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Views: 1969 Created: 2020.04.05 Updated: 2020.04.05

A Tube For Tyler

Part 1: Can’t Go

The end of practice couldn't have come any sooner for Tyler. All he could think about during the last half hour of practice was how badly he needed to go to the bathroom. But after losing 3-0 to North Star FC this week, he knew coach wasn't going to let anyone get out of sprints. Despite how exhausted he was, Tyler sprinted into the locker room so he could finally relieve himself.

Tyler didn't event bother to take his cleats off. He ran to the bathroom and reached right into pants to pull out his sweaty dick right in front of the closest urinal. Normally he probably would have used a stall so that none of his team would tease him about his tiny penis, but he had to piss so bad, that he didn't even care.

The fit 22-year-old stood over the urinal his soft, sweaty, three inch penis in his hand, Tyler relaxed his bladder muscle and held his dick to aim. But nothing came out. He pushed harder, and again nothing came out. His full bladder was starting to cause him pain, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't let out even a drop of pee. Tyler just wanted some relieve, but for some reason he wasn't getting any.

Tyler started to panic, but then reassured himself that maybe he was just being bladder shy with all the other guys around the locker room. Surely if he raced home, he'd be able to pee there. He quickly shoved his dick back into his tight boxer briefs under his soccer shorts and ran to his locker to grab the rest of his things.

His buddies were surprised to see him such in a rush. Adam, who was Tyler's roommate and best friend since they played soccer together in middle school, noticed Tyler was still sweaty and hadn't changed or showered. Adam harassed him, "No shower bro? Afraid the guys are going to make fun of your baby dick?"

While frantically grabbing his soccer bag and changing out of his cleats, Tyler responded to Adam, "Fuck off dude, I'm not feeling well. I'm going home."

Tyler ran out of the locker room to his car. His bladder was so full and the pain was continuously increasing. Thankfully the apartment that he and Adam shared was only a few minutes from the field. He sped home, somehow never hitting a red light, and as soon he unlocked the door, he raced right to the bathroom.

This time he decided to sit down on the toilet. Maybe if he just relaxed, he'd get the relief he desperately needed. He quickly pulled down his pants and didn't even worry about closing the door. His tiny penis and balls hung in the toilet, and again he tried to completely relax and let everything go. Without much effort, Tyler began to poop, but still no urine came out. His frustration mounted and the pain was beginning to be unbearable. After another 10 minutes of trying, Tyler wiped his ass and got off the toilet.

Knowing that Adam would be home soon and would call him a pussy for not wanting to go out tonight, Tyler decided to close his door and lay in his bed. The pain of his full bladder was only getting worse, but he had no idea what to do.

Adam arrived home from practice and banged on Tyler's door, yelling "Stop being such a bitch. Suck it up and let's go out. It's the weekend."

Tyler was embarrassed by his current situation and the last thing he wanted was for Adam to tell everyone that he didn't go out because his wiener wasn't working. So, he quickly lied, "Bro, it's just my stomach. I think I caught that bug going around. I need to just chill tonight."

Adam yelled back, "Fine. Whatever." And then went into his room to change to go out.

Lying in his bed with his pain mounting, Tyler was panicking and decided to google "I can't pee". The results were terrifying, and he realized that he may need to go the ER. He was in too much pain to drive himself, and if he didn't fess up to Adam what was actually happening, he was going to miss out on his only ride.

Tyler hopped out of his bed, and ran to Adam's room tried to explain between his moans of pain, "Dude, its not my stomach. It's my bladder. I can't fucking pee. I keep trying and it's like something is broke. I need you to take me the the hospital."

Adam responded, "What do you mean you can't pee? Just relax and go. It's Friday night, I'm not going to miss all the hot babes at the bar."

Tyler's pain was increasingly by the minute, as his bladder was ready to burst. Adam had never seen his best friend like this before, and realized he must be in serious pain. "Okay fine, I will drop you off at the hospital on my way," he told Tyler.

Tyler went to grab his wallet, phone, and insurance card. He decided to change his shirt, shorts, and boxer briefs and throw on some deodorant since he had never showered after practice. He was very nervous about going to the ER, but couldn't handle the pain much longer.

The two jocks hopped into Adam's car. Tyler continued to moan in pain as Adam sped to the hospital. Tyler couldn't help himself and kept reading his google search results from earlier on his phone. Just as they were pulling up to the hospital'a emergency entrance, Tyler read that sometimes treatment for not being able to pee, medically known was urinary retention, could be sticking this tube called a catheter into his penis. He started to freak out.

Adam could tell his buddy was in really bad shape, so he decided he could at least wait with Tyler in the waiting room. He decide to valet the car so he could help Tyler into the hospital.

Tyler winced in pain as he did his best to get out of the car. Struggling to stand and walk due to the ever increasing pain, Adam grabbed a wheel chair and wheeled him to the ER check-in.