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Views: 955 Created: 2007.08.24 Updated: 2007.08.24

Heim ins Reich

Chapter 2

Undress ? On the face of it, a not unusual request for a doctor, but even so Lise could not help skipping a heartbeat. "Excuse me Herr Doktor ?' she timidly said.

Doctor Spaltenstecher looked up from the papers he was perusing. Seemingly absentmindedly he gestured to a set of cloths-hangers. "Just hang all your garments on the pegs. Perhaps if you like, I can call for an orderly to have them washed while I conduct the examination. We have excellent household services here at Schwanzenhausen you know."

Lise was sure that was the case, but was not able to appreciate the offered service. "But that will take several hours Herr Doktor," she timidly suggested.

"Indeed so, Fraulein. Indeed so. But rest assured, everything will be clean and ready for you long before we're finished."

Lise's eyes widened. "Oh, I see Herr Doktor. I'm sorry I …. wasn't clear on …." She didn't know what else to say. Clearly the doctor had imparted that the examination would not be over in a hurry. Though why the prospect of a thorough physical examination should be so daunting to contemplate, the girl had no idea.

"Well, Fraulein Lise. As long as you do as I ask, I am sure things will work out fine. But now I must insist you undress. There is much to be done."

"Jawohl, Herr Doktor." Lise suppressed an instinctive urge to bow. She nodded and walked a few paces to the cloths hangers. With fingers already a quiver she began to undress, stepping out of her shoes first. Her blouse and skirt followed without too much undue hesitancy. Lise was wearing a longish combination chemise and slip underneath. She undid the fastenings and gingerly let it fall down around her ankles. She bent over to pick it up.

Now she was down to her brassiere and knickers. Somehow she hoped that removing these last undergarments would not be immediately necessary. But she noticed the Herr Doktor watching her out of the corner of his eyes. As she hesitated he turned to look her full in the face. Raising his eyebrows he made a small movement with a hand, indicating that she continue.

Lise turned to the side and unhooked her brassiere. She felt herself blush as her nipples hardened ever so slightly. Trying to cover herself as unobtrusively as possible she turned to see if the doctor would be content with her undressing down to her knickers. But he stood next to the desk with some papers in his hand, every now and then glancing down at them. But otherwise his gaze was fixed on her. There was nothing to indicate that he wished her to stop now, so gingerly she bent forward and slipped her satin knickers off.

It is true that she been naked around many of her BDM comrades for sports and swimming, indeed she had even been so this very morning on the gymnastics field. But now she was alone in an examination room with a doctor. It was her very first time she realized. She shivered.

Noticing, the Herr Doctor said, "Well, there we are Fraulein. Ready at last. Now we can proceed." He reached down alongside the desk and pressed a small button. "The Krankenschwester will be here shortly to assist in the measuring and note taking. In the meantime you may stand at attention."

Lise placed her hands by her side and tried to keep her head up straight and front without jutting out her bosom overly much. She felt ridiculous and exposed as the doctor slowly walked around her, looking her up and down, all the while nodding to himself.

"My compliments Fraulein. You have been chosen well. Blue eyes, a full stature, evenly proportioned, excellent bone structure from what I can see and of course you are a true Germanic blond…" He chuckled modestly while moving to better view her pubis, pointedly doing so in a manner that showed his interest in her more private parts. "Excellent …. Though of course I hadn't expected any less. Imagine the embarrassment of discovering a peroxide blond being sent to the Institute. Tsk tsk…." The Herr Doktor laughed.

Lise tried to imagine the situation but failed to see the humor. How embarrassing she thought. It was bad enough to have all these intimate matters openly discussed.

"Hmmm…." Doctor Spaltenstecher bent forward to look more closely at her pubic hair. He softly ran the back of his fingers through the upper part of her pubescent bush. "A flaxen color, with a hint of gold. Excellent indeed. We have found that full reddish labia and blond pubic hair prove to be an almost irresistible combination. We will asses your other parts later on but I am sure they will be of an impeccable figuration. You are a lucky maiden indeed."

Lise wasn't familiar with all the terms the doctor was using, but she was certain he was referring to her intimate anatomy. She blushed and reddened, a warm flush coming to her face. Whatever was the purpose of all this ?

The doctor noticed her discomfort and smiled at her. "Ah, but Fraulein Lise, I see you are somewhat taken aback. I hope you are not unduly uncomfortable ?"

"Well, Herr Doktor, I don't think so… but this is my first time… and I am …." She didn't want to say she was horribly embarrassed. It was not her intention to make a bad impression. And besides, she had a feeling that there was much more to come.

The doctor put an arm over her shoulder and gave it a comradely squeeze. "Ach Fraulein, do not trouble yourself with wondering about any of this for the moment. You have been chosen and that is all that matters. It is a great honor."

