Tony and Kim's Visit

Making the Call

Searching in the directory.. Got it! 901...

Hey! Kimmy!

She glances up pausing

It's entirely your call... This joint exam thing.

Smiling.. Gotcha! Keying in the last digit and waiting.

Ringing...Three four five. Voice mail.

She laid the phone down sat and snuggled in , chatting until the phone rang

Kim answered and heard a cheery hey kim! Laura from St Pat! I was driving and didn't recognize the number in my ear Feeling better?

Yes mam. That's why i called.

Good! Want to cone in and get something?

Yes mam. Tony wants to come...and could he get his...exam when...we come?

Yes... I believe we can. He obviously told you we have couples services available.

Yes mam. He did.

You're comfortable with the idea?

Oh yes mam. In fact when he told me i was gonna suggest, then he did.


Might he be nearby?

Oh yes mam!

Great. You're on your cell?

Yes mam.

Can you put it on speaker for me please?

Tony...hitting the button..

We're here.

Great! Hey Tony!

Hey Ms. E

I understand Kim needs to come in tomorrow and you would like to get your exam?

Yes mam.

You saw how thorough we are.. Are you comfortable with that?

Yes mam.

It's gonna unfold pretty much like earlier.

Kim..are you gonna be comfortable in a bra and then getting a shot?

Yes mam.

Okay. I'll try to tack you two on at the end.

Any problems we'll text I'll SEE you both..tomorrow. Chuckling.

They both laughed thanked her and disconnected.

So....i'll be in bra and slacks...


And I'll start out in my shorts. Then....

Kim smiles broadly... I've always wondered why my brothers hate to go. Now I'll see.

I'm having trouble with one of the trig problems...


JAWs67 4 years ago