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A letter to ladies requesting an intnernet examination

2. Getting my internet advice after your examination

Dearest young lady,

now you´ll have seen your local doctor.

If you, in addition to his diagnosis, should wish to gain some internet medical advice from me you should ask the medical staff of your local clinic to provide me with a full written examination record testified by your doctor. This report also should contain your vital data, i.e. blood pressure, pulse, vaginal temperature, and rectal temperature. Also I need the laboratory analysis of your blood (if taken) and urine samplex, cervical & rectal smears, and your faeces.

To complete the information I need to give further advice to you, I must see a full visual documentation of your body and some details of the examination. This photos have to be testified by your doctor, too, in order to let me know that they show really your body and not someone´s else. This is the visual informatin I need: a photo set showing your full naked body (frontal and rear view), your breasts, your genitalia (labia closed, and labia pulled apart), your anus (please bend over, your buttocks should be pulled apart); a set of close-up photos showing your nipples, your clitoris, your cervix, your perineum, your anus with anoscope inserted; a complete photographic documentation of the breast, abdominal, vaginal, and rectal palpation performed by your doctor, and, additionally, the video stream the doctor will record during your rigid sigmoidoscopy.

In order to gain a quick first impression concerning the effectiveness of your vaccinations I need you to ask a friend to take pictures of your bare bottom immediately when returning from the doctor´s office and every day the following two weeks. Please bend over while your friend takes the pictures. A vaccination, when effective, will provoke a inflammatory reaction around the injection site. Thus I need you to give me proof of the development of these inflammatory reactions. I around a certain injection site there is no visible inflammation, this would be a strong hint that this vaccination shot was not effective and should be given again.

Only if you can provide me with all the written and visual information mentioned above I will be able to give you the desired medical advice via the internet. As a brave and smart girl you will not hesitate to fulfill my orders.

Kind regards,

your internet doctor