I was 18, finished the school and it were my first months in the university. For my parents, I now was considered “adult” enough, so I could be allowed to have a boyfriend finally and even spend some nights outside the house, without being claimed “young sl*t” and harassed. I was rather naive, and he was older (like, 25) and used my naivety. After several dates I said to my parents “I'll stay with my friend to study and do a lab task” (there are different words in Russian for “a friend who is a boy” and “a friend who is a girl”, there is a word like “girlfriend” but meaning that she is just a friend - and I said that, implying I'll stay with some girl who is my friend) but in fact I went directly to him, we walked on the streets, then came to his house, spoke a lot about everything but I knew it will happen tonight.
I came to his shower, leaved it in just a towel, and got into the bed under the blanket while he was showering himself. Then he came, and I was very nervous, but… at least he was calm and gentle. He calmed me down and started hugging and kissing, yet under the blanket. He was touching me softly, and I got very aroused but still had my scared mind fully on (rather than relaxed), “oh he will do it, it will be painful probably”. He was already lying on top of me and kissing and rubbing but still under that blanket and I thought that he'll remove the blanket and throw it away, to do it properly and see my naked body, and I expected everything to happen after he gets away the blanket, but suddenly I felt something is stretching me there, where it never been stretched, and I am now… filled. If there was some pain, it was very little and I probably haven't even noticed it much, just the feeling of stretch. He was slow and gentle, so it was not discomfortable, just unusual. He slowly moved there, I haven't reached orgasm of course but I was feeling some pleasure even on the first time. He came inside me and haven't let me go to the shower (I didn't even had any blood so that was… nasty but okay) till the morning, and by the morning I was feeling completely dirty (after him doing it once more in the middle of the night, waking me from my dreams, and on the morning) - that was probably his plan.