As it turns out, we actually did end up having sex while I was on my period during the last trip. I had no idea it was coming, I hadn't seen my man in over 3 months, couldn't wait to see him. Worked all night, and over none the less, then the drive. I got to the hotel, washed up and took my man for over two hours. And wouldn't you know it, during that first romp, I started. Grrrrrr.
Needless to say, he got his red wings, and red feathers, if I'm understanding you correctly, all in the same night. He didn't stop in the middle of our romp, but it was painfully obvious by his face and his voice tone of sorts that he was disapointed. I was too.
I tried to argue with him that if he would have one of his friends just "fix" me, we wouldn't have to worry about that, or the possibility of having a little Doc/Mashie running around.
He didn't buy it though. As he's told me many times in the past, those parts of mine are not broken, so there's no need to fix them. Then he told me that if I would take my birth control pills like I am supposed to, I wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant in the first place, and I could know when I was due and either plan better, or skip the "sugar" pills thus causing me to not have a period in the first place.
Oy Vey, I can't win an argument with him when it comes to medical things, lol. After all, he is the doctor, and I am the nurse, lol.
I asked him if sex was different or better/worse while I was on my period. He said he didn't really notice that much of a difference, a little more wet perhaps. As for me being more horny, I can say that I know I am more horny when I am having my period when we are NOT together, but I can't say that I am more horny when I am on my period when we ARE together because I am horny all the time then, lol. So, can't honestly answer that after only one shot out of the gait.