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Views: 776 Created: 2020.02.22 Updated: 2020.02.22

Motel Rooms-published in more than 30 chapters and in many different parts

Chapter 3- Invitation to Fun

Ann said “I’ve never been to Disneyland”, and I marveled at that. “Really, you’ve never been to Disneyland! Oh Ann you don’t know what you’re missing.” I said, then I had an idea that might let us get to know one another better and I took a chance, “I’m going down there on business tomorrow and every time I do, I like to go to Disneyland. Why don’t you come with me and I show you Disneyland, and some other cool places.” She gasped, then drew in a breath and exclaimed, “Oh Jim, I’d love to go. How long are you going to be down there?” I went for it and shrugged and said, “Oh about three weeks”. She said, “Where do you stay when you go there?” “I have two projects down there, but they’re 100% rented, so I stay in motels.” I said. Ann said “What time are we leaving?” “I have business downtown this afternoon and I’ll be back this evening and we can leave in the morning.” I said. She looked down and rested her hand on my leg and said “Meg plans to drive back home after her doctor’s appointment. We’ll have to tell her when she gets back.” She nodded as old Meg waddled back to the booth and struggled to hoist her girth in and get situated again. “Christ! I swear they make damned booths just for kids”, she grunted.

Ann reached over and put both hands on top of Meg’s and giggled, “Jim’s going to take me to Disneyland Auntie. Isn’t that wonderful?’ “What the hell do ya want to do that for? That place is for kids.” She glowered and then tried to finish off the idea “I need you around the place. Who’s going to do your chores when you off gallivanting with some yahoo you just met?” Undeterred Ann said “You can get Gomez to help while I’m gone”. “And who’s going pay that old lecher?” Meg grunted short of breath. “How much do you pay him Meg?” I inquired. She hesitated and then said, “Oh hell, I’ll have to give him room and board plus $500 a month!” I leaned back and took out my wallet and said “Why don’t you let me help you out Meg? Here is $500 cash and another $200 to make sure that you’re stocked up enough to feed him”. For a split second, I noted a glint of satisfaction on the old bat’s face and then she frowned again and looked at Ann and said “When are you coming back?” I spoke up and said, “After I get my business concluded, we’ll travel a little. We should be back in a month or so.” Old Meg emphasized, “Well you gotta bring her all the way back home, ‘cause I can’t afford to drive back here again!” “No problem!” I said. “And you better call me and let me know what the hell you two are up to” Meg intoned. “Fair enough” I said and added “Ann I’m going to pay the bill and go get you a key to my room. Then I need to head out and get my business meeting over with. I’ll see you in a couple of minutes.” “OK Jim”, she glowed expectantly. 5 minutes later I was back and handed her the key with the room number on it. She looked up at me with an odd smile, her mouth open and her eyes looking into mine. “I'll see you this afternoon, Ann” I said as I walked away.