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The Ravings of an Unrestrained Medical Fetishist

Tessa’s Treatment for Too Much Touching

This story always got a lot of "likes" ... then I reread it and I'm reminded why ...



After getting caught “abusing herself” (as the woman’s dean calls it) Tessa knew she was in trouble. But, she had no idea just how much. It turns out that the Cotillion Academy for High Society has some surprisingly, nay, disturbingly severe punishments for any offenses related to sexuality. It just wouldn’t do if the young ladies managed to get themselves spoiled before release from the academy. Can you even imagine the gossip and reputational ruin that would befall the institution of one of their charges were ruined, or, heaven forfend, impregnated while under their supervision?

No, it would not do at all, and it is just this kind of protection the girls’ parents all expected — and the reason why they all signed over complete moral, physical, and medical rights of custodianship of their daughters upon matriculation. The fact that all the girls had already graduated high school and were over 18 was irrelevant. Technically, they could leave any time they wanted ... provided they were willing to be entirely cut-off from their credit cards, trust funds, family connections, etc.

When the dean informed her of her appointment with the school’s doctor the next morning she was terrified - what kind of punishment could possibly take place in a medical setting? Was it really true that they removed your clit? As she dressed for the day - and her appointment - she took one last long look between her legs, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time for her to see herself intact.

She arrived at her appointment 5 minutes early - just to avoid the possible consequences of being late. To her surprise there were already several other students waiting forever the doctor. She was about to ask them why they were there, maybe she could learn what was in store for her, but the door to the exam room opened and the doctor called her in immediately.

“Tessa? Thank you for being prompt. Since you’re a first year student let’s take care of you first. Being late to class on your first day is ... not advisable. Please come in.”

As Tessa walked to the exam room she noticed the other girls watching her with looks of relief but also sympathy. She was not encouraged.

In the middle of the exam room was a complicated looking chair that was clearly adjustable in a myriad of ways. Next to it was a metallic tray on a stand with some green medical towels draped across the top. She saw a number of shapes under the towel but had no idea what they could be. Along the walls were the typical items you’d expect to find, a scale, counters with drawers and cabinets with glass doors, a sink, and in the corner the doctor’s desk covered with paperwork.

The doctor closed the door behind her and handed her a gown. “Please undress fully and put this on. You may keep your socks if you get cold feet. Nothing else.” He then went and sat behind his desk, opened a file and began reading and writing notes.

“B-b-but what...” she began, but was cut off by the doctor. “Tessa, you were found stimulating yourself and that is not a small offense here. You’ll be told what you need to be told when you need to be told and not before. Now please do as I ask before I need to write you up for another offense.”

Tessa’s eyes popped open and she went white as a sheet. “Y-y-yes, Doctor!” she stammered back, her cheeks becoming damp with tears. Despite her modesty and shyness she managed to change into the gown by facing away from the doctor and trying to pretend he wasn’t there. She looked for a place to put her clothes but the doctor took them from her before she found one. He set them aside on a counter, but not before pulling out her panties and examining them. “You’re not menstruating now, I see, Good. When did your last cycle end?”

Tessa’s damp cheeks now flushed bright read in embarrassment. “Umm...uh, about two weeks ago, um, sir, I mean, doctor.”

“Very well. I’m that case, I’m going to schedule you for your first follow-up on Friday of next week. If you haven’t begun bleeding by then please call and reschedule for the following week. Now, have a seat and let’s begin.” The Doctor made a couple more annotations in her file and then walked towards Tessa who had slowly taken a couple steps towards the exam chair. “You’d best not dawdle Tessa, if you’re late to class because of this kind of time wasting I won’t be providing you with an excuse. As I mentioned earlier, you definitely don’t want that to deal with on top of all this.” The Doctor nodded towards the metallic tray with the mystery shapes on it. Tessa quickly moved to sit on the odd exam chair with the wax paper on it. As soon as she did the doctor reached towards the arm rests and, before she knew what was happening, engaged leather restraints over her arms. “For your safety, you understand,” the doctor explained.

Tessa’s tears began to turn to sobs and she began to plead with him, “Oh, please don’t do it! Please! I don’t want you to cut off m..my...my...” Unable to even complete her sentence she looked desperately at the doctor to see if there was even a small measure of humanity she could find within him.

