Mike The Tike
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Views: 476 Created: 2007.09.25 Updated: 2007.09.25

The Twins

Chapter 3

John decided to wait til after Mark and Mitchell’s 7th birthday, to tell them what he had decided. Since it was only a couple days away, they could wait til then, which gave time for John to find a shop that could supply him with all the things the boys would need. He was very surprised to find out how easy it was for him to find diapers and plastic pants that fitted older children. Once he bought what he needed he realised there was no turning back, from this day onward life would be different for the boys in their house.

“John, did you get the boys their plastic pants and diapers ?” enquired Julie after John got home that evening.

“Yes I have gotten everything ok, so stop worrying will you? I have everything under control.”

“So when are you going to start putting them in their diapers John ?” Julie asked.

“Well there is no time better than the present, so I say by bedtime tonight they will be wearing diapers.” winked John.

Later that evening while Sam was busy playing in his room, John called Mark and Mitchell to their room. Little did the boys know what their father had in store for them.

“Yes Daddy what do you want us for “ asked Mitchell.

Mark was close behind as they both entered their bedroom.

“Come on, Daddy, we are in the middle of a game” said Mark

“No that’s ok, I won’t be long,” John said to his inpatient son.

"Say boys, I have a big surprise for you both tonight and it is something very special”

“Really, what is it ?” they both asked.

“Well I can’t tell you yet, but you will find out later after you have your bath. And don‘t say anything about it to Sam, either”.

John thought to himself, ‘These boys have no clue what is going to happen to them‘.

“Please Daddy, tell us” cried Mark.

“Look you both; you are having your bath in one hour’s time, so I think you can wait til then” Anyway, tea is almost ready, so stop whining will you?”

John sensed they were eager to find out, but in over an hour’s time they won’t be as eager as they were at that moment. They all sat down for tea, and boys being boys, Mark and Mitchell were bragging to their younger brother.

“Hey Sam, Daddy’s got a surprise for Mitchell and me and we are getting it after we have our bath “ Mark laughed at his younger brother.

“Daddy that’s not fair” cried Sam. “Why do they get everything and I don’t?”

John scornfully looked at Mark. “Why did you say that to him, he could have seen it later without you rubbing it in”

“Don’t worry Sam, you aren't missing anything, ok” as John put his arm around him.

“Ok Daddy if you say so “ he replied.

“Ok boys’ time for your bath now so hurry up and get your clothes off and jump into the bath.” commanded John, as the boys were prone to run around the house trying to delay having a bath.

“Mark and Mitchell you be good for Daddy ok, if you want your surprise”

The boys, being eager, did what their father told them and got into the bath as quick as they could. In the end it didn’t matter, if they misbehaved. They were getting their special surprise whether they were good or bad. And John knew it, so it was a win-win situation for him.