As Addie said there is now a debate inside the medical community about the relevance of regular monthly self exams. Some doctors now state that "classical" monthly breast exams may cause unnecessary anxiety to women and that the most important thing is women getting to know her own breasts either on a regular basis or less regular: in simple words women must be comfortable to touch and explore their. own breasts.
Fybrocistyc Breast Disease, is not really a disease and the designation tend now to be changed to Fybrocistyc Breast Changes ( other terms commonly used were mammary displasia, or chronic mastitis inflammation among others ).
The word "disease" was abandoned because it would naturally worrisome with no need the patients.
Lumpy painful cystic breasts also will be part of a considerable part of women for some periods of their lifes.
This condition with all hormonal changes ( during cycles and life ), breast tissue evolutions or involutions may last till menopause and will rarely continue after it because the glandular tissue will be gradually substituted and or changed in fat tissue.
A partnership between Patients, partners and doctors is the best policy because all 3 may feel the woman's breasts.
As stated by Smithjanie; Slim and our breast cancer survivor Petalsoft a benign natural breast lumpiness may hide a tumor, a dominant mass that shall be considered suspect until proved the contrary.
Need of ultrasound exams, mammograms and or breast MCI's will depend on each patients medical and gynecological histories breast tissue density, nodularity and evolution.
We all agree that touching and understanding what is normal and what is new is very very important. ( monthly or not, daily or occasionally at shower, while making love or playing doctor, etc etc...)
A new finding hasn't to be necessary a sign of cancer: dimpling, breast lumps or nipple discharge, may be scaring findings but can be either possible signs of benign conditions or of a malignant tumor.
Women (an yes Andrea, also men) must not be afraid to discover "things" on the contrary, being able to discover new findings maybe as Petalsoft knows the key to save a life.