Views: 992 Created: 2012.11.13 Updated: 2012.11.13

More Coffee?

More Coffee?

This story was inspired by the recent coffee commercial where the guy and girl are talking and we (the audience) are listening in on their conversation…

“Want some more coffee?”

“Nope. Both eyes are open now.”

“Some breakfast, perhaps?”

“I’ll wait. There’s something I need to do first?

“Oh? What’s that?”

“In a few minutes we’re going shopping together.”

“We are?”

“Yes we are. But first, we need to have a little talk.”

“But… well… O.K…. sure… What about?”

“You’ve agreed to answer to me for all of your behavior issues, isn’t that correct?”

“Um… well, yup I guess…”

“No! It’s not, ‘well, yup I guess’. Remember what I taught you? When we’re discussing your behavior-related issues, the only appropriate answers are ‘Yes Ma’am’ and ‘No Ma’am’.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Correct. And we’ve agreed that discipline to correct your behavior-related issues will take place every Sunday night. Isn’t that also correct?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Well it’s already Tuesday - Sunday’s come & gone. And you still haven’t paid for your misbehaviour on your bad-boy Journal. Remember all your macho bullshit listed on there?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I bet you thought you’d dodged a bullet, didn’t you? Well sorry - it’s going to happen today.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Waiting this long between spankings is very bad. And it’s all your fault!”


“You’re the one that sabotaged it on Sunday night. I was all set to deliver your cummupance – and you tricked me into having sex, instead of giving you the spanking and other punishments I had planned for that night. How are you ever going to learn to leave your male-ego at the door if you keep dodging your discipline? Shame on you!”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Well, I will say the sex was nice – but I need an outlet other than that - and at least once a week. Discipline’s my only recourse for your bad behaviour and it’s very important to me – and you. How dare you try to take that away from us!”


“Not as sorry as you’re going to be, mister! You need to learn a good lesson about the importance of weekly discipline. Isn’t that right, bad boy?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“And last night… what about that? You’re the one who fell asleep early – not me. I was ready once again to fulfill my end of our agreement. It was you who dodged it again. We have an agreement and you aren’t honoring it. That means you’re not honoring me – which you’ve promised to do. I think you need to pay for that, too. What do you think?”

“Yes ma’am. I guess so.”

“So how are you going to pay for all your displays of your mister macho male-ego, sabotaging our agreement and not honoring me after you promised to?”

“More spanking?”

“Oh, you definitely deserve a very severe spanking - and you’ll be getting that today. I promise. But you’re going to be getting something in addition to the spanking that will help you to learn to be less macho. In a minute we’re going out shopping to find a nice, pretty pair of panties for you to wear – maybe that’ll tame that male ego of yours. I’m getting extremely tired of it.”


“That’s right – panties! Pretty, lacy ones especially for my mister macho. And don’t bother arguing! I’ve made up my mind on this!”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Plus, I’ve been thinking - I haven’t administered a big soapy enema for a long time. So we’re going to do that, too!”

“Oh please no… not an enema!”

“No complaining or you’ll get extra! And y’know, we might as well take advantage of that clean little tushy of yours with my strapon later in the evening. Let’s see how macho you are while you’re being fucked like a girl. You can wear your new panties all day to remind you.”

“Strapon… panties… isn’t that enough? I don’t want an enema too!”

“Shush little boy. I warned you - back-talk earns you extra. Now you’re getting bulbs over my knee first plus a spanking before your enema and another spanking before I take you with my strapon. Should we add a spanking after your enema, too?”

“No ma’am.”

“O.K. good – but I’m warning you: You’d better be be on your very best behaviour today and be careful what you say. I’m not afraid to keep adding more to your discipline all day long! Understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Alright. Now let’s go shopping. You can slip on your new panties in the car before we come home for your spanking and enema.”

“Yes ma’am.”