
Views: 494 Created: 2009.03.16 Updated: 2009.03.16

How I became ?

Chapter 3

After lunch Norma made me wash the dishes while she changed the baby and put her in the play pen. When she came back she ordered me and Jason to follow her upstairs. With sinking heart I noticed she was heading for Jason's room. I wanted to ask her why, but I was beginning to learn to keep my mouth shut.

She lowered the side of the crib and hoisted a protesting Jason into it. I guessed he had just recently been promoted to the youth bed and didn't want to be a baby just like his sister.

But Norma ignored him and he quietened down when she showed him a pacifier with long ribbons attached to it. As soon as he was settled she turned to me and pointed to the youth bed.

"You gets an afternoon nap, just like the rest of the kids." I looked at the bed and smelled the pungent stench of the room, made worse by the summer heat and the partly closed window.

"I don't need a nap." I said carefully.

"I says ya do! Now get yer diapered butt onto that bed while I gets ya fixed up." I had no idea what she meant by that but I didn't have much of a choice so I held my breath, laid down and tried to pull the hem of my t-shirt down over my bulging plastic pants. It was futile. The shirt was just too short to do the job.

When Norma came back she was carrying the roll of wide packing tape. 'What now!' I wanted to scream but instead I just waiting for instructions.

"Hold yer hands like yer pray'n" she ordered and I did. She started to wrap the tape around my hands, binding them together.

I wanted to weep. Grandma must have really betrayed me to this woman. In the back of my mind I had wondered if the nap might give me a chance to sneak a finger or two inside my still-dry diapers and rub myself off. Well, the tape would take care of that. But there was still the gentle rubbing from the paper lining of the Pampers she had made me wear. I doubted she could tell they felt so good so I shut up and let her bind my hands.

"That should keep ya outa trouble" she commented as she pulled the dirty sheet over me and then strolled out of the room, the plastic shell of her diaper rustling loudly with every step.

I tried to ignore my revulsion at the condition of my surroundings. Instead, I concentrated on the softness of the bulk between my thighs and tried to encourage the warm little spark to blossom into a wonderful fire.

Although my hands were taped together I could still use them to put some pressure on my crotch. I kneaded and pushed, flexed my legs together and squirmed in delight as the soft, dry padding of the diapers caressed my most sensitive places. I let myself get lost in the sensations, allowing the warmth to blossom in my loins until it was all I could do not to moan out loud.

Finally I exploded in a burst of pleasure, rocking back and forth as I pressed down hard on the pads that covered my loins.

As I drifted back into reality I was afraid that Norma might have heard or seen me but the house was quiet. Jason was staring at me curiously through the bars of the crib. I started to drift off to sleep but just before I slipped away I felt myself let go of my aching bladder, not caring that I was wetting my diapers, just happy to have had an orgasm in the middle of the nightmare.

I must have slept for a couple of hours because the next thing I knew I heard the sounds of a little kid crying. I guessed that Jason's older sister had come home from school.

Norma's voice was gentle, soothing the kid. I was surprised, I didn't think of her as a kind person.

As soon as I heard them on the stairs I decided to pretend to still be asleep. I was comfortable and left alone where I was. Getting up and attracting Norma's attention wouldn't be an improvement. I kept my eyes open just a little so I could see a little of what was going on.

The little girl's name was Karen and Norma was being very comforting about the fact that she had wet her panties while at day camp. I could remember being her age and having the occasional accident. Norma was trying to console her embarrassment but nothing she could say seemed to calm the girl down. I began to wonder why she didn't take the soaked panties off the girl and then she said the one thing that Karen obviously wanted to hear: "You want me to put a diaper on ya, don't ya? I can tell. That's OK, I'll get ya fixed up. Just take off yer pants and lie on the floor." I had seen a lot of strange things in the past two days but this six year old girl, actually asking for a diaper, knocked me over. Norma kept looking at me so I had to try very hard not to let my eyelids move. Still, I stared and stared as Norma put a super toddler Pampers on her daughter, helped her up, patted her padded bottom and offered her a snack. At the mention of food Jason started fussing so Norma picked him up out of the crib and took the kids down stairs.

