Slim, I have to admit, your answer somewhat surprises me. In another post of yours you were talking about how she caught you masturbating once on the computer and you wouldn't have sex with her because she was on her period, but you were pleased that she understood your needs, wants and desires to be satisfied.
My question for you is, what about her wants, needs and desires? It is a fact that most women get very horny on their periods. You love her but are going to deny her her own pleasure because she's "icky"? Wow, to say that's totally disrespectful would be a gross understatement.
And again, will all due respect, "Biblical abomination"? Are you serious? That's like saying that because my Great, Great, Great Great grandfather owned slaves that I am in some way responsible or should be held accountable today. I will not pay for the sins of my forefathers, of my children maybe. For someone like you who's as anal erotic as you are, it might behoove you to take a gander, if you are going to use the Bible as your platform, or your catalist for reason, at what the bible says about masturbation, sodomy and cheating. So before you go casting stones Lot, first judge your own actions.
Just sayin.........