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Locked Views: 455 Created: 2007.07.24 Updated: 2007.07.24

Perfect Exit

Chapter 3

I started telling my pre-arranged story.

“You see, I’ve been a bedwetter for a long time . By the time you moved here, Nicki, it had practically gone away. That’s why I didn’t say anything to you. I was afraid that you would feel even worse it you knew that I had stopped needing diapers. But, just a few months ago the bedwetting started coming back. And now, the wetting is much worse than ever before.”

I stopped there. I was hoping that this would be enough information to stop the discussion, at least until I could talk to my mother.

“And now you have to wear them during the day, too?” Nicki asked, his voice full of sympathy.

I hadn’t practiced an answer to that. What other reason could there be for me wearing them outside to play? I got flustered and said the first thing that came into my head.


I knew right away that I had said the wrong thing. Why did I say that? I tried to backtrack.

“I mean… It’s just that…” I started to say.

But I couldn’t think of a sensible way to finish the sentence. I was totally confused and scared. Nicki tried to comfort me.

“I know what you mean,” he said. “It’s scary being different from everyone else.

Frank and Brad seemed uncomfortable. I felt that they wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I began to feel the fears that Nicki had always lived with. Would my friends abandon me because of my diapers?

“I have to go home,” I said. “Will you still come to my sleepover tonight, Nicki?”

“Of course,” he answered.

We split up. I ran home. By the time I got there I was in tears. I ran to my room and threw myself onto the bed. My mother left me alone until my cries had subsided.

“Do you want to talk about it now?” she asked.

I nodded my head. It took me a couple of false starts before I got myself under control. I told her the whole story.

“I see,” was all she said.

We were quiet for a few moments.

“What will you do now?” she asked.

I guess I had cried myself out. I was totally analytical, viewing the situation as if it were happening to someone else.

“If I go back and tell Nicki that I only have to wear diapers at night, he’ll want to know why I lied to him, Brad, and Frank.”

“I think you’re right,” my mom agreed.

“If I don’t change my story, I’ll have to wear diapers all the time.”

“I think that that’s true, too.” my mom agreed again.

“I want to help Nicki. I guess I’ll have to wear diapers full-time for a little while, at least. I don’t think Brad and Frank will stop being my friends. They stayed friends with Nicki even though a lot of other kids didn’t. Unless, they think that two diaper-wearing friends is too much. But, even if everybody else stops being my friend, I’m pretty sure that I’ll always have Nicki,” I said hopefully.

“Honey, you are really special. I’m so sorry that I got you into this,” my mom said through tear-filled eyes.

“That’s OK,” I said giving her a hug. “I really like Nicki and, whatever happens, it will be worth it if he gets to feel better about himself.”

My mom hugged me back for what felt like a long time.

“Mom,” I eventually said, “will you please change my diaper?”

“It will be a pleasure, honey. A real pleasure.”

I never expected my two best friends Brad and Frank to find out about my diapers. My mom and I had planned for “my problem” to be a bedwetting problem, not a twenty-four a day problem. Worse still, I would have to go even more “public.” My seventh grade class had PE every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon. People had found out about Nicki’s diapers because his parents had insisted that he be treated like everyone else. I would be joining him in changing in the locker room with all the other guys. I dreaded what would happen.

Nicki and I talked about the PE class during our sleepover. We agreed that hiding my diapers would be impossible. He thought that my best bet was to act as normal as possible. He thought that since I already had the respect of the other kids they would probably leave me alone. I wasn’t so sure.

My mom was worried, too. On Monday morning she called the school and talked to Mr. Clarke, the PE teacher, and told him that, for medical reasons, I would be in diapers indefinitely. He told her that he would keep an eye out and that he would make sure that nothing happened. Mr. Clarke was a nice guy but his attempts to protect Nicki from taunts and teasing weren’t very effective. I was pretty sure that he wouldn’t be able to protect me from the other guys. I would have to do it myself. The problem was that I didn’t have a clue how.

One-thirty came and for the first time ever I wasn’t anxious for PE class to start. Brad and Frank had been treating me normally all day. I hoped that their loyalty would carry over once I was exposed as a “diaper boy” in the locker room. Everybody started changing. I took off my shirt and put on my gym t-shirt. I took my gym shorts out of the locker and laid them next to me on the bench. I unbuckled my pants and tried to get out of them as fast as I could. The first person to react to my diaper and plastic pants was Peter Marshal. Peter was a hyperactive pain-in-the-neck who was constantly causing trouble.

