Views: 584 Created: 2011.01.13 Updated: 2011.01.13

The Reunion

Chapter 10

When Sean got into the airport late the next day he called me. We decided that it would be best is nobody knew he was even there so he waited until after dark and then took a cab to an address about a mile away. He always traveled real light and shipped his stuff overnight express via ups. There was a coupe of big heavy boxes waiting for him in the garage. The kind of things he carried and wanted, you didn’t even think about bringing to an airport.

I told Deb that we were expecting company and not to be surprised if he showed up on foot to the back door. About 10:30 pm there was a tap on the door from the garage and I let him in.

Sean is a rather interesting looking man. He is 6’ tall and weighs about 200lbs. He is part Mexican, part Black and part Italian. He has black short hair, brown, almost black eyes and dresses so that you have the impression that he is mostly just slightly chubby fellow with a big goofy smile on his face nearly all the time. When that smile goes away you want to be somewhere else. Ex-CIA, ex-special forces and raised on the mean streets of East LA he was not a man that you wanted unhappy with you.

I introduced him to Debbie and he immediately charmed her. He had taken the best from each of his ancestral tree. His eyes sparkled and his voice was a deep melodious rumble that made the ladies knees weak. He was as if deeply tanned and just almost pretty. I also knew that he was undefeated in 16 bouts in mixed martial arts and was deadly with every weapon from a rock to the latest high tech weaponry.

I left Debbie in the house while Sean and I carried his boxes into the apartment over the garage and I looked at the package that he had brought me. Jim had thoroughly briefed him on the situation and he and I discussed what he had brought and what our risks were.

“When you show him what you have it is going to be like throwing a firecracker into a hornet’s nest you know. He will instantly know that he is had and will either try to cut a deal or figure out how to hide your body. There is stuff in there from more than just Jim’s hacker friends. The Feds want him bad and have even sweetened the pot a bit.” Sean assured me. “The Intel on him doesn’t make his going limp and begging for mercy look too probable. Make sure that he knows that you have it all backed up and that if anything happens to you he is toast.”

“Do you really think that will stop him?”

“Naaah he is a mean one. He won’t be able to stand someone being one up on him. It will just give us a little time before he makes a move.” He paused and looked at me. “May I ask a question?”


“The lady is lovely and all, but are you positive that she is worth the shit storm you are going to stir? You know things don’t always go the way you expect.”

“With YOU here, I am safe as a babe in his mother’s arms.” I told him laughing.

“I’m glad you feel so positive. Let’s hope I’m as good as you think.” He smiled.

We returned to the house and I watched Debbie as she was ever the perfect hostess seeing to Sean’s every need. She made tea when he declined a drink from the bar and seemed to be slowly settling into a sort of slightly stiff caricature of herself. She was obviously nervous and unsure how she should act. I had dealt with Sean before and knew that with him any and all secrets were safe. I don’t know if we were quite friends but I knew beyond all doubt that he was trustworthy. I watched Debbie flit around for a little longer and then told her firmly, “Sit down Debbie!”

She had just asked Sean for about the third time if there was anything that he would like and he had assured her that he was quite comfortable. She was nervous and uncertain about how to act in front of company. She snapped, “I was just trying to make our guest comfortable Josh. You needn’t bark at me!”

I looked at her and slowly smiled, “You are still standing. Go get me the brush. Do it NOW!” I barked for real this time… she ran from the room. I smiled at Sean, “I assume that you won’t be disturbed if I take care of a little domestic discipline in front of you will you?”

He chuckled, “Not at all. It will make things easier actually. Women are often so hard to keep safe because they won’t do as they are told. I assume that once you calm her down that THAT will not be a problem with her?”

“None at all. She is normally totally obedient. This will reset her in the correct frame of mind and let her know how to act in your presence.”

Debbie came trotting back in. Her face was flushed and she was breathing as if she was just finishing a 4 minute mile run. “Please Josh, I’ll be good!”

“I know that you will Baby. This isn’t because I’m mad at you. It will just help you to relax and understand how you will act in his presence. When you are told to do something you will act just as you would if he were not here. There is no change. Will you need enemas also to settle you down?”

Her face turned crimson, “Oh God Josh!! Please no!” She thought for a second, looked at Sean and turned even redder. “Would he be there if you did that?”

“Do you have on panties?” She was wearing a pretty yellow sun dress. “It wouldn’t matter whether he was there or not now would it?”

“No sir, it would be like he wasn’t there if you order it… you told me not to wear panties when we are home.”

“Good girl; now come here and let’s get you sorted out.” I scooted to the edge of the chair and patted my lap.

Blushing and almost gasping for breath she nonetheless came to me. I lifted her dress and pulled her into place over my knee. My other leg went over her calves and her hands went together behind her back as I had taught her. I grasped her wrists in one hand and rubbed her ass with the bristly side of the brush. “Sean, Debbie is a good little girl most of the time but like all little girls she has to test you every so often. Debbie, Sean is here to protect us. If he tells you to do something and you fail to do it in ANY small detail concerning our safety he will bring you to me and I will blister your ass. THEN I will turn you over to him for more of the same. Do you understand?”

“Yes SIR! I will be good!”

I laughed, “You will try for a little while I have no doubt but I also know that you will end up over his knees before long as well.” I turned the brush over and swatted her a few times gently to let her know that I was starting. Once she settled I rained down alternating swats on the crest of her full and lovely buttocks. It wasn’t long before she was squealing and squalling. I continued on briskly until her ass was a beautiful rose red from crease to the top of her crack.

When I let her up she stood in front of me holding her ass and crying. I asked her if she understood now. “Yes Sir! It is just as it has been. Your word is law and if I mess up I will get it.”

I nodded, “And what is our most important rule Sugar!”

“Not even one more than I want sir!”

“Ok, it is over sit in my lap and calm down while Sean and I talk.”

She settled in and I slipped a hand under her skirt to comfort her as she snuggled me. “As you can see Sean, she isn’t abused. She is precious to me and we are only doing this shit with Big Daddy because it is the only way she will ever truly be free.”

“I understand. I wasn’t sure that I did before but I do now.” He looked at me and smiled, “If there was ever anyone that deserved to be brought down, this turd is it! Does she know everything?”

“No, she only knows that I care for her and that big Daddy hates her enough to kill her if he ever thinks he can and get away with it. She knows that Jim is my friend and that he is rich enough to not need any help making this purchase and hire you to protect us.”

She asked, “What else is there that I DON’T know?” She hesitated, “Can I ask that?”

I laughed, “I guess you already did didn’t you? Yes you can ask. I will even answer you partly. You know that Steve liked to hurt you. You know that Big Daddy is mean as hell. There are people that are helping us that think they were more than just a couple of mean crackers. Steve didn’t limit himself to just beating the crap out of you. There are some that think he did a lot more than just beat the crap out of some girls. They also think that Big Daddy was involved and may be as much of a serial killer as Steve may have been. They do know that there had been a string of killings up and down the interstate in the couple of hundred mile stretch with here as a center point. They were getting more frequent and then suddenly just stopped when Steve died.”

Sean picked up there. “The bodies were dumped along the interstate but the killings were done elsewhere and the killer didn’t do it in a hurry so he had a safe place somewhere that he could take his time. Along with the bodies there are an unusual number of missing persons all women all blond and all very pretty in a hundred mile radius of here. I suspect that along with him scamming the government and people with his hinky loans and repo’s he and this Big Daddy may have other reasons to want to keep a certain amount of control over some of these properties.”

All Debbie said was “Oh my God. I knew Steve was mean but this makes a lot of things that I never understood look different!”