Haven't used catheters in a while, but love them. Wife would have a fit if I used them absent medical necessity. The irony would be if my age some day compelled me to use them.🤭🤩
I just don't get it. What ever happened to “my happiness is your happiness” Why would a wife, girlfriend, other care if you used a catheter. If it solves a problem, if You enjoy wearing one, what difference does it make.
I know I am not in your shoes, but if I enjoyed them, medical necssity or not, I would enjoy them. This is just me. I am old and I plan to enjoy the rest of my life, what is left. I am almost 79, I have a few more years left, so I am going to enjoy what is left. I should have been using catheters 12 years ago or more. I plan to wear a catheter as much as possible in the future even with Botox injections.
I have gotten so that if she doesn't like it, so what. I am happy, my wife can either deal with it or ignore it.
I enjoy wearing a catheter, I like it a lot. If I don't wet my pants, I am very happy. Botox injections have helped a lot. My body absorbs the botox rather quickly.
I was cautioned before the first set of Botox injections that on some people end up having to catheterize themselves for awhile after the injections. The injections work very well for some people. I was not one of those people. I had immediate relief, I was able to hold my urine better after the first injections I was verry happy. After awhile my body asorbed the Botox and I was back to how it was before the injections.
The second set of injections have worked longer. I now have a catheter in me. I take diuretics daily, Lots of them. So I pee a lot, all day long. I can't drink beer and such, so it is one small pop a day, lots of water, coffee, (a couple of cups) and so I pee a lot.
So for me, I enjoy a catheter, my wife doesn't care what I do. She doesnt screw anymore, been 10 or 12 years, so sex for me is masturbation. She has never cared about sex, early on I think she did it for me, now she don't give a good rats butt.