I was grateful that I was alone again but my thoughts weren't on another orgasm. I was suddenly very aware that I needed to have a bowel movement and the fear of messing myself was creeping over me like a shadow. I twisted and turned and tried to find a position where the cramps weren't so bad but nothing helped.

The worst part was what was happening in my mind. I was already in disposable diapers so even if I went to Norma there was nothing she would do. I kept looking ahead for some chance, some occasion when I could sneak away to the toilet and be spared the worst part of being in diapers.

Of course, there was nothing to look forward to. Grandma was angry with me for masturbating. There were a lot of "D"s on the calendar. Norma had me where she wanted me to be. No one was inclined to help me. I had nothing to look forward to but the fact that, sooner or later, I was going to have to load my diapers like a toddler.

The more I tried to hold it back the worse the cramps got.

Finally I knew there was no point in torturing myself so I laid on my back, flexed and spread my knees and tried to let it come out.

I had expected it to burst from me but I really did have to work at pushing the mush out of me. That made it all the worse, first having to work so hard to hold it in and then having to grunt and groan to expel it.

Finally it began and suddenly I knew I couldn't stop it. My imagination pictured what was happening in my diapers and it almost made me sick. Still, it felt pretty good to be rid of the cramps and I tried to concentrate on that.

When it was over I lay very still, hoping that somehow I wouldn't have to let my own waste touch me. Another part of me knew I was being stupid on that point but for at least fifteen minutes I was frozen in that position, hoping I would never have to move again.

That's the way I was when Norma found me. She came into the room, sniffed the air knowingly and smiled with satisfaction.

"Messed yerself, did ya? Well don't expect me to change ya. Yer granny's due soon anyhow. C'mon. Ya may as well be where I can see ya." She grabbed my taped hands and almost forcibly pulled me from the bed. Standing up made the load in my diapers shift and I grimaced with disgust. Norma just smiled again and told me to go to the living room and change the baby.

Every step along the way was a chapter of misery. I hated the feeling of the luke-warm mush as it was pressed against my skin. Sometimes I caught of whiff of it and almost gagged. By the time I got to the living room I would have given anything to be changed. Even if it had meant more time in diapers I would have agreed. Anything was better than the way I felt.

The baby was obviously messy as she lay in the play pen but my hands were still taped together so there I couldn't do anything about changing her. I waited for Norma and wondered what Grandma had been doing all day.

As it turned out, Grandma arrived before Norma had a chance to release my hands. The strange smile she wore and the fact that she didn't seem to be angry with me anymore actually scared me a lot. I knew Grandma had some plans for me and having to wait and see what they were was real torture.

I was made to thank Norma for her hospitality and then I had to fetch my diaper bag. I noticed that there should have been three Attends left instead of one and guessed that Norma had helped herself while I was sleeping. Both Norma and Grandma knew I was wet and messy but neither of them said or did anything to acknowledge it. I suppose it was part of Grandma's game to make me ask to have my diapers changed.

I couldn't take Norma's shirt off because my hands were taped but no one seemed to care about that. Norma handed my clothes to Grandma and told her I had been "pretty good". When I suddenly realized that Grandma was going to make me walk home with my wet and messy diapers in plain sight I began to fret but one look from that stern face helped me to keep quiet. As Grandma cut the tape on my hands I just concentrated on the baby calendar in the kitchen and prayed I could keep it clear for the rest of the summer.

It was probably only about 500 feet from Norma's house to Grandma's, but for me, walking in my wet and messy diapers, with my plastic panties exposed for all to see and the diaper bag on my shoulder as proof of what I was wearing, it seemed like a mile. I was sure that every person in sight stopped and stared and that even the cars passing on the street slowed to get a better look at me. By the time we crossed her doorway I was almost in tears and ready to accept any terms Grandma offered, if only she would cease the punishment of being made to wear and use diapers.

Grandma chatted merrily about her day of "special shopping" and asked me inane questions about how I had liked my stay with Norma. I knew she was baiting me. Once inside Grandma's pristine house the odours from the shirt were very evident, not to mention the smells from my loaded diapers. Grandma marched me upstairs to the bathroom where she donned a rubber apron and supervised my taking a shower. She peeled down my plastic panties and as soon as she started to cut through the packing tape that held my disposable diaper in place I began to be afraid of what would be revealed. I trembled in dread but she seemed not to be concerned. I expected her to comment on the packing tape but she said nothing. I interpreted her silence to the fact that she and Norma must be in each other's confidence.