“Cut it off? You thought... oh, goodness, the rumor mill claims another victim!” he replied, laughing. “I’m not cutting anything off, Tessa, nothing at all, you’re safe and in good hands, okay?” he explained, continuing to adjust the chair moving it higher, tilting it backwards, and finally raising a pair of leg rests in front of Tessa. “For a first offense? That would be barbaric! You don’t need to worry about such things, okay? We only do that for a third and final offense. You behave yourself these next four years and you’ll be just fine!” He helped Tessa put her legs into the supports, at which time he stepped on a lever that caused the seat of the chair to jitter and move about 6 inches away from her bottom and backs of her legs.

“Oh, thank goodness, but ... then what’s all this...?” queried Tessa, her tears drying on her cheeks, her swollen, red eyes slowly losing their puffiness.

“You weren’t told? That dean, she ... Okay. She should have informed you already, I am sorry you went through all of that, I’ll speak to her - I think she likes keeping it a secret from the first years, ‘Keep them scared, keep them chaste!’ she says.” As the doctor reassured Tessa, he engaged another pair of restraints, this time for her legs.

“For a first violation, you will be examined monthly to ensure your virginity stays intact, and today will be your first exam.” the doctor continued, lowering the seat entirely away from Tessa’s bottom, exposing her anus and genitalia completely. Tessa let out a gasp and began whimpering, squirming in the chair hoping somehow her exertions might return her modesty to her. The doctor grabbed a folded sheet and began to cover Tessa’s legs and abdomen with it, protecting her modesty by hiding her legs and pelvic region from her vision entirely. “Hush now, be a good girl and we’ll get this done and over with before you know it!”

The doctor now uncovered the tray, revealing a number of items to Tessa she found most disconcerting. The gloves she expected, and gauze and cotton balls, well, you always see those in medical offices. What Tessa didn’t understand were the syringes and clamps that she also saw. “Um, d-doctor? That’s not all for me, right? You don’t need all of that just to examine me, do you?” When the doctor realized she could see the tray he shook his head and moved it out of her sight. He then sat on a stool between her legs where she could no longer see him or the instruments. “Oh, no, of course not! Not just for an exam!” he laughed, snapping the gloves onto his hand. Flipping the sheet over the top of her knees to further expose her crotch to him, he turned on the exam light and pulled it in closer towards her vulva. She could feel the warmth of the light on her labia as he pushed her knees further apart. “I’m beginning the exam now Tessa, try to relax,” announced the doctor as his latex-covered fingers began palpating her labia.

“Those other items are for the desensitization treatment,” he said as he separated her labia and began gently probing at her opening with his finger. “Just few quick injections and it will make it much easier to avoid touching yourself down here for the next couple of months. A little more pressure now...” he announced as he spread her entrance as open as he could. Suddenly she felt his finger press gently against her very sensitive hymen making her gasp and try to push back away from him.

“Owww, please, don’t...” she said as his finger pulled away “I’m sorry, I know it’s very sensitive there,” he apologized. “You appear to be fully intact which I will happily report to the dean!” She felt his finger pull away as he reached over to the tray to pick something up.

“ I’m afraid this next part may be a bit uncomfortable, Tessa, I am sorry about that, but I’ll be as quick as I can.” Tessa felt something cold and moist wipe across her sensitive hymen, causing her to gasp and jerk in the chair once more.

“What are you going to do??” Tessa began to strain her head and torso, desperately trying to see what the doctor was doing.

“Tessa, Tessa, relax. Listen to me, okay? I’m going to be injecting you and it’s going to sting quite a bit. I need you to be brave for me, okay? Can you do that? Can you be a brave girl for me and hold really still?” Tessa could tell from the doctor’s ministrations that he was ready to do it. “Nononono, please, stop, what is about??” Tessa’s heart kept to her throat - she went from the relief of not having to lose her clit and discovering she just needed an exam, to suddenly having to get some kind of shot! And the doctor didn’t even pretend it wouldn’t hurt, he actually warned her!

“Tessa, it’ll be okay, but this is going to happen. I’m injecting a sensory catalyst into your hymen. If there’s any stress on your hymen, say, from trying to have sex, the pain from tearing your hymen that first time will be excruciating. The academy does to make it easier to fight temptation,. It’s not optional, it’s going to be done, and it’s going to be done now - stay as still as you can for me,” warned the doctor.