“Look, another one,” he shouted.

Heads turned and followed his pointing finger. Right to my plastic pants. Mr. Clark tried to intervene to stop the commotion that was building. I was trying to stay calm but my hands were shaking violently as I pulled up my gym shorts. My diaper was finally covered but not forgotten.

Peter led the verbal assault.

“Let’s hope that Nicki and Jack don’t let loose at the same time. The locker room might get flooded.”

“Man, I hope he’s not on my team today. I don’t know how to change diapers,” someone else shouted.

Up until this point, I had always gotten along well with my classmates so I felt betrayed and isolated. Brad, Frank, Nicki, and I left the locker room first. The other guys followed after Mr. Clarke gave them a long and loud lecture about respect.

We played touch football that day. The game didn’t go too badly. In fact, out on the field, several of the guys whispered their support to me or made comments about what a jerk Peter was. I was amazed. This was going much better than I thought it would. Playing back the scene in the locker room, I realized that only Peter, Alex, Travis, and Eddie had made negative comments. No one else had not joined in.

The class ended and we went back to the locker room for showers. Most guys didn’t want to shower publicly but Mr. Clarke insisted on it. I guess Mr. Clarke’s words did have an effect on the guys. No one made any comments as Nicki and I unpinned our wet diapers and put them into plastic bags to take home. The shower room was quieter than usual and, afterwards, even though I was very clumsy while putting on my own diaper, not a word was said.

I hoped that that would be the end of any negative comments but more harassment started as soon as we got off the bus the next morning.

Alex, Peter, Travis and Eddie were waiting for us.

“Look, it’s Baby Nicki and Baby Jack and their baby sitters. Tell us- are you getting good at changing diapers, Brad and Frank?” Alex taunted.

Peter said that it was too bad that Brad and Frank didn’t wear diapers, too. That way, the next time the PE class played baseball our four diapered butts could be used as the bases. Travis said something equally stupid. Strangely, Eddie just walked away from his friends without looking at us or making any comments.

I wanted to retaliate against them at the earliest opportunity. It was Nicki who talked me out of it.

“It won’t do any good,” he explained. “If you pick a fight one of you will win and the other will lose. Whoever loses will want revenge and the cycle of fighting will never end. The best thing to do is to ignore them. You can see that no one else is joining in with them. It will die down soon. In fact, now that there are two of us in diapers it will die down sooner. Most people really like you and they won’t join in on the stupid things that those guys are saying”

I wasn’t convinced that he was right. I went along with him, though, because his spirits seemed to have improved a lot since he found out that I wore diapers, too. In just a few days he was proven right. Alex, Peter, and Travis ran out of new insults to throw at us so they started recycling old ones. The other kids got impatient with them and began telling them to lay off.

I wondered about Eddie. He was no longer hanging around with his old friends. He didn’t seem to have any primary group anymore. After a few days of hanging around by himself he suddenly asked if he could talk to Nicki and me.

“I’m sorry about the way I acted in the locker room,” he said. “And I’m sorry how I kept on teasing you, Nicki, when you first got here.”

We were amazed.

“That’s OK,” we answered.

“Can I be your friend?” he asked.

This was an even bigger surprise. I didn’t know what to say so Nicki answered.

“Sure, why not?”

With that we headed off to the lunch room. We went to our usual spot where Brad and Frank were waiting for us. They were very surprised to see Eddie with us. Nicki went straight to the heart of the matter.

“Eddie wants to be our friend. OK?”

Brad and Frank agreed. Eddie fit it in right away. His old friends gave him a little trouble about wanting to play with the “babies” but he just ignored them. He made a point of telling us several times that he had a lot more in common with us than he did with them.

Several months went by and we had all adjusted to our new circumstances. I barely thought about my days “before diapers.” I now had as big a diaper and plastic pants supply as Nicki. It didn’t bother me at all that my friends saw them lying around the laundry room or piled up in my bedroom. Eddie was the only one who seemed a little shy about seeing them. I noticed that he would look quickly away from them if he happened to spot them. Also, one day when Eddie was there, my mom asked me to take a load of diapers and plastic pants back to my room. I picked up the large pile of diapers from on top of the dryer and asked him if he would mind grabbing the plastic pants and bringing them to my room. He agreed but by the time we got to my room he was all red in the face and his hands were shaking.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I guess I’m so used to them now that I don’t give my diapers and plastic pants a second thought. I forget how weird it must seem that I wear them.”

