
Views: 961 Created: 2007.10.23 Updated: 2007.10.23

The Baby Business

Part 7

During the first few minutes, Doug tried to get a little more comfortable. His hands being tied above his head was innately uncomfortable, and he faced an unenviable choice between trying to hold his arms up on his own, which, he found, led to muscle cramps within five minutes, or letting his hands stay limp, which rested his arm muscles a little but chaffed at his wrists and cut off his circulation. In addition, his arms being elevated put added weight on the bony part of the pelvis on which he was sitting, making this extremely uncomfortable against the unforgiving porcelain of the tub. He tried to shift his weight, but his jeans were tied to the faucet behind him, and this prevented him from moving enough to get really comfortable. The pillow in his back also wasn't doing a good enough job on his back; it was starting to ache already. This test would certainly challenge his endurance, he thought, though not in the way Mrs. Warren anticipated.

He was trying to distract himself by thinking of other things when, scarcely 25 minutes into his three hour incarceration, he felt his bladder twinge a little, indicating its apparent fullness. This mostly just disappointed him, because he knew it would be a while before he could relieve himself, and that meant two and a half hours of relative discomfort on top of what he was already feeling in his arms, rear end, and back. But he'd held out for far longer than that in the past, (on long trips, for example) so he wasn't worried about it, per se. Since he hadn't had a lot to drink this morning, it shouldn't get any worse.

Ten minutes later, though, it did get worse. He started to feel a lot of pressure, and tried to move again in an effort to make it less evident. But of course, he still couldn't move. Doug smiled, feeling chagrinned. It looked like it WOULD in fact be a little test to endure this kind of bladder discomfort for another two and a half hours. He tried to figure out why he was having so much trouble, and could only point to a combination of the beer he had had last night and the Gatorade this morning. Weird. Oh, well. He'd just have to put up with it.

But fifteen minutes later found Doug about ready to burst. He swore and groaned, confused about how the beer from last night could still be affecting him. He had to concentrate now not to relax his bladder's sphincter, which would be a disaster of epic proportion. He thought about how ironic it was that it was turning out to be so difficult to stay dry. This was certainly worse than any bladder fullness he'd ever experienced, and it was quite a shame it had to happen today.

As he hit one hour into his test, Doug was wondering how he'd find the strength to last the whole three hours. Suddenly he heard his abdomen gurgle. As he gritted his teeth against the tide of urine inside him, he attributed the grumbling to his lack of food today. Oh, well, he thought, too bad: his hunger would have to wait. Then he heard and felt more gurgles, which was followed by the abrupt onset of cramps. It took his breath away, and he fought to hold his bladder and withstand the pain at the same time. This wasn't hunger.

The pain subsided, but the gurgling continued and became nearly constant, and within two minutes, Doug was surprised by an overwhelming sensation of fullness in his rectum. It begged for immediate release, but Doug quickly clamped down with all his strength, and his sphincter survived the initial onslaught. He was, however, shocked at the abruptness of the urge, and at its strength, and as he tightened his bottom and bladder muscles as much as he could, he wondered what the hell was going on. He must be sick. Why did it have to happen now?

His bowel cramps went away for a moment but were soon back with a vengeance. He felt severe abdominal pain and heard the gurgling continue, and battled the strong urge he had to relieve himself. He was now sure he was sick with something, and as he attempted to resist the beckoning call of nature, he started to get a foreboding feeling that it wouldn't be possible to last another hour and forty-five minutes of this torture.

Doug considered the options he had. He thought about appealing to the little black box sitting on the toilet in front of him. Surely he wasn't suppposed to be sick for this test: that wasn't fair. Maybe Mrs. Warren would come back and let him out, and they could do this all over again some other time. But then he thought, how would he convince her he was really sick? As far as she knew, this impending inability to stay clean and dry might be typical for him, and this just represented an attempt to get out of wearing the diapers that she thought he needed. Anyway, she didn't seem like the kind of lady who would bargain with him or entertain excuses. So he reluctantly had to dismiss that option.

He groaned again and again as he applied all the energy he could to maintain his continence. He had two other options, one of which was unthinkable. Either he could try to hold out, or he could give in to the strongest urges he had ever experienced. As difficult as it would be, he HAD to try to hold on, because he couldn't imagine her coming back to find him wet and messy in this tub. The humiliation would be too great, not to mention the consequences...

