Views: 564 Created: 2016.03.07 Updated: 2016.03.07

Captured and wearing a diaper

Chapter 8

Oh My gosh, Oh My Gosh! Some one had just touched me 'down there'! I had been molested!!! Ok, it was due to the fact that I didn't obey my captor. But that didn't give him the right to put on a diaper on me. Wait, a diaper. You Freyja chose to buy and wear diapers. You chose to be the diaper lover. But I didn't chose to be bound and gagged and blindfolded...

As I ran these thoughts through my head, I heard his rhythmic breathing. Yeah, well at least he didn't plug my ears. But why can't I see your full face? Yeah you don't want me see your face in case I can tell the police. But tell them what? That you touched my pussy without my permission? That you diapered me? Well that's because I chose to wear them. What a story the police would hear....At least he doesn't snore, I thought. but some minute comfort while I'm bound, gagged and blindfolded. And...oh wait, what's that feeling? Oh gosh, I'm getting aroused thinking about all this. Darn....

With him next to me, my sleep was even more uncomfortable than the night before, so much that I had to be shaken to be waken up next morning. "Up and early today," he announced, as the soaked cleave gag was removed. Being a gentleman for the moment, he gave me a small drink.

I was about to say something when he lowered my PJ bottoms. "Aw, not so wet eh?" Again I turned red in the face and mumbled something like 'what the hell?!'

Being brought up, my bonds were removed and I thought I would be allowed to bath but he stalled me. "Why do you use up your diaper first," he said.

"What?!" I cried then he hand gagged me.

"Softer. Why don't you pee and use up your diaper?" WHAT?! I cried silently.


"Do it Freyja." There wasn't a gun pointed at me but I didn't want to argue again. And yeah, I did need to pee so I did, partly squatting to do so. "Let me see," he pulled down my pants again. "Better." Too embarrassed to talk, I tried to turn to the bathroom but he forced yet again that ball gag in my mouth. "You don't need to talk while showering, same time," he said. Feeling more violated, I scrubbed furiously 'down there' as the water struck my body and gag. Damnit, please let this end...Towelling off, I just realised I entered the bathroom without a new change of clothes and even 'underwear'--bra and diapers. Shit, shit, shit! That means I have to change outside in front of him! Throwing on my old night clothes, I exited slowly.

"Ah, just over nine minutes," he claimed. "Oh, you can't go down like this. Here,I picked out clothes for you," he pointed at a purple bra, one of my short pleated skirt, and a translucent top. And there was a freshly laided out diaper.

"CmmmIplschammaln," I tried to say 'Can I please change alone'.

"No, no, not after yesterday's stunt." SHIT. "I won't deliberately peek, but I'm not leaving." Sighing, I turned my back towards him and got my top off first, clipping on the bra and then the new shirt. Then, as best as I could, I wiped my crotch and arse clean with the wipes and lying down, I taped on a new diaper. Skirt on, he nodded. "I suppose you hate that gag," he said. Yes, please, remove it, I thought. He did so, but replaced it with one with a me sucking a tube and a leather panel. "Panel gag," he said and I learnt something new. With my hands cuffed behind my back, it was down for breakfast.