maynard also came in to check on her. Finally, the anesthesiologist came to talk to her. He asked her some questions about her height, weight, if she'd had any trouble with anesthesia before etc. “They are just cleaning the room now”, he said. “It should only be a few more minutes.”

When he'd left, Braxton said to her “I'm going to go outside and call your father after they take you in.”

“What are you going to tell him?”

“That you are in surgery for your wrist. He doesn't know about your tumour. No sense worrying him until the biopsy results are in. He's worried enough as it is.”

“Please tell him I love them all.”

“Of course I will. Can I tell him you will call them soon?”

“I can't, Braxton. It's out of my control.” Braxton sighed. “I'm sorry!”

“Don't get worked up, Marissa. We'll talk about it another time.”

“I'm not worked up. I just want to sleep.”

“That's the sedative they gave you. Don't fight it.” Once again, he slid his fingers under hers and held her hand that way, being careful of the IV. “Today, the only thing you need to do is have your surgery. No worrying or fretting about anything, understand?”

“Okay”, she mumbled back. She was almost asleep.

Shortly after, Marissa was taken to surgery and Braxton went downstairs to call her father. He got a cup of tea from the cafe near the entrance and went to a bench outside to make the call. Gael Brennan was happy to hear from him, but the fact that Marissa said she couldn't talk to him was upsetting.

“Braxton, no matter what she's done or what she's involved in, we love her unconditionally and just want to talk to her.”

“I know you do, but I cannot force her. I do have an idea, though. Let's do this...”