“Don’t apologize,” Eddie said. “I don’t think you’re weird. It’s me who’s weird.”

Eddie began to cry. I was totally confused. I didn’t want my mother coming in so I shut the door. Eddie got control of himself about a minute later.

“I have to go,” he sniffled.

“No, please don’t,” I said. “What’s wrong? Can’t I help?”

“Nobody can.”

“Don’t say that. I want to be your friend. I won’t tell anybody, no matter what you say.”

“I’m too scared,” he said in a choked voice.

He started crying again. This time it lasted longer. Finally, he was under control again.

“Promise you won’t tell anyone, ever?” he pleaded.

“I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” I answered.

“I’m jealous,” he said.

“Jealous? Of who?” I asked, confused.

“Of you… and Nicki,” he admitted.

“Us? Why? You’re just as good as us. What have we got that you don’t have?”

“Diapers,” he said simply.

I involuntarily gasped.

“See, you think it’s weird, too,” he said.

“No. That’s not it,” I protested. “You just surprised me, that’s all.”

“Anyway, now you know. I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? There’s nothing to be sorry for,” I insisted.

Eddie sat there glumly fingering the material of one on my diapers.

“Do you want to wear one now?” I asked

His face lit up for about a second before it fell again.

“Nah, I can’t” he mumbled.

“Why not? No one will find out. I promise”

“It’s not that,” he answered.

“Then, what?” I pressed.

“It’s that every time I think of diapers and plastic pants I get a stiffie,” he said, turning red in the face.

Until then I had never thought of diapers in a sexual way. As soon as he said it, though, I began getting a stiffie, too.

“So what?” I asked. “It’s happened to me, too. Do you want to wear a diaper or not?”

I could see the fight going on inside him.

“You know you’re going to hate yourself later if you don’t do it. Come on, it’s OK.” I urged.

That did it. His face cleared up and a smile lit up his face.

“You won’t tell anyone, ever. Promise?”

“Yes, I promise.,” I said somewhat impatiently.

I got out a changing pad and began unfolding a diaper.

“Take your pants and underwear off,” I said.

Eddie hesitated.

“What if your mother comes in?” he worried.

“She won’t,” I assured him. “She always knocks first. And, besides, she working on stuff in her office. Stop worrying.”

He unbuckled his pants and slid them down taking his underwear with them at the same time. I was busy collecting pins and powder. Eddie’s eyes grew round as he saw the powder.

“You’re going to put baby powder on me, too?”

“Of course, you’ll start itching if I don’t. The plastic pants hold a lot of heat, you know. And then, when you wet your diaper the powder will protect your skin.”

By now Eddie was laying on the bed on top of the changing pad. He lifted up so that I could slide the diaper under him. His stiffie was very evident. Mine had grown inside my diaper, too. I sprinkled powder on his diaper area and spread it around without touching his penis. He rolled over and I did his behind. As I pulled the diaper material up between his legs and began pinning it, he started making the strangest noises. It sounded like a baby gurgling. He got red again and stopped. I finished putting in the last pin and he tried to get up.

“No,” I said, “I’ll give you the whole treatment.”

I picked up a pair of plastic pants and slid them up his legs and over the diaper.

“Now you can stand up. Let me check that all the diaper material is inside your plastic pants.”

I adjusted his plastic pants and he was ready. I turned him around so that he could see himself in the dresser mirror. He began giggling more or less uncontrollably. He lifted his shirt and looked at himself from every angle possible.

“This is soooo cool,” he said. “Thanks.”

We sat down on the floor of my room and talked for awhile. Eddie told me about all the times he had wished to be put into diapers and how hard it is was for him to hide his feelings. All the time he was talking, Eddie ran his hands over the smooth surface of the plastic pants, feeling the diaper material underneath. Over and over, he repeated how this was the happiest day of his life.

Eventually it was lunchtime. I needed to find out what Eddie wanted to do.

“My mom’s going to be fixing lunch pretty soon. Do you want me to ask her if you can stay?”

“Great!” he answered without hesitation.

