
Views: 383 Created: 2007.09.12 Updated: 2007.09.12

Diaper Beebe

Chapter 37 - New Diapers

The next morning Gary, Jon and Jason walked into the kitchen with their eyes still full of sleep. The three slowly sat down in their chairs while Dee and Ellen served them with a dish of hot cereal with raisins cooked in it.

"My, my, it looks like our little boys didn't get enough sleep last night!" Ellen exclaimed.

"I told you the boys would play long after they should be asleep!" added Dee.

"Did you little boys have a good time....... with those great big diapers. I am sure we did not put on too many for you, did we?" Ellen was poking fun at the three.

"We used so many we will have to wash them this morning so you can have some clean cloth diapers by bed time..... I DO suppose you boys need changing, I DO suppose you all are weighted down with messes and all..... I really do think our boys need a bath, too!" Dee walked behind each boy feeling over their diapers.

"Oh yes, they sure will need a bath... I can smell them from here," Ellen commented with a smile.

"Ellen, they won't have any diapers to wear until we go to the store. Even their Depends have been used up. Bob told us to go get some yesterday but we forgot," Dee said as she gave Gary and hug from behind and ruffled the other boy's hair.

"What are you getting at, Dee?" Gary asked.

"Well, I guess after you boys get a bath you will just have to play out back without a diaper until we can get a package or two," Dee responded as she winked over at Ellen.

"I'm not going outside naked," Jason spoke up.

"Me neither!" Jon called out.

"I won't have three little boys messing around in the house all day. You will just have to find another way to play today, I guess," Ellen said as she started to clear the table.

"You boys have two choices, either wear a long T-shirt and shorts without anything under them or you can wear a T- shirt and underpants," Dee laid down the rules.

"I have underpants and shorts, I can wear both." Jason spoke up. "No you can't. The rule for today is either underpants or shorts and not both." Ellen laughed.

"Well, there is another way if you want....... you could just go out and play naked. But Ellen is right, either, or not both." Dee stood her ground.

Both girls giggled toward each other while watching the boys struggle with the decision.

After a moment of thought Jon spoke out, "I don't care.. but I chose......!" Then he looked at each boy before finishing his sentence, "I chose... underpants."

"OK!" Gary went alone with the underwear idea.

Jason, seeing that he was outvoted, gave in to the older boys choice, "Ya, underpants!"

But Gary had an idea to add to that choice. "We can wear more than one...... you know, like a diaper."

Jon looked up with a wide grin forming over his face, "Ya, like you did with Jamie when you visited him with your dad!"

Jason looked a little puzzled so Gary said, "Come on, I'll show you!"

The three boys ran down the hall and into the bedroom.

Ellen and Dee stood in wonderment, shrugged their shoulders and went back to cleaning up the kitchen breakfast dishes.

Gary went to the closet where his mother had put all his underpants after he started wearing only diapers. Way in the back he found a cardboard box marked, "Boy's underpants". His mother had set them there thinking one day she would take them to the Church Care Basket for needy people.

Taking several pairs out and laying them on the bed Gary began to sort them out according to size. With the largest briefs in one pile and small ones in another, with the in between sizes going into yet another pile. Jon and Jason watched in wonderment.

"What's ya doing that for?" Jason asked.

Jon picked up one pair and looking them over saying, "Some of these are too small."

"First we put on a couple of the small ones then add one or two medium size ones with a couple large ones over them all. Just like diapers, maybe even better," Gary said. The girls had finished the dishes and were on their way to the boys' bedroom. When they entered the room and saw all the underpants on the bed they asked what was going on?

"We are going to wear underpants diapers," Jason told them as he held one pair up for them to see.

"You're going to do what?" Ellen raised her voice.

"It's OK, Ellen, we gave them the choice and they decided to use underpants," Dee defended the boys' idea.

"OK, boys, off comes your dirty diapers then the bath." Dee had Jason lay on the bed first.

Gary and Jon watched as both girls carefully removed each layer of diapers and pins until they had the little boy stripped for the bath. Neither boy made any comment about the mess they found in the first layer diaper, they knew what was in theirs.

Next the girls had Jon lie on the bed. It was a relief for Jon to get them off. The girls cleaned each boy enough so they could get to the bath tub.

When Gary was stripped down and cleaned off the girls lead the boys into the bathroom where Dee filled the tub with nice warm water then had all three climb in.

"We will come and finish washing you after you have soaked awhile," Dee said as she and Ellen closed the bathroom door behind them.

Because the boys were in such close quarters it was impossible for them not to be touching each other as they played in the water. Soon the boys began to enjoy their bath time making the most of the time together.

Both girls, after leaving the boys, went back into the bedroom. Each stretching out on the bed took up several of the underpants examining them with wonderment.

"This I gotta see!" exclaimed Ellen. "Do they really plan to use all of these?"

"I guess....." Dee was thinking of something else.

"Ever wonder why boys don't want to wear girls panties?" Dee continued. "you'd think they would like the feel of them."

Both girls looked at each other then as if they got the idea the same time Ellen spoke up, "I wonder what boys underpants feel like to wear."

"Me too!" Dee giggled.

"It's a disgusting idea, you know!" Ellen picked up a pair holding it across her hips.

Dee rummaged over a few finding a pair with `Spider Man' on it. She held them up for Ellen to look at.

"Cute, aren't they?" Ellen reached into the pile pulling out one with print of airplanes on it. They both laughed when they discovered that the pilot was `Bugs Bunny.'

For a second both girls looked at each other then Dee pulled down her Levi's. When Ellen saw what she was about to do, let out a squeaky giggle then pulled off her pants and panties as well.

In a few moments both girls stood before the wall mirror admiring their new `underwear`.

Dee passed her open hand down over the boys underpants feeling herself through the material. "OH!" she groaned.

Ellen was doing much the same as she admired herself.

Laughter was coming from the bathroom brought the girls back the reality of the moment.

"What are we doing?" Dee giggled.

"If you leave yours on, I will leave mine on!" Ellen had just turned her back to the mirror bending over to get a view of her rump.

"OK, let's" Dee stepped into her Levi's pulling them up over the boy's `panties.'

More laughter was coming from the bathroom causing the girls to check in on the three.

This sudden appearance of the girls surprised the boys who were not in a protected position. Jason was on his knees outside the tub facing the other boys. Gary was standing up in front of seated Jon. Each of the boys jumped in surprise when the girls opened the door.

"What's going on.... what's so funny?" the girls asked.

"Nothing, were doing nothing really...." Jason by now had turned completely around facing the girls with his legs spread and flat on the floor. Gary slumped down into the tub as if to hide himself. Jon placed his open hand over his mouth as if to hide his face from the girls. "You boys look so guilty we know you were up to something." Dee talked as if she was their mother authority.

Ellen was startled when she looked down at Jason who was trying to hide himself with both hands but it was too late. What Ellen saw caused her to feel a little strange, Maybe it was the boy underpants she had on...... maybe not.