But when the diaper finally fell away from my hips as I stood in the bath tub it was not the smell or the obvious mess that brought Grandma to comment, it was the arrangement of Pampers inside the Attends. While I stood there naked and fearful she commented that "it looked like a good idea" because it added a lot of bulk between the legs and the added absorbency meant I could go longer between changes. She asked me to remind her to buy Pampers tomorrow but somehow I didn't think she would need any prompting.

Grandma had me cleaned up in a few minutes. She did it all, washing and then drying me, as if I were a real baby. Looking back on it I suppose she didn't want to give me a chance to touch myself but at the time it just made me feel that much more helpless.

It felt so wonderful to be free of the uncomfortable, bulky diapers, and the hot plastic panties, even if it was only for a few minutes. I felt clean again and the only thing that dimmed my mood was the thought that another set of diapers and another pair of plastic panties were waiting for me just a few steps down the hall. I thought of asking Grandma to give me another chance, to plead that I had already learned my lesson; but Grandma was wearing her determined look and I knew by then she would want to punish me some more for having found a way to gain pleasure - even through thick diapers.

She saw the look in my eyes and said, "Come now, Barbara! You know perfectly well why you are being punished. You could have been free of diapers in just a few days but you persisted in your disgusting habit and so your punishment must also continue." I didn't reply. I was afraid to say anything in case I got myself into more trouble. Grandma wrapped me in a big towel and took me to my room.

It was hard to sit there on the bed and watch her prepare a thick stack of cloth diapers for me. She used so many that I guessed she didn't want to have to change me until morning. I shuddered at the thought of being made to wear wet diapers for the next 12 hours but if Grandma noticed, she didn't say anything.

When she told me, I laid down on the diapers and watched Grandma put oil and powder on me. Then she pulled the diapers into position, forcing my legs wider apart than was comfortable, and pinning them as tightly as she could. The diapers were so tight that a protest rose to my lips but I stifled it. Grandma noticed and reminded me that cotton stretches when wet and she didn't want the diapers to come loose in the middle of the night.

She handed me a fresh pair of plastic pants and told me to put them on. I hated the thought of what they were going to do to me but I didn't have any choice. As soon as I stood up I realized that these must be the thickest diapers she had ever made me wear. I stepped into the pants and worked them up my legs. They covered the diapers but only just barely and the plastic was tight as it strained to cover all the cloth. I looked over and saw my reflection in the mirror - a 14 year old girl with small breasts wearing a huge diaper and a pair of translucent plastic panties. Was this how I looked to Norma and the kids? How could they not laugh? I blushed deep red.

Grandma gave me a bra she had bought on her shopping trip.

It looked like something from the 1950's. It was thick and reinforced and awful but I put it on. It was then that I discovered that its cups were so well reinforced that I couldn't touch my nipples through them. She also gave me a night shirt that was too short to cover all of my diapers.

After dinner I had to do the dishes and wash out the few cloth diapers and plastic panties that had been used. She made me hang them out on the back clothesline but by then it was almost dark and I didn't think anyone would see me. I was more concerned by the fact that having those things in full view on the line would attract a lot of attention from anyone who cared to notice.

I was allowed to watch TV with her for a while before it was time for bed. Grandma made me drink a lot of lemonade. We both knew she wanted me to wet my diapers. In fact I already had to pee quite badly but I was holding back, hoping to not have to give her the satisfaction of seeing me wet and uncomfortable.

Since we had come back from Norma's I had been wondering what Grandma had bought on her shopping trip. It wasn't a curious kind of wondering, more like dread - a prisoner waiting to hear her sentence. When Grandma stood up, turned off the TV and announced that it was time to "put me down for the night" I knew my time had come. As we crossed the kitchen I looked at the calendar with all its "D"s and "C"s. To my horror I saw the "S" on today's date and realized I had forgotten that I was to get spanked for the first time tonight.

She took me to my room and told me to take off the night shirt. I watched her spread out a plastic covered changing pad on the bed. I told her I wasn't wet and she gave me a very strange look. "Why not?" she demanded, "you've had four glasses of lemonade and you've not been changed since I brought you back from Norma's." She glared at me for a few long seconds and then continued. "It's foolish to try and hold your water like that.

