Quiet now what is all the fuss in here?
Your all tangled up in your blanket let me help you.
Oh my goodness your diapers are soaking wet no wonder your fussing.
Now now lay back and Mommy will change that soaking wet diaper for you.
Now let me get the changing pad for under your bum, we don't want a wet spot on your crib sheets.
There we go let's get this under your bum, don't you look so sweet in your diapers.
My goodness your so very wet maybe we should double diaper you.
Thank goodness for your plastic pants or you would be in the middle of a puddle.
Now lift up a bit and I will slip your plastic pants down.
Do I smell a little poopy in your diapers too?
Now let's get all of those diaper pins undone and get that wet old diaper off of you, there we go.
Chilly with that wet old diaper off isn't it?
Now I put the baby wipes here somewhere, oh there they are on the changing table.
I'll bet that feels so nice to have Mommy washing you all over your diaper area with the baby scent wipes.
Now lets get you rolled over so Mommy can clean your pee soaked little bum.
Now that has to feel so much better, and you smell so babyish with your clean little bum. I love the new baby scent of these wipes.
Just a qick little rub of cream on your bum. Now roll you back over and we will put you in a clean soft double diapers and a clean pair of plastic pants.
Now lift up again and I will slide this thick diaper under you and get you all pinned up.
First I need to put some diaper rash cream on you your a little red, don't want diaper rash on that cute tummy of yours.
There does that feel better with all of that nice soothing diaper rash cream?
OK let's get those diapers up between your legs and pinned on before you wet all over. Wider please thick diapers coming through.
Oh my goodness you look so sweet and helpless in those thick double diapers.
Feet please so we can get your plastic pants started, Now let me pin your diapers good and tight and then I will finish pulling up your plastic pants.
That has to be the thickest diapers I have ever put on, and the baby bear print plastic pants are almost snug now with the thick double diapers on you.
Now why don't you go back to sleep for a little while and when all of my girlfriends arrive I'll bring them in to see you. Won't they have fun with you all diapered up like a baby?
Who would ever think my husband would let me keep him in diapers and plastic pants in an adult nursery.
Maybe some of your Hockey Buddies would like to come by and babysit you someday? Better yet take you to the pub for beers in your diapers. That would be so cute, with your buddyies luging your diaper bag along.