As soon as the last word escaped his mouth, Tessa felt a sharp pain right on the sensitive spot where the doctor’s finger as been. Tessa inhaled sharply, shocked by this strong and sudden sensation in this incredibly sensitive place. I’m another moment she felt a white hot burning spot right where the needle had entered. Tessa kept mostly still and pressed her lips together to stifle the sound, but it slowly escaped anyway. “Mmm! Mmmhhh ahhh! It burns so bad!” Tessa cried out.

“You’re doing great Tessa,” the doctor said as he pulled the syringe out and began another tiny injection in another part of her hymen. “Owwwwiiee! Nooo!”, Tessa moaned. “I’m sorry Tessa, two more quick stings,” admitted the doctor. Tessa gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, gripping the arm rests with all of her strength. The needle poked and burned for a third time as Tessa felt the tears cascade down her cheeks. Finally, the fourth and final needle stick came and left its burning memory behind.

"Now Tessa, that'll be sore for a couple of days, but it'll start feeling normal again soon. However, and I don't think I can overstate this, you really don't want that part of your body to feel any extra stimulation. At all. Do you understand what I'm saying, Tessa?" the doctor asked her.

"Y-yes, I ... think so? I mean, you said it was so I won't, mmm, you know, have sex...right?"

The doctor looked down at Tessa like an admonishing parent. "It's not just sex, Tessa. Any stimulation there will be quite painful. Of course, if you actually tear your hymen the pain will be quite excruciating, but any kind of touching will still be unpleasant. That means...tampons...toys..." She didn't know it was possible, but at this point, the doctor looked even more sharply at her. "...fingers..."

Tessa couldn't believe it. Tampons would hurt? But she was on the swim team, damnit, she had to use tampons! And ... fingers? I mean, sure, that's what got her into this mess, but ... she couldn't even touch herself with her fingers? How much of her bodily autonomy would she have to give up to this man??

Then, Tessa saw the doctor put the syringe back on the tray and reached for something else.

“What's that? I thought you were done," asked Tessa worriedly.

The doctor grimaced and, looking over at Tessa, spoke apologetically. “There’s one more part to the desensitization treatment Tessa, but it’s not quite as bad, okay?” Tessa felt something cold and metallic push firmly against her clitoris and then squeeze, followed by a loud click. “No! Not there! Please doctor, I’ll be good, I promise!”

“I’m sorry Tessa, we’re almost done. Don’t worry I won’t be injecting you directly in your clitoris.” Tessa suddenly got a whiff of antiseptic and then felt the cold, moist sensation all around her clitoris. The knowledge of imminent pain caused her to sob quietly, slowly shaking her head as if someone might see her refusal and stop before it could go further. “This is a long lasting anesthetic, Tessa. As long as it’s doing it’s job there won’t be any way for you to climax. It’s .. just another academy policy to help you avoid temptation.”

Tessa didn’t bother to respond. She knew it wouldn’t matter what she said or did, the pain would come regardless. And it did, first on the left side of her clitoris, deeply, behind her labia. It felt similar to the previous injections except the needle stick wasn’t nearly as bad as before. The pain of the anesthetic started out about the same, but after a few seconds began to fade as the numbness took over. Just as she could feel the numbness fully take over it happened all over again on the right side. By this point Tessa was somewhere else, mentally. She managed to get through the last two shots without much more than some quiet whimpering.

Finally, the doctor cleaned everything up, removed Tessa’s restraints, and returned her to a normal seated position. “Go ahead and get dressed Tessa, you’ve got about 20 minutes before class so you shouldn’t have a problem getting there on time. Do you know where you’re going?” asked the doctor kindly. Tessa nodded her head wordlessly as she began to dress herself.

On her way out, the doctor handed her a piece of paper. “These will tell you what to do if you feel any more pain today or later this week. Your follow-up exam is in two weeks as we discussed.” Tessa nodded and slowly headed towards the door. “We’ll make your booster appointment at your checkup.” Tessa stopped and, confused, looked at the doctor. “Booster?”

“The sensitivity treatments are only temporary. You’ll need to come back every 8 weeks for another treatment.” The doctor knew this would not be happy news for Tessa, but clearly he had the experience of delivering it many times before.

“All of that? Again? Every eight weeks?” Tessa was numb, and not just under her skirt. The doctor nodded, “I’m afraid so Tessa.”

Tessa sighed, simply accepting the news without reacting. She could contemplate having to go through this all again later. Again.... In November? Even next year, in January, too?

“Until when?” asked Tessa, hesitantly.

“...Until you graduate.”


medfet-patient-shane 1 year ago 1