You will be in diapers for a long time. You may as well get used to wearing wet ones. I want you to release your water right now!" "Please no, Grandma!" I blurted out. I wanted to stay dry and comfortable as long as possible.

"Do as you are told! If you lose control when I spank you things will get even worse!" A sense of defeat washed over me. With cheeks red from shame I spread my legs a little and then released a flood into my diapers. I gasped with surprise at the feeling of the hot pee creeping through the cloth. Grandma looked satisfied.

I was ordered onto the changing pad. Grandma pulled down my plastic panties and unpinned one side of the diapers. She pulled the whole arrangement down my legs and set it on the dresser top.

I saw her open a drawer and take out an 18" long plastic ruler.

She told me to kneel on the floor and rest my chest on the bed.

Slowly, fearfully, I did as I was told.

"Two strokes, Barbara, because this is only your second day." Then I heard the whoosh of the ruler cutting through the air and then a stripe of pain across my tender behind. I heard myself inhale sharply but I didn't have time to cry out before a second band appeared just below it.

I started to cry and was limp and miserable in her hands as she helped me up. Then I had to watch through my tears as she spread out my wet diapers on the changing pad. She made a motion with her hand as if to invite me to take my place on the diapers.

"Aren't I going to get dry ones?" I pouted, no longer caring about getting into more trouble.

"Do you think you deserve to be comfortable? I don't. Get onto these diapers right now or I'll spank you some more!" The threat of more spanking was enough to get me into action. I put my bottom on the wet pads, grimacing with disgust because they had already cooled and felt awful. She pinned the diapers as tightly as before and then fitted the plastic panties over my ankles. I stood up and pulled them into place.

I watched Grandma go to the closet and come back with a strange pair of pants made out of nylon-like canvass. They were huge, certainly big enough to cover even my super-thick diapers.

There was a kind of belt around the waist and each leg opening and it seemed as if a rigid reinforcing panel had been sewn into the middle of the pants from front waist to back waist. The panel was at least four inches wide and I knew just by looking at these pants that they would prevent me from closing my thighs. I gulped and trembled as she showed them to me.

"These pants will make sure you behave yourself at night.

The panel prevents you from closing your thighs or pressing at yourself through your diapers." She held them out for me to step into and I did. She brought them up into place and began to fasten the straps around my legs and waist.

I had to part my legs as wide as possible to allow the pants into place and now, having to stand still while she locked me into them I began to dread having to sleep in them. When she finished, and stepped back, she invited me to take a few steps.

I found I could walk but only with a lot of effort and uncomfortable rubbing from the hard plate between my thighs.

Being made to wear diapers was a holiday compared to this torture.

Grandma helped me into the crib, found my mittens in my diaper bag and put them on my hands. All this time I was sniffling and generally feeling sorry for myself. The pants kept my thighs so far apart that I wondered if there would be enough room for the side of the crib to close. I was staring at the buckles on the leg bands of these strange pants when suddenly Grandma started doing something to my thigh.

It was a leather cuff and as soon as she had it fastened she showed me that it was attached to a metal bar about 18" long and there was another cuff at the other end.

"Oh no!" I sighed as she fastened the other cuff. The pants pushed my legs apart and this bar arrangement pulled them back again, effectively locking my legs in a wide, knees flexed position. I was very uncomfortable.

My voice was very soft and quiet, "Grandma, I won't be able to sleep like this." She started to raise the side of the crib. "I'm sure you will get used to it. At least I can sleep better knowing that you won't be able to harm yourself anymore." I wanted to protest again but the words wouldn't come. I lay there, flat on my back with my legs locked wide apart. I stared at my mittened hands, cursing them for being so useless.

My diapers had warmed up a little but still felt cool and soggy.

The fire in my bottom had subsided to a dull ache but was still very sore. Worse yet, I sensed another bowel movement coming. I watched Grandma turn out the light and then listened to her footsteps down the hall. I had never known such torture.

I guess I finally did get some sleep. One of the most subtle, and worst parts of the way I was fixed was that I couldn't move. I couldn't turn over or even adjust my position.

About an hour after Grandma left I wet again. This time, feeling the pee invade my diapers reinforced how helpless I felt. I could do nothing to avoid it or direct it. I just had to lay there and wet myself like an infant.

