The other aspect that intrigues me is the biofeedback.
For instance, in collecting a semen sample,
what impact does it have on the patient if he turns on his left side, where he can see a computer read-out with his pulse rate, respiration rate, and a graph of his anal contraction level?
With clear markings showing:
This is the orgasm level pulse pattern,
This is the orgasm level respiration pattern,
and this is the orgasm-level anal contractions pattern.
It becomes a situation where the patient can't deny his response to various stimuli, can't deny his actual level of arousal.
This makes it kind of a sexual polygraph.
So if you mention 17 different possible erotic scenarios, it's obvious which ones make him twitch and breath faster.
Or if you squeeze the base of his penis, it's obvious to both that this induces involuntary anal contractions.
As with the various ANEROS gizmos, there's a loop established. The contractions result in in the ANEROS exerting more pressure on the prostate, which results in more contractions. Likewise, a biofeedback loop translates the anal contraction from a private, hidden, mysterious thing, into a visual stimulus.
The doctor is just as aware as the patient, of the patient's level of sexual response.
Would that visual stimulus result in more contractions, and more feedback of approaching orgasm, a runaway feedback loop to orgasm?
I would think that it might, but this needs more investigation. If it turns out that this is a powerful technique for inducing quick, involuntary ejaculations in male patients, the application in medical work (semen collection) and BDSM are manifold.