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Views: 770 Created: 2007.09.27 Updated: 2007.09.27

Josh Taylor's Story

Chapter 14

Well, here it is, Christmas morning, as I lay here in my crib. I know it’s pretty early but as normal I’m not allowed to get up until someone comes to get me out of my crib. All I can do is lie here and think, you know the more I wear these diapers and mom and dad keep me as a little kid. I, I think that I’m starting to enjoy it well at least part of it. You know they don’t feel all that bad kind of good as a matter of fact, but they are still really embarrassing to wear places probably made worst since it seems the only clothes that mom has for me are styled more for little kids than a boy of 15.

I think I hear someone coming to my room.

"Good morning, Josh."

"Morning, dad," I tell him as he lets the side rail down on my crib.

"Hope you’ve been a good boy as I’m sure Santa brought you something," he said half-laughing as I’m sure he was referring about me talking to Santa at the mall. It’s been the topic of conversation for the past few days. He unsnapped the waist band of my pajamas from the tops and pulled back the waistband for my plastic pants to reveal some soggy diapers. Dad just patted my diapered butt and said, "well, why should I expect you to be dry on Christmas? It would be a wonderful present you could give your mother and me."

I’m sure I have been a big disappointment for both of my parents but it's not like I can do much about my bedwetting, and now being back in daytime diapers for so long I’m even beginning to wonder if I can stay dry during the day?

He took my pajama top off and told me to give him the pants also. I did so, thinking he would change my diapers and give me some clothes to wear. Boy was I wrong.

"Josh, it’s pretty warm in the house so you can just wear your diapers this morning."

"But Dad."

"No buts, Josh. I’ve let you slide the last few day because it’s been kind of cold, but now that its warm again you know the routine."

Not that I liked this but we headed off to get some breakfast. I climbed into my highchair and mom tied my bib in place and gave me a bowl of hot cereal “Oh Yum”.

All the kids wanted to open presents after breakfast. All we heard was, “come on you guys. It’s time”.

"All right, we are coming, just as soon as I change your brother. Mom, he’s been wet before, what's the big rush today? He’s just a big baby anyway."

Mom grabbed a pair of terry-lined pants and had me step into them.

"There Josh, these should hold you for awhile."

Man, these were printed pants with little bears on them and were kind of a yellow background. Wonderful.

We all got busy opening presents and as always, only one of us could open a present at a time so everyone could see what each other got. I didn’t realize it at the time but as I opened each gift Mom or Dad would snap a picture of me and they were doing the same for each of the other kids. My brother got a cool digital camera and before long was snapping pictures along with them. There was so much going on that I didn’t realize that so many pictures were being taken.

All of us got so really kewl stuff except me. I got mostly baby stuff— some new plastic pants and shortall’s, and even a couple of pairs of new overalls. One of these pairs even had teddy bears on them. After everything had been opened mom and dad took us to the garage and, upon opening it there were 4 new bikes. I really got the new mountain bike I had hoped for. It is really great, and for the moment I forgot about all those other things I had received. We all thought these bikes were the best and could hardly wait to get out and try them out and this Christmas was pretty warm outside so we really could.

My sisters went upstairs to change into some play clothes so they could get out and try those new bikes out as did my brother, I wanted to join them but mom said she would change me as soon as the dust settled. Soon, though, I was up in the crib getting my very wet diapers changed. This time she put me in a youth sized Attends and sent me off to go try out the new bike.

It was great. The gears are so low on my bike I could probably climb anything, and it even has a shock mount front end. What more could a kid ask for?

Dad called us all in as we had to get ready to go over to my parents' friends' house for Christmas dinner. These people were always fun to go see and had kids of their own all about the same age as my brother and me and my oldest sister, but they had all boys. We went upstairs to get ready and mom came in to change me she took off my by now wet attends and cleaned me up she then grabbed more cloth diapers and had me lift up as she slid them under my butt and pulled them tight between my legs and pinned them on very tight. She then slid a pair of plastic pants down my legs and again had me raise up so she could get them over my diapers these were brand new pants and the smell was really good. I don’t know why but the smell of baby powder and that of new plastic pants get me really excited and I think mom is beginning to notice. She should, as she does most of my diaper changes. She opened my closet and got my new overalls and had me step into them and then fastened the straps tightly enough so they wouldn’t come off too easily. Well, at least they weren't the ones with the bears, but they did have snaps down the legs. I wasn’t too keen on seeing these kids this way as I hadn’t seen them since I had been put back into diapers and wasn’t sure how they might react.