I woke up just as I started to mess. It terrified me and I tried valiantly to stop it but having my legs locked so wide apart made it hard to control my bottom. I gasped, grunted and groaned in frustration as the soft warm mush began to fill my diapers. I hated the feel of it and was reminded of what had happened at Norma's but this time there was nothing I could do to help myself. I lay awake for the next few hours, waiting for Grandma.

That first night in the leg brace and hard pants (Grandma's names for them) broke my spirit. I stopped resisting and just tried to do what I was told when I was told. I didn't even complain when the second night came around and I had to watch as the pants and brace were applied again, ensuring an almost sleepless night and a very early awakening.

During the day Grandma dressed me in just a t-shirt over my old-fashioned bra and, of course, diapers and plastic panties.

She gave me lots of housework to do and made sure that I got plenty to drink.

If we had to go out anywhere she let me wear a dress but always one that was cut too short to hide my shame. She took to sewing lace ruffles into the seat of some of my coloured pants, making me look like a big baby girl.

Day after day passed, with only the end of the "C"s and the "S"s on the calendar to look forward to. If I needed to move my bowels and was not wearing a disposable diaper I had to go to Grandma and ask her to change me. That was the only time I was allowed to ask for a diaper change.

I got so used to being in diapers that after a few weeks I realized that I had sort of lost control of my water. I didn't think about peeing, it just happened. Messing was something different. I never got used to it and always tried to have it happen just before Grandma was due to change me. Of course, her rule about changing me into a disposable just before I messed guaranteed that I always spent at least a few hours in a messy diaper.

Whenever I had my period Grandma kept me in disposable diapers around the clock. I quickly came to hate those diapers because of the heat and the itch. Only once did I have to spend a night in disposable diapers, the hard pants and the leg brace but it was enough to discourage me from ever risking that punishment when I had my period.

The summer dragged on and I kept hoping that I could be good long enough to be let out of diapers. Looking back on it I guess Grandma intended that I spend the summer in diapers because just as I got to the last "D" on the calendar something would happen that would let her write a lot more "D"s.

After a while I began to think of things as normal if all I had to wear were cloth diapers and a pair of plastic panties. If Grandma was going out for a while where I wasn't invited she would put the hard pants and the mittens on me and leave me to wander the house in my spread-leg gait, counting the minutes until she returned and I could be comfortable again.

When she did take me out I was always dressed so that my diapers showed at least just a little. I never did get used to that and although I knew better than to protest I knew that my red face was enough to tell Grandma that I was suffering.

Grandma used humiliation when she really wanted me to behave. There was one time when she took me to visit a friend of hers in a nearby town. I had to pack my own diaper bag and carry it. She didn't tell me we were going to a private home so I had prepared myself for another afternoon of being stared at in public. When I finally found out where were headed I almost fainted.

When we got to the town, Grandma pulled over to the side of the road and wrapped my hands in gauze bandages and white tape.

By then I knew that she was going to use the burned hands story so I just shut up and let her do it.

Grandma's friend was an older, widowed woman who treated me like I was a lot younger than I was. She noticed my hands first and Grandma gave her the burns story. As soon as I sat down the woman saw my bulging plastic panties and before she could ask, Grandma pointed out that because of my bandages I couldn't help myself in the bathroom.

I was surprised when the woman asked, sincerely, why Grandma didn't just come to the bathroom with me instead of making me wear diapers all the time. Grandma replied that some of the medication I had to take caused loose bowels and therefore going with me would be unpleasant, if not impractical.

The woman seemed fascinated by my diapers and kept asking questions about them. Grandma didn't encourage her to change the topic and so I had to endure their attention, including a request to lift my dress and model my strange underwear. I almost fainted from embarrassment.

The worst part was when I needed to be changed. Grandma asked if the woman minded and she replied that we could use a bedroom. Grandma thanked her but said she would change me right there on the carpet.

She spread out a changing pad and had my wet diapers off in a few seconds. My heart sank when she laid out a couple of Attends with a couple of Pampers added as soakers. The woman asked a lot of questions about the adult disposable diapers and Grandma kept up an extended conversation while I lay there, half-diapered, having to suffer through it all. Finally she finished diapering me and I went back to my chair. I hid my face in a magazine to hide my flaming cheeks.