"Jawohl, Herr Doktor. Thank you, I shall do my best…" Lise replied in a small voice.

"Gut, I am certain of it. But while we wait for the Krankenschwester to arrive, why don't you step up to the scales. We can begin by reading off a few basic measurements such as your height and weight pre-clysterum."

Lise did not understand the meaning of the Latin term, but grimaced inwardly. It sounded disturbing somehow.

The scales were a heavy iron and brass contraption, a very intricate looking device with dozens of numbers and notations stamped on levers, rulers and balancing bars. The heavy corrugated iron bottom plate felt cold to her bare feet as she stepped up and placed herself according to the doctor's instructions. He began sliding weights to and fro, hooking them in various notches and twirling smaller cylinders along grooved rods.

At long last, after what seemed to be an exacting and complex process, several large metal rods hung in a precarious balance and the Herr Doktor declared himself satisfied. He noted down a number on a sheet of paper.

Then he had her stand with her back to a vertical metal column and with a right angular sliding bar read off her height. Lise had to assume just the right position before the doctor was satisfied, and he needed to rearrange her stance several times, placing her hips and shoulders just so with hands by her side, palms turned outward.

As he was writing down her height there was a knock on the door. "Herein …." he said.

A white clad nurse entered the examination room. She was at least a dozen years or more older than Lise, pale of skin, well built, blue eyed and blond. Her hair was braided and curled up behind her in a bun, giving her a matronly look. Her uniform was crisp and finely ironed. She held her head high as she entered the room. "Herr Doktor …. "

"Ach Krankenschwester Cunegonde. Good. Now we can get down to some serious work." He gestured her to take pen and paper. "This is Fraulein Lise Futterman. She is an aspirant candidate. This morning will we be conducting an initial appraisal examination. Full protocol of course. We will be going over all indices as usual."

"Of course Herr Doktor."

"Fraulein Lise appears to be an enthusiastic candidate and is very eager to join the program. Is that not so Fraulein ?"

Lise thought the doctor exaggerated but of course dared not contradict him, certainly not in front of this stern looking nurse. "Yes, yes…. Certainly."

Krankenschwester Cunegonde gave Lise a long look, her eyes travelling up and down the young girl's naked body. There was a hint of a smile on the nurse's face.

The Doctor picked up his pen and paper. "Good. then on with our work. Krankenschwester, I will continue with the elementary examination first, then we can move on to the measurement charts. If you would be so kind as to get the set of Altenhof's dimensional calipers and rulers from the cabinet please…You may set them ready next to the table."

"Zu befehl Herr Dokor…." Nurse Cunegonde said, already moving to fetch the necessary instruments. She slid open a glass door and took out several curved metal devices. Though wicked looking they were only measuring devices, nothing more than calipers designed to accurately measure various parts and proportions of the human anatomy.

Meanwhile the doctor took a stethoscope from his breast pocket and hung it around his neck. "Come Fraulein," he placed a hand on Lise's elbow and guided her to the examination table. "We need to listen to your heart and lungs. I'm sure you're in good health, but nevertheless we must be thorough. If you'd sit down here please…." He patted the table and smoothed out an imaginary crease in the white linen cloth.

Lise gingerly sat down, trying to keep a modest posture with her thighs tightly pressed together. The doctor smiled at her as he put the stethoscope up to her breast. He listened intently, asked her to breath deeply several times and to cough. He moved around, listen in several places, every now and then thumping her chest with his knuckles. Several times his hand brushed against her breasts. Lise tried to pretend this did not bother her, and though she knew there was no other manner to conduct an examination she still felt unsettled.

The doctor then repeated the process while standing behind her, listening to her lungs from the back.

Next he took her pulse, pointedly looking at a pocket watch. He asked nurse Cunegonde to note Lise's heart rate in her chart. "Hmmm….. a bit on the high side I would say. Fraulein Lise, surely you are not suffering from a heart condition ?"

"Oh no, Herr Doktor. Not to my knowledge. I've never had anything wrong with me…" Lise replied.

"Ah well, maybe you are just somewhat nervous, could that be it ? There is absolutely no reason to be so, you know."

"Yes, but I can't help it Herr Doktor."

"Well, we'll see what we can do about that. Perhaps some extra relaxation in the evening, or a sauna. They are very healthy you know. An ingenious invention of our Nordic kin in Scandinavia."

Lise was not all that naïve. Though she had never taken a sauna, she had heard about them intense steam-bath followed by a swim in ice cold water. And all done in the nude. Even though she and several of her BDM comrades had snickered and giggled over the telling, the idea of taking a sauna intrigued her in a vaguely naughty manner.

"I have never taken one Herr Doktor."

"Indeed not ? A pity. Then we shall certainly schedule a series of them for you. Combined with other therapy they can do wonders for the constitution. Krankenschwester, make a note to add a daily sauna to Fraulein Lise's schedule."