Off we headed as the car trip would take about and hour or more as they lived way down in Pasadena. Once we got there it was the moment of truth as all of them were outside waiting. We all got out of the car and everyone was greeting everyone, but no mention of my diapered state was mentioned. All of us kids were playing in the yard and having a great time. They had everything there: basketball court, pool (a little too cold for that),tennis court and the boy even had built a tree house some years before, that was really kewl. A couple of hours had passed and mom and theirs brought us out stuff to drink and everyone enjoyed something, they also informed us that dinner would be in about an hour or so.

The middle boy, who, 14, almost my age, came over and asked me to come up to the tree house with him, which I followed him up. It was neat and had a view forever, at least over a couple of the neighbors' yards.


"What Jimmy?"

"What you wearin'? Mom said your mom put you back in diapers, and it sure looks like you are. Are ya?"

I turned twenty shades of red, no matter how many times someone asks you it just doesn’t get any easier.

"Well Jimmy, no. Why would your mom tell you something like that?"

"Sorry Josh, I just wasn’t sure, but I had to find out."

Man how did I get off that easy, he must be really stupid.

We all sat down to eat and since the table wasn’t big enough for everyone the kids sat at a table in the kitchen, just me Jimmy and my sisters. Everyone else sat in the dining room. Mom took really good care of us and waited on us constantly. It seemed really weird not sitting in a highchair. Mom had served us just about everything when my youngest sister asked, “Mom shouldn’t Josh be wearing his bib? What if he get stuff all over himself?"

Mom really tried to shut her up but it came out too quick.

"Josh is a big boy and doesn’t need a bib."

All the while Jimmy was just staring my way. After mom left, Jimmy, kidding, asked, "Josh, do you normally use a bib?"

Of course my sisters jumped right in with, “well duh baby Josh eats in a highchair dad made for him.”

"Shut up you two. What ya going to do, wet your baby pants Joshey?"

Man, there was no use with two little sisters. Mom walked in and heard my sisters in action and told them to stop teasing, which they finally did. The rest of the meal was rather quiet I certainly didn’t want to start any new conversation, being afraid where it might lead to.

After dinner we all gathered in the living room and watched some TV and the adults started to play some kind of card game. I know Jimmy told his brothers what he had found out to be true as they were all watching me awfully close, and my brother, who also loved to try to tease me after returning form the bathroom, asked if I needed to use it, commenting that he hadn’t seen me use it all day.

It was around 9:00 when mom and dad walked in, and instead of telling us to get ready to go home they had decided to play what ever game it was they were playing and that we would all be put to bed until they were ready to go except for my brother and there oldest son, who could stay up. I looked at mom and she looked back and came over and told me not to worry.

"OK, kids," their mom told them, "go get your pajamas on an get ready for bed."

The two youngest ran off toward their rooms as Mom took me and my sisters off to their parents' room. As we entered their room Mom told us that we would sleep in here and she and dad would wake us when it was time to leave. Mom then called me over and undid my pants which I tried to grab but they slid to the floor. She then pulled back the waistband of my plastic pants and checked my diaper to see how wet I was.

"Whew, Josh you're soaked! I’d better change you, wouldn’t want you wetting their bed."

She left to get the diaper bag from our van and upon returning she changed me, Man it felt good to get those wet diapers off. I hadn’t asked earlier for I felt to self-conscious. She put me back in really thick night diapers and patted my butt as she tucked us in,. She turned out the lights as she left the room and headed back to their card game. It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes before the two youngest boys came in the room.

"Josh, we just gotta know if it’s true."

"If what’s true?" I asked innocently.

"You wearin' diapers?"

"NO, go away."

Just then they pulled the blankets off me as I struggled to hold them in place. They just stood there as if they were in shock and They stared at my thickly padded butt and those shiny white plastic pants.

"Josh, you are a big baby," one finally said. Just then they heard someone coming and ran off back to their room, and that was the last I saw of them that night.

The next thing I remember of that trip was waking up in my crib at home the next morning. The next week passed about the same as the one before Christmas, and for New Year's cousin Dorothy came over to baby-sit for me and my sisters. They all took turns telling me I should be Baby New Year as I was the only one still in diapers, but I got put to bed way too early too even think of staying up to celebrate the New Year.

Soon it was back to school and my punishment had ended I got my clothes back and it was a good thing as it’s been really cold here, especially for southern California. Nothing new at school, just the usual teasing from the other kids, but until I can convince mom and dad that I don’t need them anymore that will still go on. I guess I’ll be the baby of the family as long as MOM and DAD sees fit.

It’s now coming up on April and a lot of my friends are getting learner's permits for their driving license’s. Man, April 9th, I could too. I wonder what Mom and Dad would say? My brother got his when he was 15 ½ . Well, I think I will ask them soon, I’ll let you know what happens.