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Views: 552 Created: 2007.08.16 Updated: 2007.08.16

Foster Friends

Chapter 5

Christmas came and we had a two-week vacation from school. My mother’s sister Martha was coming to visit with her husband, David and her two boys, Peter, 6 and Wesley, 4. They arrived two days before Christmas. They all piled out of their mini-van and I helped with the luggage. I was in my thick cloth diapers and looked like a real diaper boy. As I was carrying Aunt Martha’s suitcase to her room, I heard her whisper to my mother.

“Is Brian wearing diapers?”

“Yes, Martha. He is wearing diapers.” My mother replied simply.

“Well, er, is he sick or something?” my Aunt pressed.

“No. He isn’t sick, and it really isn’t any concern of yours, Martha.”

“Well, I was just concerned. That’s all. I didn’t mean to pry,” she sputtered.

“That’s okay, Martha. I know you didn’t,” my Mom said gently.

Later, I saw Peter and Wesley staring at my pants. Then Peter said,

“Are you wearing diapers?”

“Yep,” I replied.

“Wow! How come you get to wear diapers? You are a big kid,” Peter said.

“Well, my Mom and Dad let me wear diapers,” I replied.

That night Peter wet his bed. His mother said, “Petey, I thought you had quit doing that. I am going to have to go get you some Goodnites!”

That afternoon I was playing with Peter and Wesley when Wesley wet his pants.

“Now, what is going on?” Aunt Martha said. “Wesley, you haven’t wet your pants in more than six months!”

Later on that day, Peter pooped in his pants. That night they both wet their beds.

After a couple of days of this, Peter and Wesley were back in pull-ups full time!

“I just hope that I can get them back out of diapers when we get home,” Aunt Martha said to my Mom. “I know it is because they see Brian wearing diapers.”

I asked for permission to take Peter and Wesley to see the Olson family and Aunt Martha said it was okay.

“Wow!” said Peter. “Are all those kids wearing diapers?”

“Yep. They are a “Diaper Foster Family,” I said. “Since you are wearing diapers, too, you guys should fit right in.”

We had a good time. When Peter and Wesley’s pull-ups were soaked, they wanted to be put in cloth diapers and plastic pants like the rest of us wore. Mrs. Olson obliged, since she had all sizes.

“Gee, I wish our Mommy would buy us some of these neat diapers,” said little Wesley.

“Rots of ruck!” said Peter. When we get home she is going to take away our pull-ups, even.”

“Well, maybe if you just keep wetting, she will let you keep wearing them,” I said.

“I guess so,” said Peter. “I just hope we don’t get spankings and stuff.”

Before we left, Peter and Wesley were changed back into pull-ups. They were sad to have to give up their cloth diapers, but glad to at least be able to wear diapers.

It was Christmas Eve and the little ones were contemplating a visit from Santa. The local fire department had a volunteer who dressed up as Santa Claus every year and delivered presents. The presents had been delivered to the fire station in advance.

None of the children complained that Santa didn’t come down the chimney! He just showed up in a fire truck with a few “elves” and everybody was happy!

Santa delivered Peter and Wesley’s presents along with the ones my parents had bought for me. I knew that the Olson’s were also on the list of stops. The Olson’s did not have much money to spare, but Mrs. Olson was very creative, and Mr. Olson was handy, so I knew they would have some nice presents.

Christmas morning came. We all woke up early because we were anxious to open our gifts. Peter and Wesley got cars and airplanes and kept insisting that I play with them. I told them I wanted to open my own presents first! I got a video game that I had been wanting all year. Also, I got a pair of blue jeans that would fit over my diapers! I got a book about Egyptology that had lots of pictures and looked really great. I gave my Mom and Dad a DVD that I knew they would like and they did.

Later I went over to the Olson’s to wish them a Merry Christmas and to bring presents. I got a really good deal on a used Play station from a classmate who was getting a newer model for Christmas. He even through in a couple of games that he had gotten tired of. I made it my gift to all the boys. That about took care of my shopping budget! John answered the door and he had on a new maroon sweatshirt that had a logo on it that said “Olson Clan” with a picture of a boy in diapers playing football. I knew that Mrs. Olson had designed and made the logo and put it on the shirt. It looked great! I saw that each of the boys was wearing one. They also got a new football and each boy got a tool kit and a wood project kit that Mr. Olson made. The tools were all real adult tools. Mr. Olson said that it was crazy to give a boy a little hammer and expect him to be able to pound a nail.

I gave the boys my gift and Mrs. Olson had one for me. It was a sweatshirt just like the one the other boys had on. She said she asked my mother if she should put “Olson Friend” instead, and my Mom said that “Olson Clan” was better because we were all like family. John gave me a book on Ancient Greece that he found in the bargain section of the bookstore. I loved it!

After we had opened our presents, we went out to play football with the new ball and our new sweatshirts. It was a great day!

I went home for Christmas dinner. Then we all got ready for bed. I got a diaper change and Peter and Wesley got one, too. Aunt Martha, Uncle David and the boys were leaving the next morning. I wondered if Peter and Wesley would be allowed to stay in diapers when they got home.

Soon it would be a new year. I hoped that it would be as pleasant as the last. I was happier than I had ever been. I had great friends and I was getting to wear diapers again! I never would have dreamed that this would ever happen. I knew that I was a lucky guy!

That’s all for now. Look for some more of our adventures in “Foster Friends II” at a later date.

The End