When I was a child I had worms in my bottom. An enema and/or a suppository were always the order of the day. I also was made to drink a foul tasting medicine called Pripsen.
It was in powder form and mixed with milk or water.
All of my 'treatment' was in the 'legs up' position. When getting ready for bed, I would be told that it was 'botty time'.
I'd lie on my back with my legs up in the air. Mother would remove my underpants (ALWAYS checking them for staining).
Pulling my buttocks apart she would examine my anal opening to see if there were worms wriggling inside my bottom.
A glob of white cream (zinc and castor I think) was spread around my anus, followed by the insertion of a finger.
I'd be told to 'hold still' whilst the finger twisted and turned inside me. There would be times when I could actually hear the sound of the cream squelching around inside me.
There would usually be some poop in me, so a suppository would be inserted. My mother would hold her finger inside me until the suppository had disolved.
Once the urge for me to poop had kicked in, I was sat on a potty, the contents of which would be 'examined' for signs of worms. A 're-fingering' would take place to check that there was nothing else inside me.
I would usually receive an enema at the weekend, but this would always be preceded by a finger insertion.
Did I like it? I guess at the time I persevered with it. After all, your mother always did her best for her child.
Years later with discovering my sexuality, I'd like to relive the experience, but this time I'd like to be 'treated' by a daddy, uncle or big brother.