Well, I didn't wear diapers for my bedwetting, but I can still relate. I still think about it 40 years later. I believe diapers would have been at good thing for me back at the time. I'm pretty sure the reason I didn't get diapers at bedtime was because, my mother thought it wouldn't allow me to learn to stay dry. It would have been to easy to keep right on wetting the bed. Maybe that's a valid idea, maybe not? I was lucky in that, I didn't wet the bed for allot of years. Again, maybe the no diapers thing helped in that respect??? I was day trained out of diapers by 2 1/2 nighttime by 3. My mom didn't like dealing with diapers, so that wasn't early enough for her. That's also another reason for not getting diapers as a bedwetter I guess.
I think my bedwetting started about the time I was four, till about the age of six. Not a long time, but it left impressions none the less. Impressions that now make it seem like a long time, probably at the time too. Two years is a long time for a kid!
In that time I was wetting the bed, I remember it didn't happen every night either. So, to save the bed a plastic mattress cover was used. Very noisy it was, and the cover sheet sometimes came loose which meant waking up on the plastic sheet itself, hot and sticky ! And then there were the times I did wet the bed!!! Sometimes, I felt myself waking up as I was peeing, but that's to late to do anything. Sometimes, I woke up already wet. Now what? I didn't want to lay in that wet the rest of the night, wet pajamas, sheet, blankets But, I also hated to have to go in and wake my mom up to help change everything, which also ran the rick of waking my dad. So, I would lay there till it got cold, but in the end I would get up and tell my mother I wet the bed. Now she had to drag herself out and deal with all the wet, and changing of the bed and me. I don't think I felt sorry for her back then, just afraid of having to wake everyone up. Not that I was treated badly after, but I still felt bad about it. There was an element of shame in the air (and pee oder ) though. I did also get a bit of teasing from my older sister over it, but she was put down by my mother if she heard about it.
Anyway, I felt pretty bad about the whole situation, and I'm sure my parents did too. Mom had to deal with the whole thing every time after all. Dad, well he worked, that's what he did, he didn't deal with home matter much, especially something like this.
I now believe, diapers would have made things better. I think I would have been happier, not having to wake up with the cold wet bed. Mom would have been happier not getting up in the middle of the night to deal with all the wet sheets, blankets, and clothes and add laundry. Dad would have not been woken up either. Even though I liked diapers back then, didn't know why, I don't think at first I would have been to keen on having to wear them to bed. But, I'm sure I would have gotten over that fast. Would it have prolonged my bedwetting, could be? But, it sure would have eased things very much.
Those are some of the feelings I have on the subject.