"Yes, Herr Doktor," Nurse Cunegonde made a notation.

The doctor took a blood pressure cuff and attached the thick cloth and leather device around Lise's upper arm. Though Lise knew there was nothing untoward about taking a blood pressure reading she did not like the feeling as the doctor pumped the small red rubber bulb.

He read off the numbers and nurse Cungonde dutifully noted them in Lise's personal chart.

"Good. Now Fraulein, if you would lie down please….." The doctor had Lise lay down lengthwise, a small pillow under her head. As she lay prone, the doctor pressed here and there along her upper torso, thumping as well as pressing with one or several fingers. He had Lise lift her arms and probed rather deeply into her armpits. He also prodded and pushed into her abdomen and stomach, carefully feeling about and nodding to himself from time to time. "Hmmmm…. All seems to be in order."

Without telling her he then began manipulating her breasts, feeling along the edges, tweaking her nipples, hefting them in his hands and squeezing them in a variety of ways. Lise blushed, not for the first time, but certainly far more deeply than before. She dared not protest or ask the reason for this kind of examination. Instead she closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself elsewhere. It did not work all that well.

The incessant handling and prodding distracted her and prevented her from thinking of anything else. In truth after a while she even started to relax somewhat. The sensations were not un- pleasurable. When the doctor completed his handling she was partly relieved that it was done and yet partly regretful as well. What contradictory emotions.

When the doctor finished his examination, her breasts were a tingle, with nipples stiff and taut.

But the pleasing feelings were quickly dispelled. The doctor had his hands on her thighs and was moving them into position for the next part of his examination.

Lise tensed and frowned, her legs feeling like leaden weights, her heart beating rapidly. Instinctively she knew that Doctor Spaltenstecher intended to examine her private parts. No one had ever done so before and accordingly she was more than apprehensive. In fact ‘horridly embarrassed' would be a more fitting description of her state of mind. Why, he was not even going to spread a sheet or covering over her. It looked like he intended to just spread her legs wide open.

The doctor patted her on the thighs. "Come Lise, I need a little cooperation from you. Legs open, knees pulled up and flexed if you please."

Picturing her exposed position in her mind's eye, Lise took a deep breath and tried to comply. She exaggeratedly imaged feeling cool wafts of air along her inner thighs. And as contradictory as it seemed, she also imagined her young girl's organs flushing red with internal warmth.

As she tried to comply with the doctor's request, Nurse Cunegonde approached the examination table and helped the doctor part Lise's thighs and place them into the shameful position required. In spite of her relative inertia, Lise was soon laying with her thighs spread open and her youthful cunny in full view. The doctor looked pointedly between her legs and smiled at her appearance.

"There we are. That was not so difficult was it Fraulein ?"

Lise gingerly shook her head, though in truth she felt she overcome with a horrible but understandable reluctance.

"Let me hazard a guess," the doctor continued. "Is this your first gynecological examination ?"

Lise wasn't sure what the doctor was referring to, though she had more than an inkling of an idea. "I think so Herr Doktor …. I'm not sure…"

"Fraulein, if you are not certain, then it must be your first time. It is not something that passes by un-noticed…" He chuckled while looking at his assistant nurse. "Is that not so Krankenschwester ?"

"Indeed so, Herr Doktor. It should be a memorable occasion for a young girl."

"Quite right indeed." He gave Nurse Cunegonde a very knowing look then fixed his gaze on Lise. "It is high time your organs were examined Fraulein. I shall take extra care to be diligent and thorough. After all, we need to know that all is working well and in order. Is that not so Lise ? After all, what else would be the point of your being here at Schwanzenhausen otherwise ? He he…."

Lise wondered why the doctor seemed to find his remark funny, though at heart she cared not one way or the other. This was something she had not expected. Had she been of a different character, more assertive perhaps, she might have walked out then and there. But she wasn't. Few German girls in those times were, it was not a trait generally appreciated by society.

So instead of speaking her mind at the very least and demanding some inkling of an explanation for what was going on, Lise just lay still as the doctor wanted : thighs wide open, genitals in view.

She flinched as his hands brushed over her pubic hair and rubbed the lips of her young girl's sex organ. He felt along her slit up and down it's length, gently pushing a finger into the small crack between her labia. He probed deeper and spread her vaginal lips, exposing the pink colored inner flesh. Already Lise was becoming moist, in spite of her apprehension.

The doctor noted this with approval and continued the handling of her genitals, feeling deeper. He hooked his forefinger and pushed upwards, entering deeper into her vagina. Not surprisingly he encountered no intact hymen as he pushed his digit into her. This did not necessarily mean the girl had already had sexual relations. Any number of equally valid explanations were possible. Strenuous activity, an accidental fall or even just athletic exercise could just as easily rupture a virgin's maidenhead as that of a lustfully erect and enthusiastically thrusting penis.