And then it happened. It was at one hour, thirty-five minutes in. He was tiring of fighting, and the cramps had gone away briefly, so he had relaxed slightly, only to feel what he thought may have been a little squirt escape from his bottom and soak into his underpants. He wasn't sure, though. For that to have happened would simply be impossible, and the consequences too dire. It must have been a mistake. Just to check, he shifted weight to see if his underpants felt wet or squishy. As he did so, he felt another little squirt escape his anal sphincter, and then his underpants felt undeniably wet.

When he first felt that sensation, he caught his breath. In fact, his whole sense of time slowed down. His world froze as he focused all his attention on confirming the damp sensation between his legs. He didn't want to believe it, but even as he hoped he hadn't done what he thought he'd done, he felt more effluent emerging from his tortured bottom. He resumed breathing, this time more quickly, in a panic. This couldn't be happening. It was unthinkable. And yet his underpants were certainly wet, and now felt a little full as well. And then, in another moment, the smell from his actions caught up with his nose as well.

No doubt, now. For the first time since he was about three or four, he'd accidently soiled his pants. Not much, of course, but he could surmise the consequences of even the slightest accident. Surely his underpants were clearly stained, and Mrs. Warren would see, and say he was incontinent, and then.... For the first time, he began to ponder what failing this test might mean.

And he had to face the fact that he had failed it. Even now, as he continued to struggle against his bowels and bladder, even now it was over. It wasn't fair, of course, for this wasn't a representative three hours for him. He was sick, or still hung over, or something. It wasn't fair, and he ought to get another chance. But he bet he knew what Mrs. Warren would say. He'd taken his shot, and had somehow blown it. Somehow he had failed his "continence test." He repeated this inside his head as he groaned with the continuing pain. He couldn't believe it.

He glanced at the clock, which showed that he still had another hour and twenty minutes left. Now his choice of what to do seemed less clear. Why, if he had already failed the test, should he be tortured with this pain and discomfort for the rest of the time? Trying to limit the damage did nothing for his situation. And perhaps, he thought in the desperate musings of a man in severe pain, if he gave in and relieved himself fully, she would come back and see that it wasn't just a little leak, that he was in fact ill. Maybe that was his only chance.

Only another minute passed before he decided to spend the next hour and a half in relative comfort. It certainly wouldn't take much to make him feel better, just a little relaxation, and then she'd see it was all a mistake...

He lifted himself up on one hip and relaxed his sphincter a little, only to be truly shocked at the force with which his bowels exploded. With nowhere to go, his watery bowel movement shot down his pants legs and up his back. It felt so good not to hold it any more that he started pushing when the flow slowed down. He pushed as hard as he could, and was gratified by how much better his bowels felt. When that discomfort had subsided, it made the pain from his bladder seem even worse, and he took a minute to think about whether there was any point to trying to fight that urge as well. After all, his poop was so watery, it had soaked his pants anyway: what could peeing hurt? She'd probably never know about that, for most would go down the drain or evaporate. So he relaxed his bladder as well, and a wonderful feeling of relief came over him. Unfortunately, somehow the way his penis happened to be positioned turned the onslaught of urine not down his crotch, but up into his lap, which had been the only dry spot remaining on his jeans. He looked down and realized there was no way he could pass off the dark stain in his lap as anything other than having wet himself.

He lowered himself back down to the tub surface and felt a warm squish envelope his bottom, crotch, and most of each leg. What a mess. It didn't feel particularly bad immediately, but over the next few minutes, as his mess cooled off, he realized that he wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as he'd thought. In fact, he wasn't sure that it wasn't worse now. He wiggled his legs helplessly. He wanted to change now. He'd traded one discomfort for another, and the bad part was, this discomfort would be way more embarrassing when Mrs. Warren returned. It felt horrible, it clearly looked bad, and it was beginning to smell pretty strongly, too.

But he'd done it, and now, he told himself, he had to sit in it. What was worse was that every few minutes he'd discover the need to expel more effluent into his pants. At this point, he didn't even think about it, though. He couldn't really make things worse. So every five minutes or so he eased himself up and pushed more poop and pee out into his wet, brown, full underpants.

And in between his repeated soilings and wettings he had plenty of time to consider how embarrassed he'd be when Mrs. Warren came back and saw him in this state. Before, when he had done it on purpose, no one ever saw him. How humiliating to have had any accident, but especially one of this magnitude! And as he sat there in his wet mess he became more sure that she'd never let him try again. She'd been right all along, she'd think: he clearly need diapers.

And as he grunted and relieved himself once more, he wondered briefly if she was right.