Tony and Kim's Visit

The Main Act

Dr. J entered, apologizing for the delay. Washing her hands, she dried and turned, smiling. I believe you two are the youngest to take part in the couples option. It started out, oddly enough, Tony, thanks to you guys not wanting to come. Wives started coming, one asked if she could sit in and it took off.

Is that why Mom came with Dad? Kimmy looks surprised.

No, I don't believe that was it. I believe she was looking for a new provider at the time.

I thought Dad was better about that. He made a reference to preventive maintenance.

Kimmy chuckled. I haven't been as good as I should, but I had a guy! I think this is gonna make a BIG difference. At least for me..

Well, I hope so! As we have told you several times, if you feel uncomfortable with Kimmy here, you may ask her to leave.

Nodding, I understand.

Good! Ready?

Yes mam!

The room is set up with two tables. and the entry door is between them. The heads of the tables are at the entry door end of the room, and Tony is on the side of the left table, facing the center of the room and Kimmy who is on the right table.

I like to have my patients comfortable, so I encourage them to have some control. Would you like to stand or sit to start?


Sure! With our heights that won't be much of a problem.

Kim, feel free to jump in with any questions or comments.

They turn facing each other so Kim has a profile view.

She reaches and takes the otoscope, starting with the right ear. You had an exam about six months ago?

Switching sides, and waiting,

Yes mam. Dr. Jones at Children's Medical. Come to find out he was Kimmy's doc as well.

Small world! I didn't go to Dr. Jones but I went there. As do my kids, Dr. Jones.

I might add that my daughter isn't impressed, chuckling.

Checking the eyes, focus here, Tony.

Completing the eyes, she replaces the ophthalmoscope, she reaches for another light and checks his throat. Open wide...still inflamed. Kim, do you have sinus issues normally? breaking the tongue blade she makes it!

Sometimes. Right now I'm not sure if this is all strep or not.

She begins to massage his neck. Kimmy, you've heard of lymph nodes?

Yes mam. I know they're all over, but I can't remember why.

Tony, may I show her?

Uh, sure.

Come here, Kim

Feel right here. It's slightly swollen, from fighting the infection. Here's another..Feel the difference?

Kim grins. That's why I feel the neck, moving to the shoulders, here, and sticking her arms up, remembers and copies like his dad did yesterday. Was it just yesterday?

I told Tony and his dad yesterday that I had a young couple and I was examining her guy, I cant remember if they were married and I had him do that, (feeling under the armpit) and the wife gasped. I think she thought I was gonna give her man a breast exam.

Kim chuckled. Oh my....

You may drop your arms...

Taking out the stethoscope, she plugs in and places over his well toned left breast. Moving across, and down, lower, lower, almost brushing his waistband. Heart tones on front, lungs on the back. Stepping behind him, and placing. Deep in, and hold. Release, repeat. Repeating several more times before it picks up to not return.

Kim glances down and notices that Tony is showing some signs of what she might call "visible nervousness." This is really interesting.

Tony, close your eyes and stick your arms out.

Touching the index finger of his right hand, touch that to your nose.

He complies.


Now, ring finger, opposite hand.


Still keep the eyes closed. Palms up, please.

Tracing in his palm. What number?





Open your eyes, walk heel toe toward Kim.

He smiles, walking toward her and reaches her. Excellent!

What do you two think so far?

Reallly different, but a lot the same, Kim says..

Nods. We won't do some of these every year, but I get a great baseline this way.

Tony nods in agreement.

Face Kim and bend, please

Checking spine.Looks good!

As he is more and more acutely aware of his impending exam, he can't imagine how many more items she has to check off.

Pulling the extension, lie face up...

He sits on the side and swings up, acutely aware of what feels like Green Mount in his shorts.Lying on his back, he turns and smiles at Kim who is now watching with rapt attention.

Play sports?

Taking his right arm and bending, rotating. Kim, I'm checking range of motion. Ill check both arms and both legs.

I play church league. I didn't think I was good enough for school.

Switching to the left, well I can definitely tell you're in great shape. Everything has been excellent so far.

Kim smiles, as if to say I KNEW that!

Repeating the same maneuvers with the foot held in one hand as earlier,with the arms, she is satisfied and switches to the opposite leg,

Replacing, she goes to the head of he table, Kim, I'm going to check pulses. Carotid first,..I'll skip the radial, since we did that earlier, then moving to the femoral and the pedal.working her way down to the foot of the table. Any questions so far?

They both shake their heads, No.

Okay, Tony, I need a decision. Who would you like to observe? Ms. E or Matt?

Looking at Kim, Well, Ms. E has already seen me. She gave me that shot yesterday! So, I guess I'll pick her. Smiling at Kim, she nods in agreement.

Okay, we'll play it like yesterday. Just wait until we get back. Some docs have you strip and drape. I can't see the purpose when the drape just gets in the way.