As the end of August approached I became very aware of how little control I had of my water. I began to worry that once I went back home I would still need diapers, especially at night when I seemed to wet a lot without knowing it. So in a way, I was glad when Grandma told me she would be sending some diapers and plastic panties home with me just in case Mom needed them.

When the day came when Mom would come for me I was so excited I could barely contain myself. Grandma woke me up early and took the mittens off my hands. Then she released the hard pants (even though I was sleeping in the youth bed I still had to wear those awful pants every night). She took off my diapers and sent me to the bathroom to shower. It was the first time I had been allowed to shower alone since I had arrived at Grandma's but I didn't use the chance to masturbate.

When I came back to my room Grandma inspected my vulva to see if I had behaved myself and when she was satisfied she gave me a pair of my normal panties to wear. They felt so wonderful I wanted to do a dance to celebrate. Then she gave me one of my old bras and that felt pretty good too. I had only short dresses but that didn't bother me anymore. It was one thing to give the world a peek of your panties and another thing altogether to show diapers and plastic panties.

As Grandma started to pile things up by the door I watched anxiously for any sign of the leg brace or the hard pants. I detested both things so badly that it would have broken my heart to know that they were even in the same house.

Finally I heard Mom's car and rushed outside to meet her. I was so glad to be going home. I felt like I was being let out of prison! I hugged her in the yard and then, suddenly, felt my water give way. I took a step back and we both stared as dribbles of pee trickled down my legs.

The look on Mom's face darkened. Then she looked past me at Grandma. "I think you've kept her in diapers a little too long." was all she said.

Grandma came out into the yard and took my hand. "She needed the diaper training. A few relapses are to be expected." Then she said to me, "I guess we had better put you back into diapers, at least for the trip home." The phrase 'back into diapers' stuck in my mind as Grandma led me upstairs to my room where those wonderful normal panties were taken off and I was bound up in two cloth diapers and a pair of the plastic panties with the ruffles sewn along the seat. I hated how used I had become to wearing diapers and I was terrified that the accident in the yard would make Mom want to keep me in them once we got home.

Mom asked me a lot of questions about the summer and how often Grandma had made me wear diapers. She didn't seem surprised when I told her that I hadn't been out of diapers since the day I arrived. She said that the experience had probably done me good and that she hoped I had learned my lesson well. I wanted to ask her if she was going to make me wear diapers as a punishment but I was so afraid of a positive answer that I just couldn't bring myself to form the words.

When we got home she helped me unpack. While I had been away she had cleaned out a lot of my clothes from the closet and the dresser. With a sinking heart I watched her put the diapers that Grandma had sent away with my other things. The worst part of all was the fact that every time I opened my closet door I would be looking at a bag of Attends. She took my diaper off and said that she wasn't mad about me wetting but that if I started wetting she would diaper me - not because I was being punished but to keep the carpets and furniture dry. She also suggested that I wear diapers to bed until I woke up dry 30 mornings in a row. I didn't argue. I wasn't going to have to wear diapers in the day time and there was a good chance I wouldn't have to wear the uncomfortable Attends ever again.

I wet for the first few nights back at home but Mom didn't make a fuss about it. She purchased a plastic mattress cover for my bed and promised not to hang my cloth diapers out on the line for everyone to see.

Life generally got back to normal for a few weeks. I had a couple of day time accidents but I sensed I was regaining my control of my urine. I had my 15th birthday and as a special present Mom announced that I could start wearing pantyhose and higher heeled shoes on special occasions. I was so excited that I went out and bought a new dress, special nylons and a new pair of shoes with heels much higher than anything I had ever been allowed to wear before. I modelled the outfit for Mom, grateful that for once I had skirts that were modest enough to cover my underwear properly. She was a little concerned about how sexy I looked and said she had to think about whether or not I would be allowed to wear the clothes to the Fall dance at my school.

By the time the dance came around I had a new boyfriend who was still "too old" by Mom's opinion. I started to get ready just after dinner by taking a bath and shaving my legs and underarms. I did my make-up and perfume in the bathroom and then put on a bath robe to go to my room.

I stopped stock still when I found Mom in my room but when I saw the cloth diapers and plastic panties on the bed beside her my heart began to sink.

