Daniel at the hospital to get pulled out the wisdom teeth

Daniel at the hospital to get pulled out his wisdom teeth

This is a story about a 20 y.o. young boy, lets call him Daniel. No mentioning of persons who can be identified if they don't want to and so on, and those who know me, they know how to deal with the content. I do my best in writing in English, because I'm not a native speaker ...

Part 1

Near the end of his basic training, Daniel went to the military dentist for the demanded check-up, to get the so called dental fitness class (DFC). In the past he had no complaints with his teeth, so he thought it would be a short session. After checking in at the reception and filling out the forms, he was called to the treatment room in time. Going to the dentist was impressive for Daniel, because of the strange smell in those rooms.

The dentist came in, asked about complaints, which Daniel denied, and pulled up his rubber gloves. Daniel just 20 for a couple of weeks and only 1.65 tall, don't have a big mouth either. He was not able to open it widely, which was remarked by the dentist. While using a little mirror and a scratcher, the dentist suddenly said : Oh oh oh, young man, the wisdom teeth do not look in a good way... " After looking at the other teeth, he finished examining Daniel, whose heart was fast beating, not knowing what the dentist was doing next.

" To give you a short explanation: the inferior ones suffer from caries, and they don't grow straight up. And you are not able to open your mouth that widely to let me treat it with a filling at the end. So they have to be pulled out."

"OK ...", Daniel was afraid that this will be painful in the next minutes.

The dentist continued : "First we need some images of the jar, so please follow the instructions of the dental nurse" She called Danni to another room, where he had to stand in front of an X-ray machine. "Please bite on this plastic and don't move your head, while the machine moves surround you" Daniel did the way he was said. The machine made different noises and moved surround his head. "My first extraction... OMG", was he thinking all the time. In a few seconds, the machine finished work, so Daniel was called back, from the X-ray machine, out of the room, back to the dentist.

He had a look at the frames on his notebook and left the room for about five minutes. Daniel thought, he prepares himself for the surgery, but he couldn't know that it will be just worse...

Part 2

When the dentist came back to Daniel, he found him sitting in the dental treatment chair, looking afraid with wide eyes. "Alright young man, it is more complicated than I was expecting. The roots of the wisdom teeth are already spread, which makes it more difficult to pull them out. This is something I can not do here, so I am going to send you to the next military hospital. "

" OH no... ", Daniel was thinking. Not that hospital again, where he was about a half year ago. At that point he had stomach problems which remained unclear, but a lot of embarrassing and painful diagnostics were done to him what he remembered very well and clearly. His heart was beating, he tried to ask the dentist for another solution, but he had no other choice.

He got an appointment for the walk-in department of the mouth-jar-face-surgery two weeks later. The surgeon had a look at the X-ray frames, then he looked at Daniel's teeth, and informed him :

"The extraction is necessary, and we should not wait too long. We should also pull out not only the two inferior teeth, but the superior ones as well, otherwise they will grow further and further and cause problems in the future. We do it in one session, so everything is done in time " He talked about complaints after intervention and let Daniel subscribe the form. When Daniel mentioned that this will be his first time having a dental intervention, he asked if it might be possible to do it in general anesthesia, but the surgeon denied because it is always done in this department in local anesthesia.

Three more weeks, Daniel had to wait, until he will face the extraction... and not only this...

Part 3

It was Sunday noon time when Daniel arrived the hospital by tram. When he asked friends, some said, the cheeks were swollen for a couple of weeks, others had no bigger problems. But he found out that in civilian this operation is always done ambulantory, so he felt strange that he shall stay in hospital for three days. Other comrades of his unit had reported from maximum two days. There was a 19yo friend of him in the same company who said that he was in there for three days, because he received a preparation day. And he said it with a big smile but didn't explain why.