He smiles shyly and nods, as Dr. J leaves to fetch Ms. E.

Kim, if you need a shot, Ms. E is soooo good!

She gulped, not having thought of that possibility, but smiling inwardly.

Nervous Tony?

Just a bit. I've been handled, rolled and had to cough. But this prostate check... shaking his head. They say it's not bad but wow,.. it LOOKS horrible.

She takes his hand, squeezing, just as there is a knock at the door.

Both heads turn as the door opens and Mrs. E smiles and Dr. J goes to glove.

Kim and Tony both watch as a tube of lube is produced and placed on the tray stand by the box of gloves which Tony had noticed earlier. A small piece of cardboard along with a bottle that looked like eye drops was placed by it. Kim turned as she heard the SNAP of a glove.

Dr. J took a stool and scooted it close.

Okay, Tony, let's get the same way as we were so Kim has a profile view.

They resumed their positions.

Now I'm not picky about how you handle your shorts. Just remember that before the end of this session you WILL hafta turn . Most guys will drop them all the way. Some will actually step out.

Nodding, Tony takes the hint and slowly lowers them. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband, they slide down gradually revealing a natural bush and a semi-erect penis, circumcised.

He feels the cloth hit his bare feet, and remembering his dad yesterday, as well as his earlier checks, he spread his feet slightly.

Okay, Kim.

I'm doing a visual check, it looks normal in all respects. Some have a slight curve, but Tony's doesn't. No growths or lesions. Nodding. Next, I'll take it and squeeze.

Nodding, looks excellent.

Now, I'm going to do a cancer screening. Tony, I bet Dr. Jones didn't tell you about self exam did he?

No mam.....

Kim chimes in, he didn't even mention it to me!

I'll pass a packet to you on the way out. What we're checking for today is lumps in the testicles. You're at the highest risk for testicular cancer now.

Rolling the right between her thumb and forefinger. She switches to the opposite side, and announces everything is good!

Now, I'm going to check for a hernia. Tony tells Kim this is what we heard earlier.

I place my fingers in the groin over the inguinal canal, the part that carries his spermatic cord. In us girls, it's part of the uterus. placing her fingers, she nods and Tony coughs, waits a second and coughs again. Feeling her reposition, he repeats, coughing twice.

Okay, Tony. Looking at him. There's three options, none of which is 'Skip it doc!' We can have you bend over the table, grab your knees like you're playing shortstop or grab your ankles...Trying to remember what dad did, he's drawing a blank.

Thinking the table will rob Kim of the profile, he says he'll grab his knees. He's heard this at least once from other guys. Grabbing his knees, he can feel Dr. J approaching and feel the cold latex of the glove on his cheek. Okay, Tony. Deeeeep breath and I'm going to slide in. You'll feel it twist and turn, advancing. I'm going to stop and I need you to bear down and relax, then I'll advance a little more before I get to the gland.


He nods silently, inhaling and feeling the c c c cold sliiiide in. Kim gasps at the sight, and Tony feels her finger, as she said, twist and turn.

It stops and he bears down, like he's passing a bowel movement. Then he relaxes and it ever so slowly advances until he feels something like he never felt.

Ever so briefly a massage and then it retreats.

Excellent! You were great, Tony!

You may clean yourself up passing him some tissues, toeing the waste can over.

The final thing we do, Kim is to run a stool sample from my glove for what we call occult or hidden blood. It should, of course, be negative. As it is!

You can pull your shorts up, Tony.

He does so, adjusting himself, blushing slightly.

Kim, it is strep, so either Ms. E or Matt needs to give you a shot. Tony, you're still inflamed, but you're on the oral. I'll throw in another one if you're agreeable. And we're NOT giving you anything related to the Cillins Kim.They both nod. Kim looks over and sees Mrs. E building a syringe, and shudders slightly. Swiping the top of the vial, the needle slides in and draws up the liquid.

Well she's here and already drawing it up, so Mrs. E! Uh, how do you want me? i'm assuming it's going..

Either lie or bend...either way we can get to the target, smiling.

Okay,... bending over the table facing Tony, grinning nervously.

I'll take another one, Dr. J. Tony announces.

Okay, would you like Matt or Mrs. E?

Hmmmmmm I've never ever had a guy nurse. Would you mind if I ask for Matt Mrs. E?

He watches as she swipes Kim's right hip and inserts the needle, pressing the plunger.Kim silently gasped but otherwise was silent. Not at all, Tony!

Dr. J went and clicked the intercom giving the order, and Matt appeared shortly, much to his disappointment after Kim had her slacks repositioned.

Tony? Need to give you this Penicillin. Lie or bend?

Tony faces Kim, bending and smiles.

The cold swipe on his left cheek is quickly followed by the unmistakable and expected jab and flow. Then, it's over, and Tony is pulling up his briefs for the final time here today.

The three leave the young couple to themselves.


tommyqwerty 4 years ago