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Views: 912 Created: 10 months ago Updated: 10 months ago

Embarrassing Max

No one could know

Max had a funny feeling in his stomach. At 22, he never had a real girlfriend. Back home, he had focused on graduating from his undergraduate studies as soon as possible. He had been a hard worker, studied long hours, never really found time for a girlfriend. His ongoing orthodontic treatment and the circumstance that he was still living with his patents might not have been helpful either.

Despite his lack of real life sexual experiences, he had developed fantasies, very specific fantasies.There had been his braces, he got them at 16, when most of his friends had theirs removed already. He felt way too old and mature to wear braces, and was very self conscious about them. It was particularly awkward when he was speaking to females and he felt that they were looking at his braces rather than holding eye contact.

The more often this happened, he had, however, felt more than just awkwardness and embarrassment. It was a confusing feeling he at first did not want to admit to himself: Somehow, the embarrassment had turned into a strange form of excitement, arousal even, if a girl focused on his braces once more. After these types of encounters he would, with increasing frequency, find himself at home thinking about the embarrassment the girl had triggered and masturbate while reliving the encounter.

Then, there were rectal thermometers. Like many other kids, his mom had taken his rectal temperature when he was a young boy, maybe until 7 or 8. He did not remember exactly when he was switched to oral. But what he remembered very clearly was that whenever his mum did take his rectal temperature, she did so in the diaper change position: Even when he was 7 or 8 years old, he had to take of his trousers and underwear, get on his back and wait for his mom to raise his legs so that she could insert the thermometer in his rectum. With everything on display, his mom holding his legs, he had to wait for five minutes until the old glass thermometer had registered.

He found this increasingly embarrassing as he got older. To make things worse: His bedroom was arranged in such a way that the foot end of his bed directly faced the door. This meant that whenever he did get his rectal temperature taken, everyone entering his room would have direct and unrestricted view on his predicament.

But again, as he grew older and was in his late teens remembering these situations did not only mean shame and humiliation. Just with his braces, there his excitement and arousal increased overtime. At some point when he was 17, sporting his first set of braces, home alone, he went to his parents bedroom took the old glass thermometer and took his rectal temperature in exactly the same way his mother used to do. He even fantasised about a certain girl from his class laughing about his braces and watching him take his temperature.

He did this all through undergrad at university, and had even brought the old glass thermometer with him to London.

He had never told anyone, and certainly no one could know at the party.


p lewis2 10 months ago  
hilenk 10 months ago 2