Mom saw the look on my face and started to console me. She said she knew how much I was looking forward to the dance and how I wanted to wear my new outfit. Nonetheless she had some concerns about my new boyfriend and she didn't want a repeat of what had happened last spring. Therefore she had decided that I should go to the dance with diapers on underneath my dress as a reminder not to let boys get too fresh.

I was so stunned that at first I just couldn't picture how it could possibly work. Mom took charge and led me over to the diapers. She took off my robe and made my lie down on them before she used a lot of powder. Then she pinned them the way Grandma had, using four pins, before she pinned them comfortably snug. She teased me that it had been a long time since she had put a diaper on me.

I stood up and was reaching for the plastic panties when she said she wasn't finished. She had a needle and thread ready and a few seconds later had sewn the diapers on my body. She explained that it would be too tempting for me to go to the ladies room, take off my diapers, do naughty things and then put the diapers on before I came home. To be truthful, the thought hadn't occurred to me but now it was impossible anyway. I put the plastic panties on and then began to work the pantyhose up my legs while Mom watched.

The pantyhose covered my diapers but just by taking a few steps we both knew they would slide down off the plastic panties and I would be spending a lot of time adjusting them. Mom looked thoughtful for a moment and then disappeared down the hall. She came back with a garter belt and a pair of stockings.

I had never seen a garter belt before and she had to show me how to put it on. We lengthened the garters while Mom told me how sexy a garter belt was and how it drove some men wild. "But you won't let any wild men get close enough to find out, will you?" she said in a tone that was almost teasing.

The stockings were a lot easier to put on than the pantyhose and from that moment onward I've preferred them for that reason.

It felt very strange to be in diapers and yet feel the taunt garters pulling at the tops of my stockings. It also made me feel very sexy and soon my diapers were damp from my own juices.

My date came to pick me up and off we went to the dance.

Mom was right about the diapers. I was so afraid of someone discovering them that I made sure my boyfriend didn't try to pat my bottom while we were dancing and I let him know in no uncertain terms that kissing was as far as I was going to go.

The girls kept bugging me to go to the ladies room with them to gossip. How could I tell them that I wouldn't be needing a toilet for the rest of the night? I went anyway and pretended to use one of the cubicles.

Mom had given me a curfew of midnight but she may as well have saved her breath. By 11:00 I had wet to the point where I dared not wet anymore. I was scared that I might lose control so I told my date to take me home. I had had a good time but a chaste one.

As soon as I got in the door Mom was anxious to know about the dance. I knew she really wanted to check my diapers so I told her I had to pee real bad and she could come with me to the bathroom if she wanted.

I had to release all my garters and struggle to get the diaper pins loose before I could sit down. I didn't make it because of the sewing. Before Mom could get the diapers loosened I flooded them. They held the water but now they were very heavy. Mom helped me take off my dress and then she released the diaper pins and inspected the stitches that had acted as diaper locks all night. Satisfied that there had been no tampering she congratulated me and left me alone to do my business.

When I got back to my room Mom was waiting beside a thick pile of cloth diapers and a fresh pair of plastic panties. I was upset because I had been dry long enough not to have to wear diapers at night anymore. She explained that she could tell from the condition of my diapers that I had been aroused during the evening and she wanted me to sleep in extra thick diapers tonight to remind me of my summer at Grandma's and the lessons I had learned.

Remembering the way I used to be able to rub myself off when wearing diapers I pretended to be angry but in fact I was looking forward to a wonderful orgasm. I let Mom put the diapers on me and then we said good night. Before I drifted off I had a wonderful masturbation session and another one the next morning.

Mom continued to make me wear diapers from time to time as a chastity device or to remind me of Grandma's lessons. I tried to protest appropriately but in fact I looked forward to having the soft thick pads pinned tightly in place and then being left alone to enjoy a delicious orgasm.

I don't think Mom ever figured out that I had come to enjoy wearing diapers. She didn't notice when I took some diapers to university with me. I wore them to class under full skirts and even went out on a date wearing them. No one discovered my secret.

I still wear diapers for fun. Sometimes I'll sew them on before I go shopping and wet myself merrily all afternoon, relishing the thought that no one else is aware of my private world.

Thanks Grandma!