When Daniel arrived the department of mouth, jar and face surgery, he was first called to an examination room. There was a male nurse who asked him several questions. So answered everything he was asked, that he was 1.65m tall, weighing 58 kg, didn't have any allergies, didn't wear glasses or contact lenses, didn't have any other problems, and yes he is in a fluster. The surgeon from the walk-in department had written some advices to his colleagues at the station, so the male nurse reported : "OK young men, today we prepare you for the operation tomorrow. The intervention will be in the morning, you are planned being first for the team who will take care of the ambulatory interventions. The dentist from the walk-in department estimated that it will take longer than three hours, so you will need some preparation before, like a venous access and something that you don't need to go to toilet " Daniel shrugged, because he knows that he would get a catheter again like a half year ago. "But now I have to check your vitals", the nurse said further, "and because of the inflected teeth, I cannot measure the temperature in your ears, so I have to do it on the accurate way - in your bottom. So please lay down on your side" Daniel couldn't believe first , but he knew it from the past, that his temperature was measured in his bum all the time at his last stay in this hospital, and he knew it from his childhood. So he smiled slightly, looked shy to the ground, and then turned at the examination couch on his side and lowered his sweatpants and his boxershorts. He felt that his small smooth bottom cheeks were spread, and the tip of an electronic thermometer was pushed inside his bum for about 2 inches. The male nurse left the thermometer stick out, and while registering he took the scores of pulse and blood pressure. All vitals were normal, and Daniel was called to lay on his back for the blood test. So after removing the thermometer, he pulled up his clothes and rolled as ordered. His arm was laced with a tourniquet and his crook of the arm was whipped with an alcohol pad. After a few seconds the nurse stinged him with a long needle, removed the metal part, connected the plastic tube to a testing tube, in which his blood flew in. The testing tube was changed, and in total he gave three blood samples. After that a tube, connected to a bottle of clear fluid, was put at the back of the IV.

Then Daniel was brought to his room. "We put you into the boy's rooms" Okay, no privacy again...

Part 4

When Daniel opened the door to his "new home" for the next few days, he saw two other young men. The oldest broke the ice, because Daniel was shy.

The older one was a 1.75 tall, blond and slim 18yo. He arrived that morning after a car accident. His right cheek was heavily swollen, and he said that his jar is broken. Tomorrow he will get an operation but in general anesthesia.

The other boy was Interestingly the oldest looking because of a sort of beard. He was a 1.80 tall, 16yo boy with short black hair, who arrived the day before and received operation at the same day. He was on the way back from the disco, when he got in trouble with two drunken guys and they punched him in his young face. Proudly he reported that the surgeons put some metal in his skull, so he might be armored for the next time.

Both were not in the Services, so they were very interested in Daniel, how basic training was, what he wants to do afterwards, if he might go on missions and so on. At one point Daniel mentioned that he now is here and will be prepared for tomorrow, he told it with a shy look. The 18yo looked at him with wide eyes and asked "Same for you??" The 16yo laughed "Shall I tell you, too, what comes up to you today? I already know it..."

In that moment, it was already evening, two nurses opened the door and came in - but not to serve the dinner...

Part 5

Two nurses entered the room, one of them was the male nurse Daniel had met before.

" You both boys will be the first point at the operation roster, so we can not prepare you tomorrow, but have to start it now. We will begin with the catheter, because during the intervention you will not be able to go to toilet"

The 18yo (Luca) and Daniel were thinking the same : "Is it now torture time? OMG..."

They started with Luca, he layed on his back and had to lower his pants. Daniel saw everything with anxiety and a fast beating heart: both nurses, standing at each side of the bed, worked together, she prepared the orange catheter with the red end, while he whipped the long hairless penis of Luca with desinfection fluid, then he took a syringe and pressed all the gel into the urethra, and directly after that she gave him the tip of the catheter, which was quickly stuffed into the penis of Luca. He moaned loudly all the time the catheter went in, and suddenly screamed when it was pushed through the prostate into the bladder. The nurses fixed the catheter with some bandages and opened the ventile, so the urine could flow into the bag at the end of the tube. The male nurse told the moaning Luca to bend his left leg. He did, and in this moment a suppository was pushed between his slim cheeks into his pink hole. Luca breathed deeply, when first the suppository and afterwards the finger entered the boy's bum nearly all the way in. "This is to clean your bowels, so in the next minutes you will need to get to the toilet, so just go then, okay?"

