New Red Bag - Tips for cleaning :
I finally own a red bag enema kit! It's a closed-top setup from Mabis rubber works, with a douche nozzle and a short narrow one. It's quality stuff, with very, very good thick rubber that seems like it will last a long time, and a very solid clip that stops the flow completely.
I bought it brand new from a medical supplier that specialized in geriatric products; rather an unusual story, as I bumped into a current coworker of mine in the showroom, who saw me with the kit from a distance, and then the cashier was a very attractive female ex-coworker from seven years ago that I… may have had erotic dreams about at the time. In fact, for a brief stretch after I left that job I used to dream of having her dominate me, though enemas were not involved. She used to wear scrubs at our old workplace, though, so maybe I did imagine that at some point.
Trying it out when I got home, I come to realize that I've been talking a good bit about things I know nothing about. I'd never had a real one before, apparently; my previous improvised can fountain enema (which I have now thrown away) didn't generate a quarter of the pressure and flow that this setup does when the bag is hung high; this has a much wider and longer hose. The douche nozzle is also the longest nozzle I've had up my ass so far, and the effect with even moderately warm water is that of a severe punishment as it quickly rushes in and expands to fill the rectum and beyond.
My improvised setup was built around a (new and unused!) aquarium air hose with a very small diameter, which conveniently formed a press fit when I pushed it into the base of a fleet bottle enema nozzle. So there was very little stepdown between the hose and the nozzle, meaning that the head of pressure forcing the water through the nozzle was not great. Also the hose was less than three feet long, reducing the potential pressure altogether.
On this new kit, I could hang it from the cord of my ceiling fan, though I suppose too high is not recommended.
So how do you clean these? My old setup I cleaned by running hot soapy water through and then rinsing with boiling water. Can this stand up to boiling water or should I just rinse it with piping hot water, to dissolve all the soap residue? At some point do I need to purchase one of those brushes like we used to clean our band instruments with, that you pull through the tube with a string?