With Craigslist greatly curtailed in access to women who were willing to experiment with some medfet play, I feel a definite loss in that area, as it’s now more difficult to find a willing partner. There are of course alternative sites, but I’ve not found any success using those. There is a city of some 400,000 fairly close to where I live, where I had to travel frequently for business. In the 1990s, on into the 2000s it was a simple matter to meet “women looking for men”, there, and discuss my medfet fantasies with them. A few were put off, a greater number intrigued, and surprisingly some had a bit of experience in some aspect of medfet and were interested in pursuing it a little further. I remember one particular lady who was in her mid 30s, extremely attractive and, after a couple of glasses of wine, excited to discuss a detailed medfet scene. After a lengthy conversation, she was to report to my hotel suite, wearing a sun dress, with no bra or panties. After an exchange of pleasantries, that included a bit of kissing and fondling just to be certain she had followed the dress code, we would begin with a through breast exam, looking carefully for signs of any abnormality, as well as extensive testing of nipple sensitivity. From there we proceeded to the well woman checkup. In order for her to relax, I’d prepared a scented bubble bath in the jetted tub, the next part of the scene. Part of the fantasy we’d discussed was that I would shave her pubic hair, slowly and carefully. By this time she was out of a long, enjoyable soak, and completely naked, on all fours, I began at the small of her back, and trimmed and used a nice shaving cream, and shaved all the way to her navel. This entire process was perhaps 25 or 30 minutes, just be certain every nook and crevice were devoid of hair. The next part of the exam was a slow enema, allowing her privacy to expel, and a quick shower after. That allowed for a long rectal exam, a change of gloves, and a lengthy vaginal probe. The last part of the exam was assessment of clitoral response. And she passed easily with a little help from a vibrator. Afterwards we had a brief nap, then a light meal at the hotel restaurant, during which she still remained sans panties and bra, and I required that she not sit on the sun dress, but bunch it around her waist and feel the coldness of the leather upholstery on her bare butt, which caused her to gasp in the cutest way. All in all, I’ve played that type of scene a number of times over the years, with a few variations depending on the lady and her preferences— and that, my friends, is why I’m currently missing part of my fantasies!