Then, after desinfection of the hands and changing the glowes, they came over to little Daniel. He just moaned when his small penis was desinfected, because he was afraid of the pain which will follow. She asked" do you think it might be better to use the green one? He is quite smaller than the other boy, so his penis is shorter and smaller, too... " Her colleague answered "The red one is okay, he is a male, and red will fit". Then, Daniel felt the cold gel, that was pushed into his penis, and what caused a burning, too. Then the tip of the catheter was tried to pushed in, and the male nurse needed more power than before, but suddenly it marched in. Daniel could feel every millimeter and moaned loudly. He was nearly crying, as he felt it at his prostate. It took a while before the catheter could pushed through, some force was needed. Daniel yelled and tried to bend his legs, but he couldn't, because they were hold in place, after a while they let him bent... and pushed a suppository in his small hairless round bum as far as the finger of the male nurse was. Daniel screamed again and wanted to strech the legs now, but his legs were holding still again for some seconds. "You received the same, young man, and in a few minutes you will follow your fellow to the toilet". In that moment Luca stood up quickly to be on the toilet first. After the nurses cleared up their stuff, they left the room. "See you later"

Daniel was thinking "Welcome back to that nasty hospital", but he had no idea what will happen furthermore...

Part 6

Daniel's penis hurt for a while until the lube with the local anesthesia does its job to 100 %. Only the pain in his bum stayed because of the rude applicated suppository by the not lubed and gloved finger from the male nurse. Daniel had to stuff the catheter in a few more millimeters because after blocking it was pulled back to much so the ballon was pressing against the prostate in a nasty way. And another trouble rised : his bowels made more and more trouble. So he stood up and nocked at the door to the bathroom, because Luca was still there. He called him to hurry up for God's sake... and - it shouldn't have been only one second later- Luca came out, Daniel ran inside and nearly exploded into the toilet.

They got a soup in the later evening, and they were shown how to empty the bottle which was connected to their catheters. Daniel had to go to toilet two more times that evening.

In the morning Daniel was awaken when he suddenly felt something was pushed in his bum. It was a long tube with maybe 1 inch in diameter which had a kind of ball at the tip and which was pushed in maybe 4 inches. "Good morning young man, now comes the second part of the preparation for you". And in that moment he felt cold water running into his belly. Daniel felt a kind of inner tickling all over his body and started shivering while 500 ml ran into his bowels. His roommates are already awake and watched the whole scene. After a few minutes, when all the fluid was inside, the nurse removed the tube, which made Daniel moan. A kind of squishing "plopp" was caused when the tip came out of the little hole of Daniel's small round bottom. The others were chuckling and Daniel's face turned red. It did not take long until Daniel had to go to toilet. When he finished, he was called to get dressed, cleaning the teeth and going to the ambulatory part. Small discussion with his fellows, making some jokes about what happened during preparation to him, and while Daniel brushed his teeth, a nurse came in and prepared the enema for Luca, who was called to roll on his left side. Before he left the room, the tube was almost stuffed into Luca's slim bottom, and he moaned nearly as much as Daniel did while the water ran into the body. "Poor Luca", Daniel thought when he saw his face and a little bit of that fat tube between the bottom cheeks with the big bottle at the end.

Daniel went to the ambulatory part of the department and was called into the operation theater directly after arriving. He received an infusion, kind of cortisol for better wound healing and less swelling after the intervention, so he was told. Surround his mouth an assistant disinfected the operation area, the table was driven into the lying position, and with sterile blankets his face was covered. Daniel was asked if he could breath in a good way, and it was okay for him. His eyes were covered, too, but that was good, so he needn't to see what was going on.

Daniel knew from friends and comrades that in most cases the operation took only a few minutes. But in his case it was different...

