Views: 763 Created: 2012.02.10 Updated: 2012.02.10

My First Colonic Experience

My First Colonic Experience

I arrive at the facility and head inside to have a seat to wait, and in the waiting room is a woman my age or a bit younger with a gorgeous cleavage and I am sort of distracted to wait for Paula. I wait nervously because this is a new experience and am not sure what to expect. A few minutes go by and the therapist comes into the waiting room and tells the other waiting patient that she will be with her in a few moments.

I tell Paula I have a two oclock with her as well and she leaves to check her schedule, only to find that my appointment is for next Friday, not today. She looks at me and asks how much pain am I in and I tell her a lot. Is there any chance for a later appointment today and she says no, but I’ll call you for an appointment tomorrow. For a moment the image flashes through my mind about the other patient and how it must be to be giving her what Paula will need to give me and I can only imagine what the scene is like, having her remove her clothes and put on a gown open in the back, and than being subject to the speculum insertion and colonic irrigation by my hand. I go back home and around six thirty tonight Paula calls and tells me tomorrow at eleven thirty she can give me the treatment so I’ll continue this tomorrow evening.

(Upon arriving at the treatment center 15 minutes early, I walk into the slightly darkened lobby and nervously take a seat in a small seating area, my heart beating rapidly. I try to calm myself by picking up a magazine but I am too nervous to page through it. So I just sit there staring into the office area, waiting for Paula to appear to start the process. A few minutes pass and I notice how my palms are sweating in anticipation of what is to occur.

Paula than walks into the waiting area. How are you doing, she asks. In my most downtrodden manner I give her the news. The ep started raging pain wise five days ago and I am taking 50 mg of tromodol 4 times a day to try and suppress it which causes me to be constipated as well. The pain is really wearing me out from outside my left testicle and flaring through my abdomen and into my chest. My internist at UCSF doesn’t know why the colonic irrigation last time completely rid me of the pain, but you were the first person I thought of when this started coming on again. My theory is that with the high volume and high pressure that the colonic puts pressure on my prostate where in fact the pain may actually begin at. Even though I don’t like these treatments I do like the fact that it eradicated the pain during the therapy, like flipping off a light switch. Suddenly it was gone.

Ok come with me Paula says so I slowly follow her down a hallway to the therapy area. Behind some privacy panels is a bathroom and next to it her treatment room. Go into the changing area and take everything off than put on the gown open in the back. So I walk in and close the door. I remove the yellow short sleeved shirt and hang it up than step out of my shoes. I than take off my socks and unbuckle my belt, unzipping the levis and unbuttoning the button dropping them to the floor where I subsequently hang them on the hook by the door. Finally, I slip off my boxers and hang them on the same hook, standing there for a moment naked to steel myself for what is about to happen. I unfold the gown lying on the chair and open it up, looking for the ties at the neck and mid back. I loop both ties together and tie them up. Ok I guess I am ready, so I cup my hands under the faucet for a quick drink, than open the door and walk into the treatment room. Paula is there arranging the speculum and hose with the lubricant on the desk. A treatment couch about four feet high is covered with a large waterproof pad and a blanket folded at the foot of it.

I want you to get onto the couch and lay on your back with your head on the pillow. I do as requested and scoot myself onto the surface, keeping the gown opening underneath me. She than takes the blanket at the foot of the couch and pulls it up over me covering me from my feet to my chest. Now I want you to roll onto your left side and face the wall she says so I slowly do that. Paula than folds the blanket in half so that she can see and prepare me for the speculum insertion. I feel a bit of coolness as she rearranged the blanket. Than I sense her pulling the fabric apart over my hips, getting a good look at my bottom. I hear something being squeezed as she runs the lubricant over the speculum than with her left hand she separates my buttocks and than touches the speculum to my anus, than slowly but surely slips it up inside of me. Because of the movement during the treatment she tapes the back of the hose to my thigh. Ok you can roll back onto your back and we’ll get started.

Paula turns on the irrigation system and I begin to feel the enema pour inside of me at a very slow pace at first.) Then, incrementally, the pacing picks up and I can feel the colonic pouring in and then pouring out of me. And after an hour, we are done.