“OK, let’s go ask her.” I said. “First, though, you better cover up your diapers,” I joked.

“You know, I love it when you say “your diapers.” I really wish they were mine.”

Eddie’s pants fit pretty well over the diaper and plastic pants. There was a slight fullness in the crotch and a barely noticeable roundness in the seat that I told him I didn’t think anyone else would notice.

After lunch we waited for the other guys to come over. We hadn’t planned anything but we always figured something out when we were together.

“Is your diaper wet?” I asked Eddie.

“Yeah,” he shyly admitted. “I guess I’d better take it off before the other guys get here.”

He seemed so sad as he removed the diaper and plastic pants that I asked if he wanted to wear another set. He hesitated, weighing the risk of discovery by the others.

“OK,” he finally said.

I cleaned him off with a couple of wipes and got him into a fresh diaper. It just so happened that this diaper was from the second set that my mother had ordered. These were slightly thicker. When he put his pants back on, his crotch was noticeably fuller with a very definite roundness visible on his backside (the same thing happened to me when I wore these diapers). I pointed this out to him.

“I don’t care,” he said resolutely. “I want to wear them, no matter what.”

I shrugged and agreed that I was probably exaggerating how obvious his diaper was. I changed myself into a fresh diaper and we waited for the other guys to arrive. They came about fifteen minutes later. For some reason nobody felt like doing anything so we sat around my room talking about all kinds of stuff. We covered all the topics of interest to twelve year old boys including which girls wore bras with padding and which didn’t.

After a while Nicki remembered that he had left a sweatshirt at my house a couple of weeks before and that his mother was bugging him about bringing it home. I told him that my mom had washed it and that it was still in the laundry room. We went to get it while the other guys stayed in my room.

“Why is Eddie wearing diapers?” Nicki asked as soon as we were away from my bedroom.

“What are you talking about?” I asked as innocently as I could.

“Please,” he said in an exaggerated tone, stretching out the word ‘please’ until it sounded like he was saying “pull-ease”. “I know what diapers look like. Do you now what’s going on?”

“He’ll kill me if I tell you,” I said, hoping to avoid having to answer.

“You’re not telling me anything new. I already know he’s in diapers. Why?”

Since Eddie had already admitted that he had been jealous of Nicki as well as of me, I rationalized that Nicki was already involved. I told him the story in about thirty seconds.

“I won’t say anything,” he promised.

As far as I know Frank and Brad never noticed.

Eddie “borrowed” diapers from me more and more often as the weeks went by. I sensed that my mother was noticing the extra laundry. I had to say something to Eddie.

“Eddie, I’m not saying that you can’t continue to borrow my diapers whenever you want but I’m afraid that my mom is beginning to notice how many more diapers she has to wash.”

“I’m sorry,” he answered. “I guess I’ve been getting carried away.”

I had been thinking about this problem for several days.

“Have you thought about telling you parents?” I asked. “Like, maybe you could get your own.”

“No!” he practically shouted, “never. I can’t do that.”

“Too bad you aren’t a bedwetter,” I suggested.

Eddie picked up on it right away.

“What are you saying?” he asked.

“I’ve heard my mom on the phone talking about bedwetting. I remember that she once said that bedwetting can be very mysterious. It can suddenly appear, even in older kids, and then mysteriously disappear.”

“Do you think I could get away with it?” he asked seriously.

“I don’t know. You can try.”

He wasted no time putting a plan into action. The next morning at school he told me that he had flooded his bed the night before and that his mom was very worried about it. She had already made an appointment with my mom for after school.

When my mom got home from her office she said that she wanted to speak to me.

“Normally, you know that I don’t talk to you about my patients and their appointments. I’m going to break that rule today because I think you know something about why Eddie’s mom made an appointment for him to see me today.”

I got a sinking feeling. I should have known that my mom would put two and two together. I already knew that she was suspicious about my apparent increased diaper use. To have one of my best friends show up with a sudden wetting problem was just too coincidental for her to believe. I didn’t say anything. My mom knew that this was practically an admission of guilt.

“Well?” What’s going on?” she pressed.

I still didn’t answer.

“Do I have to ask Nicki’s parents if I can speak to him about this?” she continued.

“No. Don’t do that,” I panicked. “He’s not involved.”

“Then tell me who is,” she said.

I confessed the whole set up. When I had finished she paused for a few seconds.