Part 7

Lying there in the operation theater and getting prepared for the extraction Daniel's heart was beating fast. These sounds, that smell, this atmosphere, and how painful will it be... His thoughts were running in circles. His face was covered with sterile blankets and he received some infusions in his vein in his left arm. "Okay, we first start with putting in a spacer in your mouth, so you don't have to keep it open all the time for us", one of the surgeons said. So a plastic spacer was placed in Daniel's mouth, the taste was not the best, but he might get through it. "Now we continue with the local anesthesia, so this will sting in different areas in your mouth. Please don't move during procedure", he continued. In that moment he felt some hands near his cheeks and a sting deep in his mouth at the left upper side. It was a strange feeling, it burned and ached in that moment, but did not last for long. The action was repeated with the other wisdom teeth. In a few minutes he had a feeling of numbness especially in his mandible. Then, Daniel was tested if he felt any pain, but he didn't. "Thats fine, so we can start now", was one of the surgeons saying.

They first prepared the inferior left one. Whatever was made there, Daniel didn't feel pain, but only that something was going on there. After a while they started to pull. They pulled and pulled and pulled, some talk, heavy breathing, pulling again, moving back and forth pulling, cursing, pulling... and finally the surgeons slighted with relief. That must have been the moment when the teeth came out. "OMG hopefully the other teeth were not that restive, too...", Daniel thought.

They continued with the superior left. Again heavy pulling and cursing... and finally he came out, what was painful suddenly. "Uh oh, we opened the sinus...Suture!" Daniel felt pain while stitching, but luckily it was over in a few moments. He was not able to speak, because his mouth was blocked. He didn't even feel his tongue. What a threatening situation for Daniel...

"Let's get on with the inferior right one. He will be easier to extract hopefully", one of the surgeons said. After preparation the pulling started. No, it wasn't easier. They tried to pull it out for minutes. Finally, something made a strange noise like a big crack. "Okay it broke. Please give me the drill", and Daniel felt how his mandible was badgered with that instrument. It wasn't painful, but these noises were terrifying... After a while they stopped and made some stitches as well.

Now the last one, the superior right one. Daniel moaned and moved when the surgeons started cutting. "Seems that the anesthesia is not well. You will get a second dose" Again the stitch, the burning. It worked but not completely. "This can happen when the infection is almost in your gums." The surgeons continued, because it was endurable for Daniel. "The structure of the tooth is completely destroyed, we have to cut it out completely" So it was done, cutter and drilled, strange noises and smells, and after nearly eternity it was done.

The surgeons removed the blankets and the spacer. "Congratulations, shorty. It's done." Daniel tried to get up and sit, but turned pale quickly and had to lay down again. His mouth was stuffed with gauze pads, and he was called to bite on them for the next time. After a while Daniel took another chance to get up. In that moment a nurse entered the operation theater and brought along a wheelchair, so Daniel needn't to walk back in that condition he was.

The invervention was done, about 4 and a half hours, he had come to know. "I got thru this, now everything will be better", Daniel was thinking. He had no clue how he will suffer the next time...

Part 8

When Daniel returned to his room, his 16yo fellow almost had left the hospital,and Luca, the 18yo, almost arrived. The male nurse who inserted the catheter yesterday, was waiting for Daniel. "Welcome back, boy, you made it. Now lest free you from the catheter and ging you a painkiller. " Daniel shrugged. Now I can handle the feeling, and it should go the other way... HE remembered how it felt when it was done last year.

"Do you still have the IV?" - "No,it was removed after finishing iperation" - "Okay,so you will get another painkiller instead.I will go and bring it", and he left the room. "Please lower your pants and lay on your back", was he saying while going out of the room.

Daniel saw Luca, that he was awake but still bit tired. "How do you feel?" - "My face is swallen, it feels weird,but for now I hardly have pain". Daniel lowered the pants,Luca first saw the backside and the small round bottom cheeks of his little fellow Daniel, then Daniel turned,softly chaking big the catheter which was stuffed in his little penis, and said " I will be so glad when that thing is away" Luca smiled "Mine was almost removed, so for me it's no problem to get a hard one now" Both boys were laughing.

