I have a bad habit of forgetting to do a BSE and only remember when by breast get tender during PMS gotten much better at remembering this year as I made it a goal not too miss a month and only missed one
Breast exams I do myself. I try to palpate myself every month. But I like the idea of having a boyfriend do it for me, may be in the future.
Once a twice a month or more usually in the shower when I am having my period or masturbating. But then again everyone here touches each other so it is no big deal. I have felt my sister and she has felt me when we were young. In later years I have felt her a few times when she thought she felt a lump.
I check my breasts regularly and when I have a doubt I first ask my partner if everything is ok for him. Obviously sometimes we even had sex after the request for the check...
I offer to check as i believe i am capable and my SO would overthink so she lets me happily do a breast exam
I try to do my own as often as I remember. Breast cancer runs very heavily in my family unfortunately, so it’s super important to keep tabs on things!