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Views: 792 Created: 2014.05.14 Updated: 2014.05.14

A woman named Gail

Gail Was The Real Deal .. and .. The Perfect Hostess

Gail Was The Real Deal .. and .. The Perfect Hostess

Hubby was able to rise to the occasion but I don't think anyone could have really taken care of that ache that started when I was with Gail and her enema. It took some doing but I was able to finally satisfy that raging hunger and I lay there next to my husband and barely slept a wink. I vividly remember that whole night .. Gail's openess and apparent lack of feeling self conscious about her body .. and being very comfortable. Her having stripped naked for my husband and I that first time we met when we were 'auditioning' models for the 'parts shoot' and after we asked her about how she felt about nudity .. it was disarming and part of her charm .. so .. maybe she was really just that comfortable about being naked. But I was having a hard time trying to figure out if she was playing some sort of game with my mind when it came to her having that enema with me there earlier in the evening. I just did not know what to think .. but she had stirred something in me that I had no idea was even there. Was she just playing a game .. or coming on to me .. or .. I didn't know. What was she thinking at that moment over in my sanctuary? Was this chick for real?

I bet I didn't sleep 12 seconds that whole night .. but the sun coming through the window told me I must have got some sleep. I sat up in bed .. I sleep naked .. and remembered I would probably have to change the sheets sometime today because I was sopping wet last night when hubby was doing me after being there for Gail's enema. Hubby's contribution to the Gibby Relief Project was still inside of me .. mostly .. and I headed for the shower. My clit was sore and tender from having rode hubby hard in an effort to get mine .. I didn't bother to tell him that my little show was inspired by Gail and that she was to thank for my cunny hunny soaking him .. and the sheets .. he sometimes bitches about the 'wet spot' and having to sleep in it .. but I didn't care. It took awhile .. but I had got mine .. and from what I was washing away in the shower .. he got his too. I wondered if maybe he should write Gail a thank you note.

By the time I got out of the shower it was a little past 6 am. Part of what Gail and I talked about when she was having her enema .. was how the class was going to unfold. Since this was going to be a figure study / still life .. we were going to get right into lighting .. setting .. scene composition .. placement .. and how to pose the subject so that the camera likes them and brings out the best of the photograph. We had made it known that the class would start at 10 am and that the students should be there on time. So .. in looking back on that time when Gail was having her enema .. business was discussed. That part wasn't burned into my mind so much .. apparently.

I got dried off and dressed and went over to the studio after letting Dawg .. my 2 year old red & blue heeler mix .. and who would later become my 'hearing dog' .. go out and do his business. Gail was already up and I invited her to breakfast. She was wearing a loose robe and wanted to know if she would be able to have a light breakfast so she didn't have a tummy bulge or be gassy .. and most of all if she would have time to let any pressure marks from her clothing or from sitting wear off before any of the actual photo shoot began. All good questions .. and she looked radiant .. not a bit scared .. very business like and very confident and sure about herself. Everything I wasn't feeling just before my first class of this sort with students coming .. the butterflies were swarming.

Ah .. breakfast .. 2 teenage boys .. and their one younger brother .. a beautiful woman wearing only a robe at the breakfast table .. I had not thought this through. Now I'm thinking what to do with these hooligans who .. by their very nature .. and hormones .. were natural born spies and peeping toms and I wondered if I would have to keep my eye out for eyes peering in through the studio windows .. or up in the rafters .. or concealed in some bushes. How in the hell was I going to teach a photography class to amateur photographers while looking over my shoulder for 2 sets of male teenage hormones and one younger one who was just beginning to be curious about the opposite sex?

Gail was way ahead of me .. she wondered if she just might stay in the sanctuary / studio area and have a light breakfast and be able to just keep the robe on. I breathed a sigh of relief and told her there was some milk in the refrigerator and some apples and such and some Cheerios or whatever she could find or didn't move fast enough to keep from being eaten. She laughed at that and so that little problem was taken care of.