In that moment the male nurse came back. Daniel laid in his bed carefully. First the catheter was unblocked with an empty syringe, then Daniel was called to take a deep breath. With anxiety he did, abd that moment he vreathed out, the catheter was pulled out fast and with force. Daniel yelled and bent his legs. A few seconds later he felt again a suppository at his bum hole, which was pushed all way in .Daniel yelled a second time. "It's done for now, boy", the male nurse said. Luca saw the scene with wide eyes.

While Daniel covered his cheeks with ice bags, he wished getting some for his private parts , too. In the evening about 5PM, he got some soup and pudding and yoghurt as dinner, but he wasn't hungry so much. After a while the male nurse came again and brought along two thermometers.Luca asked whether he could be measured in his ear instead, but the reply was "The ear is too close to the part you received intervention. Sorry you two boys, but you have to get 'em in your bottoms"

Luca got wide eyes, while Daniel almost turned on his stomach and pulled down his pants. Luca saw how the male nurse parted the small cheeks and pushed in the thermometer bit more than half lengh. Daniel moaned a bit. Luca finally turned ,too, and felt his cheeks devided and the thermometer pushed in same way. He moaned,too, the time it plugged in his bum. Finally the beep was hearable, and both boys were freed from their thermometers. Both received another suppository, and while the nurse pushed his finger all way in, both boys yelled for short.

It took not long until both felt asleep...

Part 9

Daniel awoke at about 10pm, he was asking what happened. Luca smiled that they felt asleep after that suppositories, and that he now feels hot in some case. Daniel looked closer and saw a kind of tent ... And he recognized a hard penis on himself, too.It burned a bit because of the catheter which was inside his penis a few hours ago. But he hadn't wanked for several days. "Do you thing he gave us something to make us horny?", Daniel asked. Luca answered "Don't know,but this is our chance." He stood up,came over to Daniel's bed, and sat down next to him.They sit side by side and wanked. Daniel marveled at the long penis of Luca:" Oh man, that's long" "22cm" Daniel turned red "Mine is quite shorter, only 12cm" Luca took Daniel's cock,rubbed it softly and said "Don't care,you can't change it. And you have a nice bubble butt" Luca took his hand away from the penis of Daniel and caressed his bum. Daniel wanked himself now,it hurt, but he had to reach the happy end. Luca wanked his whip, too. Both were breathing heavily. Daniel touched the stomach of Luca with his left hand and wanked with his right one like obsessed. Luca wanked with his left hand, while the fingers of his right hand were playing with Daniel's bumhole. Suddenly he inserted one finger into that narrow hole. That was too much for Daniel, and he shot his load on his chest and neck.Luca was afraid his finger would break because Daniel thightened his bumhole even more while he came. Both were laughing. Daniel decided to lick the dick of Luca ,and after one or two minutes he came on Daniel's face. "If I could I would have sucked you " "Tell me when heeling has finished and you will get your chance " And both laughed again. Luca went to bed, Daniel cleaned himself in the bathroom and both went to bed.

In the middle of the night, Daniel slept on his stomach, when he felt something touching his bum. It was Luca who whispered in his ear that he needs a second round. He smelt something like body lotion, while he recognized that his shorts were pulled down. In that moment Luca laid on Daniel's back and rubbed his body to Daniel's. After a moment Luca pulled down his pants, took a bit from the lotion, lubed his cock quickly and tried to push it into the small bum of Daniel. It took a while until he could enter. Daniel groaned while that huge penis tried to come in, and he yelled in that moment the cock won and marched all length inside this narrow bum. Luca was breathing heavily while he started some powerful bumps. Daniel wailed all the time. After a while he pulled his cock out and wanked it until he came.He shot his cum between Daniel's bottom cheeks, then he pushed his penis into Daniel's bum again. Daniel first felt felt sort of raped, but otherwise he wished all the time to come closer to Luca in any kind.

Luca went back to his bed, both boys cleaned themselves with a tissue,and felt asleep. Until the next morning...

Part 10

...to be continued...


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