The word bottom was the word used for my procedures. Mom, my older sisters, and the nurses at the clinic always said this when they needed to take my rectal temps. The nurses also said the word bottomhole when they were going to insert the rectal thermometer inside me. I remember hearing other kids at school say fanny, tail, hiney, or backside as alternate words for their bottoms. I guess it was different for everyone.
If not for Bell's reply, I would have wondered if I was the only one who recalled it being referred to as the "coolie". Not sure if this term was just used in my area (NY/LI) or if it was a derived ethnic term, but you never hear it these days. All the other terms, mostly bottom, heinie, backside, tushie and fanny were used as well. Think we had (and still have) a collective obsession with this part of our anatomy?
Wolf flow I would bet that coolie is derived from okole which means ass in Hawaiian Pidgin. I rather like it as I like punani which is a ladies da kine.
My parents called it Heinie or Tuckus when my brother and I were young....Among other relatives it was Tuckus. I believe Tuckus is Yiddush for Butt. As my Brother and I got older, it became "Butt" or Ass. Our Penises were called WeeWees [Don't Laugh]....When we Peed we Wee'd. If I ever got a spanking as a child I was "Cracked across my Tuckus...or Heinie". Mom had a thin belt studded with Rhinestones she would threaten us with that my brother and I called the "Split your Heinie Belt". Though she never used it as such we did respect the idea of it. And of course an Enema was having my Tuckus Filled. Vagina was always called "Kitty" or "Pussy".
The word is culo, which is Italian for ass, which could come out as coolie as different parts of the country may definitely put their own slant on it. It is also the Spanish pronunciation.So tushie, hienie, tuckus, culo, don't remember any word for vagina.
For me it's always been "butt" no matter the circumstances. Nowadays it's still my favorite, though I do appreciate a good ass as well.
My 5 year old grand daughter came up with a new one that cracks me up!Her 7 year old twin sisters always refer to dancing as "shaking their booty". Then awhile back we were watching Forrest Gump when he referred to getting shot in the "buttocks". The girls thought that was hilarious and that became their "go to" phrase - buttocks.Well last month my youngest granddaughter had her 5th birthday and I asked her if she was ready for her birthday spanking.She said, "No, Grampa. That would hurt my BOOTOX"!Of course the whole room cracked up and bootox has now become our official word for butt!
Fanny was the word of choice for my mom. I remember one time riding home from a sick visit at my doctor's office and my mom telling me that she had to stop at the drug store to buy some medicine to go in my fanny. That totally blew my little kid's mind. I had never had a suppository up to that point and while I knew from a lot of experience that is where a thermometer could go I never imagined medicine could up there also. I was so amazed I recall asking her again, much to her dismay, where it had to go, and she again said "in your fanny".
Well in the Australian vernacular we are much the same as our British counterparts where "Fanny" loosely (lol) means pussy....Booty is something that is put over babies foot & Panties are worn by the female gender.....Our terminology generally is -- Arse/ Backside / Bottom /Bum /Ring along with an older description now fading away..Coight pronounced Coy..t -- as in a "kick in the coight"
@ThatAustralian saidWell in the Australian vernacular we are much the same as our British counterparts where "Fanny" loosely (lol) means pussy....Booty is something that is put over babies foot & Panties are worn by the female gender.....Our terminology generally is -- Arse/ Backside / Bottom /Bum /Ring along with an older description now fading away Coight pronounced Coy..t -- as in a "kick in the coight"The word 'fanny' in particular is one that could result in significant misunderstandings. 😁'Coight' is one I've never heard in the UK. I think it must be specific to our pals down under.
For me when I was a child I called it either rear end or bum, later on I started calling it my butt. 😃
I remember when the word shot would come up in the doctors office. With dread, I would always ask Dr. Tabalerio where the shot would go. He would smile is "I'm sorry" smile and then the dreaded "In your fanny." No matter how hard I tried, I was never able to convince him my arm was the better place. My mom and I just called our butts, just that, a butt. I believe "bottom" was another term in the doctors office. Now, sometimes between my friend and I we call our butts "dutts" because that is the way her son said it. He couldn't say the letter "b".
The most unique word my Mom or Dad used was rumpinski (I spelled it out using phonics. Not sure exactly how it should be spelled). It was used mostly when we were younger.
I posted my reply here a few weeks ago, and the more I think about it, I remember that my mom and grandmother referred to taking my temperature "up the butt" when we were at home and in private, but "in the bottom" otherwise. Probably because it sounds a bit better lol.
My mom, grandmother, pediatrician and all his nurses used heinie. This shot needs to go in your heinie. We need to take your temperature up your heinie.
Most often my mom referred to it as my tush or bottom. The nurse(s) almost always called it my bottom.