I have spoken about this before. I was born several months early and had to have surgery at 3 months on my intestines. According to my Mother, prior to the surgery, while I was in the hospital awaiting the surgery, the doctors gave me enemas to remove waste from my body. After the surgery and up to the time I was around 8, my Mother, under the advice of her doctor, gave me enemas with a small red bulb. That all changed when Mom's doctor had to retire due health issues.
Mom's new doctor, upon learning that she was giving me enemas, advised her to stop immediately and instructed her to start giving me an oral laxative. He suggested two... the children's laxative Castoria or my Grandmother's favorite Milk of Magnesia. Mom chose Castoria. I truly hated the taste of Castoria, but Mom was persistent and kept right on pouring the Castoria to me.
One day a neighbor girl told me that I ought to get Mother to give me an adult enema like her Mother gave her. I must say that I asked, no begged, Mom to give me. But, Mom didn't budge. It took me enlisting her Mother to get that to happen. In fact, my Grandmother even bought Mom a Rexall Victoria Combination syringe to use on me.
I must say that I really did enjoy the adult enemas Mom gave me.
But, that stopped as well. Somehow the doctor found out I was again taking them. He called both of us to his office.
Nevertheless, I would sneak enemas every chance I got that was until Mom caught me a third time. At that point, Mom took the syringe and cut it up into pieces. I found it in the garbage and brought it in to her. She just shook her head and said "Mike, you know what the doctor said about you taking enemas!"
Well, the next thing I know, I am back in the doctor's office where he tries to explain to me what enemas do to a body.
Upon leaving the doctor's office, I spoke to Mom. "Mom, don't make me go cold turkey!"
Mom pretended that she did not hear my request so I spoke again "Mom, do you think you could go cold turkey if you were asked to give up your Salem cigarettes."
Well, the next thing I know Mom and I at the town's local Rexall Drug store. Mom gave me some money and said "ok, Mike if you want enemas, then you are going to have to purchase the enema bag yourself!" Well, I purchased a syringe just like the one Mom cut up.
I used that bag all through high school. But, when it came to going off to college, Mom didn't think I should take a syringe to school because I would be staying in a dorm. So, to be sure I had something that could help me to go Mom packed me several boxes of Ex-Lax chocolate wafers. And, when I got to feeling miserable I'd chew a couple. The thing that I remember the most about them was that the Ex-Lax gave me terrible cramps.
When I finally got a chance to go back home, Mom met me at the door.. We went into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table where I told Mom about my classes and then she asked "well, Mike, how did you like the Ex-Lax?"
I told her "the Ex-Lax did help, but I missed taking enemas. They work so much better!"
Mom then replied "Mike, if you want to take one, your enema bag is hanging in your bathroom."
I guess you might know what I did.