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Views: 829 Created: 2015.01.27 Updated: 2015.01.27

The Visit

Part 6

Devin placed his hands against the sides of her ribcage, thumbs on her back. "Take some more deep breaths for me," he ordered. He felt the movement of her ribcage as she breathed, checking that the movement was equal on both sides. Though she was still uncomfortable with the idea that he could be staring at her butt, she noted that having his hands on her sides like that felt quite nice. "Okay, that's good," he said. "Just breathe normally now." He ran his fingers down her spine, checking the alignment as he visually inspected her skin at the same time. When he reached her tailbone and then felt her hips, she felt her face heat up as her pulse quickened. She bit her lip and squirmed as he seemed to linger here. "Relax," he commanded. Her eyes widened and she squeaked as he then spread her buttocks apart, checking every fold of her skin. "Relax, Carrie," he repeated. "Just please tell me you're almost done," she pleaded. "We're done with your backside," he said, lightly rubbing the small of her back. "Go ahead and lie on your back for me." She obeyed, trying unsuccessfully to cover both her breasts and her pelvic region as she did so. "Carrie, stop," Devin chided as he gently took her arms and placed them at her sides. "You don't have any reason to hide from me." She knew he was right. After all, he was a doctor -- a professional. And for that matter, if their relationship was going to progress, she would have to get comfortable with him seeing her at some point. She took another deep breath and blew it out through pursed lips, willing herself to relax. "That's it," he told her. "Just breathe. You're okay." She smiled at him. She did love when he talked to her that way. He smiled back and patted her hand, then took the stethoscope from around his neck and placed it back into his ears. "Just breathe normally," he told her. "I'm going to listen to your heart." Goosebumps formed on her skin when he pressed the cold metal onto her sensitive, sunburned chest. She thought she sensed a slight glimmer of enjoyment in his eye upon seeing her skin react this way. But to her surprise, she didn't think she minded. She stared up at the ceiling as he listened to several points around her heart, making a conscious effort to just relax and enjoy his caring attention. He moved the stethoscope down and continued to listen to her abdomen. She closed her eyes, trying to forget how naked and exposed she was, and focused on the sensation of his touch. Finally finished with his auscultation, he hung the stethoscope back around his neck. "Okay, Carrie, I'm going to feel your belly now." A strange but pleasant electric sensation coursed through her body as he pressed his hand into her abdomen, massaging and kneading her flesh. She had never felt anything like it. The more she gave in to him, the more new and interesting things she started to feel. "Is your stomach still bothering you?" he asked. "A little bit, not as much as it was," she replied. He pressed down directly over her stomach, causing her to moan slightly. He gave her a look that said he wasn't amused with her trying to downplay her symptoms, but then squeezed her hand compassionately. "Headache?" he asked. She nodded. "Okay," he said. "I'm fairly sure this is sun poisoning. I need to get your temperature." He reached into his bag. She started to sit up, but he gently pushed her back down by the shoulder. "Turn on your side," he said. "Oh my God, Devin, really?" she moaned. "You do know how old I am, right?" "Hey," he admonished. "Who's the doctor here?" She rolled her eyes. "We need an accurate core body temperature," he said. "Now come on, you've done this before and you know it's not that bad."