“Look, Jack. I can’t give a false diagnosis to Eddie’s parents. That would be highly unprofessional and I could even lose my license to practice medicine. On the other hand, I understand how important loyalty is to you. I’ll have to think about what I should do.”

I really felt depressed. I didn’t want my mom to get caught in the middle. I went to see Eddie. I told him everything that my mom had said. At first he was really upset with me. Eventually, he calmed down and said that he understood. Still, he couldn’t tell his parents the truth. He was so committed to the plan that he couldn’t see that it had already failed. He flooded his bed again that night.

Eddie’s mom called my mom for another consultation. My mom asked to speak to her and her husband alone. They set up a meeting for 10:30 when Eddie would be in school

My mom began the consultation by telling Eddie’s parents that she was 99% sure that the cause of the bedwetting was not physical. The next likely cause was emotional or physical abuse. She said that there was certainly no evidence of either kind of abuse in the home. She asked his parents if there were any relatives or neighbors who could possibly be abusing Eddie. They were appalled at the idea and doubted very much that anything like that was going on.

“That leaves us with one last major possibility,” my mom continued. “Eddie could be doing this out of a desire to imitate his friends. Of course, you know that I mean Jack and Nicki. He may not even be conscious of the connection, although I believe he is. I think that it is very likely that he has developed a strong attraction to diapers because they fill some emotional need inside of him. If we asked him, I doubt very much that he could identify what that need was. You could try talking to him in a logical fashion and point out that you love him, that he has a secure home life, and that all his needs are being met. But I doubt that that would change what he is feeling.”

“Are you saying that Eddie is faking? That he wants to be put back into diapers,” Eddie’s father asked, agitation clearly evident in his demeanor.

“I’m saying that it’s a strong possibility,” my mom answered.

“And it’s because we allowed him to hang around with your son?” he added.

“Now, dear,” Eddie’s mother interrupted, “that’s not fair to the doctor. It’s not her son’s fault. Or Nicki’s fault. Is it?””

“I am in a very difficult position here, as you can imagine, because my son is involved,” my mother answered. “I can give you some literature on the topic that I researched last night. I think that Nicki and my son’s diapers was merely the trigger that was handy for Eddie. If that hadn’t been there, it would have been diaper ads on TV or in magazines that would have triggered his desires.”

“What do you suggest?” Eddie’s dad asked.

“Read the literature and give me a call. We can either set up another meeting or discuss options over the phone.”

The meeting ended and Eddie’s parents went home rather than going to work. A couple of hours later they called my mom.

“Marsha, my wife and I have read over the literature. It seems to us that our course of action is pretty clear. Especially after we read the stuff written by kids who have the urge to be in diapers again,” Eddie’s father said.

My mom and he talked for about five minutes. She said that she thought that they had made a correct decision and she wished them luck.

At one-thirty, a note arrived in our classroom notifying the teacher that Eddie was to be dismissed for the rest of the day. His parents were waiting for him in the principal’s office.

After I got off the bus, I ran to my mother’s office to find out why Eddie had been called out of class. Of course, she said she couldn’t tell me so I went home sulking.

A little after dinner, Eddie banged on my window.

“Can I come in?” he asked. “I’ve got something important to tell you.”

“Of course you can,” I said running to the back door to let him in.

My mother asked me why I was running through the house.

“Eddie is here,” I said breathlessly, “can I talk to him?”

“If I said ‘no’ I’m pretty sure that there be very little peace around here,” she chuckled.

Eddie was already standing by the door when I opened it. I would have known that he was diapered even if I hadn’t seen the bulge in his crotch area. His face was glowing. We went into my room and I shut the door.

“What happened?” I asked excitedly.

Eddie kicked off his shoes, unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants.

“This!” he said, proudly showing the front and back of his thick diaper and plastic pants.

“Tell me everything,” I begged.

“After my parents picked me up they told me we were going shopping in Centreville. I asked them why. ‘To get you some diapers,’ my dad said. ‘For my bedwetting?’ I asked. ‘And for whatever other reason you want them,’ my mom answered. I got real nervous, tears were starting to form in my eyes. I didn’t know what to say. They knew that I wanted diapers, not that I needed them. My mom saw that I was getting upset and she said that she and my dad had talked to your mom and that your mom had given them some stuff to read. These were articles about kids like me who want to wear diapers. My parents said that they didn’t want me doing things behind their back and that if wearing diapers meant that I would be happy, that was OK with them. I got the feeling that my dad was less happy about it than my mom, but he said OK anyway. Isn’t it great?”