On my way back to the house I knew that maybe hubby might have to ship the boys off for the day .. and he understood. By the look on his face .. he hadn't thought about our three stooges getting an eye full either. He broke the news to the boys at breakfast about them getting a 'work detail' on a far corner of our property away from civilization and that they would have to love it. Hubby is 6'5" .. former Marine .. and had the reputation with our boys of being .. 'psycho' .. at times. He worked at keeping up the reputation of 'psycho' and used it to our advantage. Our 2 oldest were barely able to hide their disappointment at not having the opportunity of seeing their new friend Gail in the way they imagined.

They would just have to get over it.

Our place is out and away from town and takes some time .. and detailed directions .. to get to. By 8:30 am the first of our students found their way to our studio and although they were a little early .. it was a good sign. It was a very good sign .. and totally unexpected .. because ALL of those who signed up for the class showed up and were there by 9:30 am. There were going to be more for lunch than expected .. but hubby was going to take care of that once we got the class started.

It took a couple of hours to get the paperwork .. the introductions made between the class members and most of them had been clients of ours for family portraits .. graduations .. reunions .. weddings .. and that sort of thing. They were all serious students and after going over the basics .. it was time to start setting up for the actual 'hands on' portion of the class. That meant it was time to bring Gail in so that they could get to know her. I had it planned on what I was going to say .. how I was going to introduce her .. and what role she would play in their learning experience.

Not being a public speaker .. I did ok with introducing her but it left much to be desired. She was standing beside me in her robe .. with just the right amount of make up .. nicely done hair .. slightly mussed .. very poised and with a lovely smile. I then turned to her to have her tell the class a little about herself and as she began to speak .. she casually took off her robe and hung it on a coat hook behind her. She was totally naked and turned back to speak to the students who were just as surprised as I was but luckily they weren't looking at me when I experienced this woman disrobe and present herself so openly to those students.

I was totally mesmerized by Gail and the way she would approach each student separately and shake their hand with hers .. holding on to the students hand until she got their name right .. and they got hers right. She maintained her eye contact with the person she was getting to know and asked them a little about themselves. I wished I could hear everything she was saying .. because whatever it was she was melting the ice in a very big way. There were two couples in the class and the wives and husbands got to know Gail together. By the time she had introduced herself personally to all 12 students .. 8 men and 4 women .. all over 30 .. the oldest was 65 .. a woman .. I could tell that the comfort level of the class had sky rocketed.

Once she shook the last hand .. Gail stepped back a pace and the class was in a semi circle around her and listening to every last word she said. She told them that she knows her nudity might be uncomfortable for some and that maybe they might not feel comfortable with looking. They nodded at that .. a few of them did .. and she told them .. as far as I could tell .. that she was ok with them looking at her .. that is why she was there .. that she wouldn't be offended .. look all they wanted .. just don't touch .. and … she didn't do 'pink' .. it took them .. and me .. a couple of seconds .. and then they laughed. She even told them that most of her was real except for her 'store bought boobies' and they laughed again .. and even more when she referred to them as 'the girls' having a shelf life longer than a Twinkie.

Gail concluded by telling them .. that .. unless someone was very uncomfortable with her being nude .. her robe would remain on that hook for the rest of the 2 day class. She told them that she wasn't here to make anyone uncomfortable .. or offend them .. but that she was here to be part of their studies .. education .. and the best way was to be comfortable .. as comfortable with her nudity as she was.

I remembered thinking that they weren't the only students in the class .. by then I was standing behind and to the side of the class .. and she looked so very sincere .. and she looked at each student in the eye as she waited to for someone to say something or want her to cover up at some point .. .. … but she had broken the ice so utterly .. so completely .. .. her robe stayed on the hook.

… … … … …

Note … this was the first of 20 or 25 classes we gave over the next 5 1/2 to 6 years with Gail as our model. She was the genuine article and .. yes .. I loved her .. as a friend .. as a lover .. a mentor .. my next 'account' about this very remarkable woman will delve into our intimate relationship .. physical .. emotional .. but .. for those who may be wondering .. Gail and I did not 'consummate' our relationship during this first class .. although we did keep each other company during our enemas .. we were getting to know each other .. and we didn't want to mess up something that .. as it came to be .. was very special .. and opened my eyes .. and heart.


That Australian 10 years ago 1