About 99 percent of my enemas, actually probably 100 percent of my enemas I take, or used to be given are due to the fact that I am constipated.
To me, enemas are a lot of work, and are very time consuming. Start to finish an enema usually is about a 2 hour process for me, not to mention they totally exhaust me. Doc keeps telling me that if I would take them a few times a week they would't take half that long and wouldn't exhaust me like they do now. He says that he is usually refreshed after taking them, but only when he is severely constipated does he have the same issues I do with the amount of time and the lethargy.
The problems here with these solutions for me are two or three, even possibly four very basic things. The first one is time. I sometimes work close to an 80 hour work week, not always, but often enough. I just simply don't have that kind of time, especially when my normal average enema sessions take about 2 hours from start to finish. The second thing is, I don't eat right by any sense of the word. Every night, (because I am a very loyal customer, I go across the street where I work and eat at Tim Hortons. Everyday for the most part I order the same thing. I get a pannini sandwich, I leave it up to them as to what they feel like fixing me, a side of something, sometimes it's a bowl of chili, or lasagna, or a bag of chips, or a yogurt and berry cup, then 2 muffins, usually their choice too, (I like the surprise), and a large Icy Cap, all of which they only charge me 3.59 cents for. Heck, I can't pack my lunch for any cheaper than that. Now, before your mind starts wandering in to things like, "damn, that woman can really put the food away", please keep in mind that I only eat half my sandwich, half of my side, which ever one they pick, and drink about half of my Icy cap. Then I take the rest home and eat the other half a few hours before I go to bed, and I usually leave one of the muffins for my youngest daughter who is still in high school. She thinks I really love her, which I do, lol, but it starts her day off on a happy note because she feels that since I don't bring one for anyone else, it makes her feel special, and she needs that, so it's all good. Point I am getting at with this entire story is that all I drink in that 24 hour period, is that Icy Cap, thus probably leaving me pretty much in a constant state of dehydration. Thirdly, I only poop anyplace between 7-10 days, not even joking. And fourth and not least, I do not in any means, shape or form of the word exercise. Heck, I hate walking out to my van parked outside my house everyday. I as I said, work at least 60 hours a week, sometimes pushing that closer to 80, and I am constantly on the go there, hardly ever even sitting down, and seldom do I have time for a break. Yes, I know that isn't the same as working out, I get that. But by the end of my day I am too tired, don't have enough time, and to be 100 percent honest with you, I don't want to. And as for drinking water, well, I absolutely hate it, and it makes my belly all crampy anyway, and again, I don't have time to be sick.
So, you add all those things up together and it's no wonder I live in a constant state of dehydration, which in turn, as most of you already know is the perfect combination for constipation. So, when my belly starts cramping up really badly, or I get nauseated, I know I have to take an enema, which given my chioces of food and beverage consumption or lack there of, including lack of exercise, clearly makes enemas for me medically warrented.
While I sometimes actually do enjoy them, key word there being sometimes, they are not something I plan for, look forward to, or get all that excited about, lol. Oh, and I forgot the 5th element, privacy. I never seem to have any of that either which makes enema taking a real pain in the ass, pun intended. lol.