“So,” I answered, “what are going to do? Have you decided how often you’ll wear them.”

“Whenever I don’t have PE,” he answered immediately.

I felt that I had an obligation to tell him that his diapers had been real obvious under his pants when he was standing by the door.

“I know,” he said, “as soon as I get home my mom is taking me shopping for new pants- that will hide my diapers better.” He paused and smiled, “God, I love saying ‘my’ diapers and ‘my’ plastic pants!”

Within a few days, Eddie let Nicki, Brad, and Frank in on his secret. Frank and Brad groaned saying that they didn’t know it they could take three diaper-wearing friends. Of course, they were only kidding.

Eddie turned out to be quite an exhibitionist whenever the five of us were together, anyway. At any one of our houses, he would take his pants off and walk around in just his diaper and plastic pants. Once summer came around, Nicki and I joined him. It was really cool (literally and figuratively)! In fact, it became standard dress after a while. Frank and Brad occasionally complained about this, but mostly to tease us. Amazingly, Eddie’s secret stayed in our circle. No one that I know of ever found out.

Things went on unchanged until the end of eighth grade. One day late in May, Nicki announced that his dad was being transferred. The coal company wanted to make a major investment in Russian coal mines and his dad was getting a job as liaison between the Russian and American operations. At first his dad had resisted. But since the company guaranteed that he would be paid an American salary, in American dollars, he couldn’t refuse. By comparison to the rest of the people in Russia, they would be rich. They would be moving back to Russia during the summer.

The news hit us all hard. We all liked Nicki and he liked us. It was a painful parting and we all promised to keep in touch. Of course, this lasted for only a few months. He established his new life and ours continued on without him.

Nicki and his family had been gone about a week when my mom asked me the question I was dreading.

“What are you going to do now? About your diapers, that is.”

I had already thought about this. I was now in the same position as Eddie had been in about a year before. I had grown to love my diapers and I didn’t want to give them up.

“Can I keep them?” I asked.

“To wear them sometimes, or to continue wearing them all the time?” she asked.

“All the time,” I answered.

“It’s whatever you want. The decision is yours. I just wanted to clear the air so that you wouldn’t wonder what my opinion was. And, what about Eddie? Will you tell him the truth about why you wear diapers?” she continued

I think my answer surprised her.

“I’ve already told him, even before Nicki left. I wanted his advice about whether I should tell Nicki or not.”

“What did you decide?” my mom wondered.

“We decided that I shouldn’t tell him. I don’t know, maybe I should have. I just didn’t want him to think that I had manipulated him. Like you said at the beginning, we weren’t lying to him- we were giving him therapy.”

And that was it. She had given me permission to make up my mind about what I wanted to do. Little by little Eddie and I began adding to our diaper games. We started by getting baby bottles and pacifiers. Then we moved on to the internet where we discovered baby clothes available in our sizes. We weren’t old enough to buy them ourselves so we had to let our parents in on the game.

Once again, they told us to make up our own minds. At birthdays and at Christmas they even began to surprise us with special treats: baby print diapers, sleepers, toddler-style overalls, and baby shirts. Naturally, all of this was kept very private. Not even Frank or Brad knew about this stuff.

“As you can see, I haven’t quite finished the story,” Jack said.

“Perhaps not,” Darryl agreed, “but you’ve got to post this somewhere on the net. There are lots of kids out there who need to know that a desire to wear diapers doesn’t make them some kind of freak. I know that I agonized over my diaper desires for years. The more that kids find out about other people’s experiences, the better the odds that they’ll feel better about themselves. I know. I was scared to death as a kid.”

“Now that you’ve read this,” Jack asked, “will you tell your parents about your diapers the next time you see them?”

“Even just last week I was terrified of what they might say. Now, I want them to know all about me. I’m not scared to tell them anymore.”

“That’s great,” Jack said, smiling toward his new friend.

“There’s just one more thing,” Darryl said. “What happened to Eddie? Do you still keep in touch?”

“I tell you what,” Jack answered. “Let’s go up to his room and find out if he wants to go get something to eat. You can ask him all those questions yourself.”

The End.