Undressing vs being undressed
Of course, in a play exam, the doctor might often help undress the patient, but in real life, patients must undress themselves.
a couple of times however, We had an intersting experience at my wife's exam and wondered if anyone else has had similar happenings...
Once a male Doc, an internist who made it quite clear when we made the appointemnt that he does not do gyn (though his partners do) Said "Let's look at your tummy" He proceeded to raise her shirt while she was laying down, unfastened her jeans and unzipped them, assuming he wanted to check lower abdonme as well. He started to pull them down, she raised her hips, as if this were somthing with which she were familiar, and he slid them down exposing her panties, leaving her jeans around her hips. He listened with his stethoscpe, then pressed and felt around. When he got to her wasitilne, he lower her panties in the front, exposing her pubic area just for a few seconds, felt around her pubic area then pulled her panties back up
That was about it
He told her to sit up and ordered some labwork and we left.
Had a similar experience at a walkin clinic once; she was having a lot of lower abd pain. Doc did not ask her to undress, he just unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, then did the same with her panties, much farther than the other guy and felt around for a much longer time. He suggested she needed a pelvic exam but said that we should go to the ER because if it were a problem, we'd have to go anyway and then they would do another one. I told him that if there was NO problem we were not going, which is why we came there...duh ... (He was kind of a dweeb.) He said "Well let's go ahead and do a pelvic then" He did as I watched, it was not as quick as when so goes to the GYN but not as long as some she has had. He said afterwards that the pain was not from anything she needed to be rushed off for, he and I talked afterwards as she got dressed and decided that we would follow up in a day or two with another specialist. (She ended up being ok) I did enjoy watching the exam, she did not care, but she is a very hot model type, probably a treat for someone like him to get to see. I thought it unusual that someone with lower abd pain was not asked to just go ahead and undress, and that he adjusted her clothes as he wanted, but this particular guy seemed like he wanted to do as little as possible.
Anyone else find a doctor during a real exam Vs. a play exam who wants to lower or remove a patient's clothing?